
my vampire daughter

One day I suddenly received a cardboard box, and there was a little lolita in white stockings lying inside. Whether you are a European vampire, a Japanese shikigami, or a zombie girl in the grave, in short, all you weird creatures are here. Come to me, we can cooperate for mutual benefit and raise the cutest daughter.

Daoist2ootOY · Urban
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90 Chs

the real murderer

Drugs are not something that ordinary people can get. In addition to money, they also need connections. Xiaoqing obviously has all of them. Through the director of the hospital, she helped Xiao Leng get the drug. Then Xiao Leng committed suicide before his sixteenth birthday. He committed suicide peacefully without any pain or injury.

 Ye Shu originally thought that the person who killed Xiao Leng was Xiao Qing, but now it seems that Xiao Qing was just an accomplice, and there was someone else who really killed Xiao Leng.

 There must be a reason why Xiao Leng self-mutilates and why he hates himself.

 Born into a wealthy family and enjoying wealth and carelessness since childhood, how could he commit suicide?

 Ye Shu thought for a moment and then asked: "Xiao Qing, is there anyone in the Su family who treats Xiao Leng badly? Maybe that is the culprit who drove Xiao Leng to death."

 When he asked, Xiao Leng, who was already calm, trembled and burst into tears again. Then he held his head and shook his head: "Stop asking, just read the suicide note yourself."

 She shrank into the quilt, as if she didn't want to face reality.

 Only then did Ye Shu remember that there was Xiao Leng's suicide note, and he quickly stood up and said, "I'll go out and take a look, and I'll be guarding the door. Don't be afraid."

 Xiao Qing didn't respond, and Ye Shu walked out alone. Liu Youyou also slipped out quietly, very curious about the content of the letter.

 Ye Shu spread out the letter paper, and a page full of elegant handwriting came into view.

 ⑧ ○ Electronic book w W W . T X t 8 ○. C ο M

 However, so many beautiful words are arranged in a disorderly manner. The lines and breaks between the words are completely messy, as if they were written randomly by a drunk person.

 Ye Shu and Liu Youyou looked carefully. The more they looked, the more frightened they became. Their expressions changed again and again.

 "He said I resembled my dead mother, that he couldn't control his desires and that he was in love with me."

 "Ever since I was sensible, he always liked to touch me. Whether I was taking a bath or sleeping, he always wanted to kiss me and touch me. If I refused, he would sneak into my room in the middle of the night and hug me. I didn't dare to take off my coat at home, for fear of He was crazy, he was so sick and crazy, almost like the devil."

 "He promised not to touch me until I turn sixteen, but on the day I turn sixteen, he will definitely touch me. He can't stand another extra second."

 The text was very messy, and some words were overlapped on top of everything, but both Ye Shu and Liu Youyou could understand it. The two looked at each other in disbelief.

 Liu Youyou was a little nauseous and said with a disgusted face: "It's really hard to believe, I didn't expect it to be like this."

 Ye Shu felt extremely uncomfortable. This suicide note made it very clear that the real murderer was Xiao Leng's father.

 This kind of perverted father has appeared many times in news reports, but this was the first time Ye Shu came into contact with him in reality, and he was so sick that he felt sick.

 "I feel sick when I read the letter. How did Xiao Leng survive sixteen years and be treated like that by her father?"

 Liu Youyou rubbed her chest and said with unspeakable resentment in her tone. Ye Shu folded the letter and said softly: "Everything is clear. It's hard for Xiao Leng not to hate herself for being treated like that. She must have a mental illness and she wants to die."

 Both of them felt unspeakably uncomfortable. Ye Shu said no more and walked back to the ward.

 Xiaoqing was crying again, until her voice became hoarse.

 Ye Shu stuffed the letter back into her bag and said, "I still have something to ask you, so don't cry."

 Xiao Qing resisted crying and looked at Ye Shu with tearful eyes.

 "Just ask me, I can tell you anything."

 She has completely collapsed and now regards Ye Shu as her backbone. This quiet girl is also suffering unimaginable torture in her heart.

 "If you help Xiao Leng get revenge, are you willing?"

 Ye Shu asked, Xiao Qing hesitated and said in a trembling voice: "Revenge"

 "Yes, since you can see ghosts, you should believe in the legends about ghosts. Ghosts who die unjustly cannot be reincarnated. Xiao Leng cannot live in peace even after he dies, and there is no relief from his pain."

 Ye Shu did not tell Xiao Qing about Xiao Leng and herself, but it was enough to tell her that Xiao Leng could not be relieved.

 Xiaoqing trembled even more after hearing this: "How can I take revenge on my adoptive father? I'm just a child."

 It was impossible for her to stab her adoptive father to death. She even had to rely on her adoptive father to survive.

 Ye Shu also understood in his heart that he naturally did not expect Xiao Qing to do anything earth-shattering.

 "Just keep this matter a secret, and I will do the rest."

 Ye Shu said in a condensed voice, Xiao Qing was startled and said in a trembling voice: "You are going to help Xiao Leng get revenge."

 Ye Shu nodded, Xiao Qing lowered her head, clenched her fingers, and then suddenly asked: "Did Xiao Leng ask you to please me? Why did you interfere in her affairs?"

 Her IQ was on the line and she guessed that Ye Shu and Xiao Leng were related.

 Ye Shu thought about it for a moment before nodding and admitting that there was no need to hide it.

 Xiao Qing burst into tears on the spot, crying heartbreakingly, and said in a trembling voice: "I'm sorry Xiao Leng, she is obviously so dependent on me, but I hate her and always ignore her. It turns out that she has been suffering from that It's so painful. If I didn't hate her and took more care of her, maybe it wouldn't happen."

 She fell on the bed crying, speechless. Ye Shu sighed inwardly, waved his hands and left.

 Xiaoqing stammered an apology, his voice hard to hear clearly.

 As soon as Ye Shu left, Liu Youyou naturally left too. Let Xiao Qing be alone, no ghost will come to scare her.

 The two left the hospital and took the night bus home. The atmosphere was silent along the way, and no one spoke.

 Xiao Leng's father was really outrageous, and he was also a wealthy man from a big family. Ye Shu couldn't do anything to him, and couldn't even get close to him.

 The disgust and anger in his heart were intertwined, making Ye Shu extremely uncomfortable. When he got home, he took a cold shower and felt better.

 Liu Youyou saw that his face had improved and couldn't help but ask: "What are you going to do? He is a rich man and has a lot of bodyguards. I have seen them all."

 The adoptive father often visited Xiao Qing in the hospital. Liu Youyou had met him several times and knew him somewhat.

 Ye Shu walked and thought, looked at the balcony and then stared at Liu Youyou, slapped his thigh suddenly and said: "It's easy to deal with him. Why am I bored here? You can just take action."

 Liu Youyou blinked confusedly: "What do you mean?"

 "You are a monster. Xiao Leng's father is just a human being. No matter how many bodyguards you have, you still know how to do sorcery. You can kill him with just one tail. It's very simple."

 As soon as Ye Shu explained, Liu Youyou also stood up suddenly: "Yes, I am a monster. Why am I afraid of him?"

 They both burst into laughter, almost like two retarded people.

 Ye Shu felt relieved and clapped his hands and said, "Quickly, I have forgotten that you are a monster. Let me see your tail."

 Liu Youyou pulled up his pants and stretched out his two tails. Ye Shu touched them directly and said confidently: "I have been ignoring your identity all this time. I am so stupid. We will start tomorrow and kill him." Dog day"

 Liu Youyou was so itchy and embarrassed by him that she quickly retracted her tail.

 "I myself have forgotten that I am a monster. After living with you, I treat myself as a human being. It's time to show my real skills. Watch me attack with my demon fox tail and beat him to death. He is a big pervert."

 Liu Youyou was in high spirits and regained a trace of the evil spirit of the monster.

 To be on the safe side, Ye Shu was not arrogant and asked Liu Youyou to show off his abilities.

 "I don't know what kind of magic you know yet. You can show it to me."

 Of course, Liu Youyou would not refuse. She straightened her face, stepped forward with her feet, and walked ten meters away. She hit the wall with her head and knocked out a big bag.

 "This is called the Lingbo Foxtrot. I can only cross ten meters now. When I get better, I can even fly and break away from gravity."

 That's a bit impressive. Ye Shu applauded and found some water for her to wipe her forehead.

 Then Liu Youyou stretched out her tail and whipped it towards the table. The two tails were as fast as lightning, and the table was cut into two pieces with a click, and a pool of blood spurted out from Liu Youyou's tail.

 This was even more powerful. Ye Shu continued to applaud and found some gauze to bandage Liu Youyou's tail.

 "This is called the Fierce Fox's mid-air draw. Humans will be cut in half by me. It's awesome, isn't it?"

 Liu Youyou thought of a name temporarily, and Ye Shu gave a thumbs up and praised: "Awesome, kill Xiao Leng's father tomorrow, be careful not to expose yourself."

 Liu Youyou was about to agree, but suddenly shook her head: "No, no, murder is illegal. Not only humans will pursue it, but also the Monster Alliance. I can't take action."

 Ye Shu stopped teasing. If you really want to kill people, you really can't do it simply and crudely. Liu Youyou is the head nurse of Renai Hospital and a well-known person. She will definitely not be able to escape unless she abandons her identity as a human and leaves the city.

 And there is no point in leaving, the Monster Alliance will definitely pursue him, this is killing people.

 The two fell silent again. At this moment, the urn on the balcony suddenly moved, startling them both.

 Ye Shu hurriedly went over to check, and as soon as he passed by, Xiao Leng's figure was revealed.

 The cold face, cute twin tails, and cute uniform are a delight to look at.

 But Ye Shu was not in the mood to appreciate it, and Xiao Leng did not look at him, but stared at the urn and whispered coldly: "Do you want to help me?"

 Ye Shu was startled, then nodded. Xiao Leng turned to look at him: "I want to do it myself, please help me put out his three fires."