
My Vampire Little Sister

In a world where magic was abundant and supernatural creatures existed, Jin Valter lived as a fallen genius. Being the son of two A-Ranked Hunters, Jin had inherited his father’s keen eye for martial arts and his mother’s innate talent for magic. Alas, before Jin could reach his full potential, an Outer Demon attack left his soul crippled and his body weakened beyond repair. Now, Jin lives out his days bound to the hospital bed with nothing but his brains to keep him company. Gone were the days when his peers hailed him as a genius as he struggled to even conjure a spell with his body falling apart. However, it would all change when on the Night of the Blood Moon, a unique visitor paid him a visit… New chapters every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday

Yunniye_Snow · Fantasy
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203 Chs

Rosalyn Shadowgarden (1)

Ever since I was born, I knew I was different from most girls. I wasn't born from a traditional union of man and woman. I had no father… No mother… No one to call my family.

I was already aware of my surroundings when I first came to consciousness. I remember the faces of those who gave me life very vividly. They smiled and cheered for my birth, laughing with an odd expression I couldn't understand.

I didn't know what they were doing, even after all these years… I couldn't understand their emotions.

Time passed, and I grew from an infant to a small child. Throughout my growth, I was given explanations of what I was and who I was meant to be.

A perfected product of the Shadowgarden House.