
my vampire daughter

One day I suddenly received a cardboard box, and there was a little lolita in white stockings lying inside. Whether you are a European vampire, a Japanese shikigami, or a zombie girl in the grave, in short, all you weird creatures are here. Come to me, we can cooperate for mutual benefit and raise the cutest daughter.

Daoist2ootOY · Urban
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90 Chs

This is a senior dog

Aiqier actually scared away the wild dogs.

Ye Shu and Liu Youyou were both quite surprised. Aiqier is indeed an extraordinary child.

Ye Shu couldn't help but laugh, "Now we are safe. Aiqier is truly a member of the vampire royal family."

He praised Aiqier without reservation, and Aiqier shyly smiled. She herself didn't understand the principle behind her actions.

With the three of them feeling relieved, the state of this home was nearly ruined. The iron door was broken, many pieces of furniture were damaged, and the place was covered in dust and debris.

"Liu Youyou, go check if the wild dogs have left. We can't let our guard down yet."

The situation had reached this point, and there was no more avoiding it. Now that they knew Aiqier was formidable, they could openly engage in battle.

Liu Youyou immediately went to the balcony to observe outside and sense the presence of any demonic energy. Meanwhile, Ye Shu and Aiqier cleaned up the mess in the house, moved the furniture aside, and attempted to fix the iron door.

However, their efforts were in vain. The iron door was intact, but the wall was damaged, showing many cracks. It was evident how powerful the dog monsters' strength was.

If it weren't for Aiqier's sudden intervention, Ye Shu would likely have been bitten to death. Those wild dogs were too arrogant.

While Ye Shu and Aiqier were cleaning up, Liu Youyou had finished observing and ran over, frowning, "There are still dog monsters around, and that colored dog is definitely going to make a move. What should we do?"

The Tibetan Mastiff and his pack losing would surely anger the local strongman in the southern part of the city. He would definitely take matters into his own hands.

"We can't escape. They'll track us, and with the power of that dog monster, we won't find peace unless we leave the city. Let's not run; let's face them in battle."

Ye Shu pondered, and Liu Youyou hesitated, "The southern strongman is indeed powerful. I don't know if your sister can intimidate him."

Both of them looked at Aiqier, who was also a bit frightened, but now she was their only hope. She clenched her small fist and said, "I will definitely scare him to death."

With that, they decided to fight. Humans couldn't be chased away by dogs.

Ye Shu made up his mind, Liu Youyou no longer hesitated, fearing no dog.

The three of them didn't plan to escape, but instead, they prepared their home, armed themselves with weapons, using even kitchen knives and cutting boards, waiting for the southern strongman to come knocking on their door.

However, after half the night had passed, there was still no movement downstairs, not a single sound.

Ye Shu was already drowsy, yawning while holding the kitchen knife. As a monster, Liu Youyou could stay awake all night, but she was also exhausted, having been in a state of high tension.

Only Aiqier was lively, even doing household chores and hanging a bucket of clothes.

In the latter half of the night, Ye Shu couldn't hold on anymore. Liu Youyou and Aiqier persuaded him to sleep to avoid exhausting himself.

"Then I'll go to sleep. If anything happens, wake me up. That dog definitely won't let it go."

With Liu Youyou and Aiqier keeping watch, it was relatively safe for Ye Shu to sleep. He slept until noon the next day.

The surroundings were still quiet. When Ye Shu woke up, he found Aiqier sitting in a cardboard box, unable to open her eyes, swaying and extremely tired.

But she endured without falling asleep. As soon as Ye Shu woke up, she also became more awake. Ye Shu quickly asked about the situation.

Aiqier weakly said, "Big brother, nothing happened."

After she finished speaking, she lay down and fell asleep, looking pitiful. Ye Shu kissed her on the forehead gently and left the room quietly.

Upon coming out, he saw Liu Youyou sitting on the balcony stretching. Despite being tired, she didn't seem sleepy.

"Nothing happened?"

Ye Shu asked. Liu Youyou looked quite relaxed. It seemed indeed that there had been no incidents throughout the night.

"It's strange. Could the southern strongman be afraid and decided not to seek revenge?"

Liu Youyou wondered, pointing to the alley downstairs, "There are still dog monsters over there. They are still monitoring us, but the strongman hasn't come."

Ye Shu also found it strange. What was that dog thinking?

The day remained calm. Liu Youyou took a day off from work and stayed at home with Ye Shu to defend against any potential threats.

However, there was no movement until evening. At this time, Aiqier also woke up.

She woke up right when the sun went down, full of energy and hungry.

Today there was no chicken blood, so Ye Shu had Aiqier directly drink blood. Aiqier was delighted, but she restrained her blood-sucking desires, only sucking for half a minute without draining Ye Shu's vitality.

Liu Youyou watched with envy, sniffing the air and starting to act cute, begging for blood.

Fortunately, a bark downstairs interrupted Liu Youyou's coquettish act. The three of them were startled and quickly looked down.

It was the black Tibetan Mastiff that had returned, holding a plastic bag in its mouth, seemingly containing something.

"Our king has issued a challenge. Come down to receive the challenge."

The Tibetan Mastiff, with its large tongue, spoke in a comical manner. Its words left Ye Shu and Liu Youyou in astonishment. The southern strongman had actually issued a challenge – quite unique.

"I'll go down to receive the challenge and see what he's up to."

Ye Shu said, grabbing a kitchen knife before heading downstairs. Since they had decided to engage in a battle, he had the courage to face the challenge.

Downstairs, there was only the Tibetan Mastiff, a half-meter-tall giant. It was quite intimidating. Ye Shu tightened the grip on his kitchen knife and walked over. The Tibetan Mastiff, not looking ferocious, shook its head and threw the plastic bag over.

Ye Shu caught it, and the Tibetan Mastiff stammered, "Tonight at eight o'clock, Changning Street in the south of the city. Remember to come."

After saying this, it walked away. Ye Shu frowned, opened the plastic bag, and surprisingly found a neatly written letter inside, with two large characters on the cover: Challenge.

The writing was exceptionally neat and beautiful, leaving Ye Shu amazed. This southern strongman was not only a cultured dog but also quite impressive.

As Ye Shu went upstairs, Liu Youyou also rushed over to see. After reading it, she looked puzzled, "What does he mean?"

"He means he wants to lead a hundred and twenty wild dogs to engage in a decisive battle with me. He has already chosen the time and location. Tonight at eight o'clock on Changning Street. Changning Street is an old street about to be demolished, and coupled with the battle happening at night, there won't be any disturbances. He has thought it

 through very thoroughly. Truly, he's a dragon among dogs."

Ye Shu praised with a strange expression, and Liu Youyou, after checking the time, glanced at Aiqier, analyzing, "That dog is indeed not simple. He might have already guessed that Aiqier is a vampire, taking it very seriously. This battle is very risky."

Risks had to be taken. They didn't know who would emerge victorious.

"Let's get ready. I believe in Aiqier's royal bloodline."