
my vampire daughter

One day I suddenly received a cardboard box, and there was a little lolita in white stockings lying inside. Whether you are a European vampire, a Japanese shikigami, or a zombie girl in the grave, in short, all you weird creatures are here. Come to me, we can cooperate for mutual benefit and raise the cutest daughter.

Daoist2ootOY · Urban
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90 Chs

Asking for forgiveness

Ye Shu made up his mind and didn't think much about it. It was late at night and he was extremely tired, so he hurried back to his room to sleep.

 However, Xiao Leng appeared again, holding a cup of red spicy tea. Ye Shu's eyes twitched and he said bravely: "You can tell it tastes good just by looking at it. Xiao Leng's craftsmanship is really good."

 After he praised him, Xiao Leng was so happy that he handed him the tea cup.

 "Please drink it. If you like it, I will make it for you every day."

 Xiao Leng's cuteness had turned into a murderous weapon, and Ye Shu didn't even know whether he was happy or in pain. He took a small sip of the tea, and when he saw Xiao Leng looking at him with a cute expression on his face, he couldn't help but start thinking about the corpse control technique.

 I have already learned the art of controlling corpses. The problem is that it is unfair to Xiao Leng. It is not only necessary to seal the body five times, but also to imprison Xiao Leng's ghost with a Pixiu jade pendant. It seems a bit excessive.

 After thinking about it for a while, his stomach began to hurt, so he stopped thinking about it and rescued Liu Youyou first.

 "Okay, I've finished drinking and am going to bed. See you tomorrow."

 Ye Shu forced a smile, Xiao Leng hummed twice, and happily went to the kitchen holding the tea cup.

 Yeshua rushed to the toilet, was overcome with emotion, returned to bed, collapsed, and fell asleep with a wry smile.

 After a restless night, he slept well. The fatigue from the past few days was gone. Ye Shu cheered up and went to plead guilty today.

 He stood up and looked at the carton first. Aiqier was already back and lying down. After not seeing each other for many days, Ye Shu missed his daughter very much. He was about to kiss her little face when he suddenly remembered that his daughter's daughter was her daughter's book. He suddenly felt uncomfortable, so forget it and stopped kissing her.

 He quickly got out of bed and washed up. As soon as he went out, Xiao Leng stared at him: "Yes Shu, I made breakfast."

 "I got a call. It's urgent. I have to go out immediately. I'll eat next time."

 Ye Shu's face turned pale with fright, and he quickly washed up and ran away. Xiao Leng didn't stop him, but just looked at him thoughtfully.

 Ye Shu was anxious to save people, so he took a bus directly to the west of the city after leaving the house.

 Of course, you can't go empty-handed when you bear a thorn and ask for forgiveness. Ye Shu walked around the west of the city, thinking about what to buy. Ordinary fruits and the like had little effect on monsters, so he had to buy something creative.

 He was looking and thinking, and finally came to a pet store. Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind, and he ran in excitedly.

 After a while, he came out with a large box of cookies and went straight to the monster office.

 The monster office was still deserted, and there weren't many people around. Ye Shu went directly in, said hello to the aunts first, and then knocked on Wu Miao's door.

 Wu Miao asked him to go in, and he opened the door and went in.

 Today's Wu Miao is also full of energy. She has her hair tied up and is typing. She looks cold, arrogant and noble. Although she is not as sexy as the vixen, she is not inferior in appearance.

 Ye Shu smiled and walked over. Wu Miao seemed to notice something. He suddenly raised his head and saw that it was Ye Shu who couldn't help but shouted angrily: "It's you again, how dare you come?"

 "Sister Wu Miao, I have been thinking about you all night, tossing and turning, always feeling sorry for you. I went too far in the past and always bullied you. Today I wish you a happy New Year and apologize to you."

 Ye Shu looked sincere, but Wu Miao was stunned and stared at him in surprise: "What do you mean?"

 Ye Shu smiled softly and put the box in front of her: "Here are the cat biscuits for you. You must like them."

 When Wu Meow saw it, his face turned dark: "You buy cat food and give it to me. I'm not a cat, I'm a demon."

 "Don't be angry. These are not ordinary cat biscuits, but catnip biscuits. Do you know catnip? It's so refreshing to take a sip."

 Catnip is similar to human marijuana and is addictive but not harmful to cats.

 Wu Miao obviously didn't understand catnip, so she was just angry: "Get out of here, don't even think about teasing me anymore, I don't want cat food."

 Why does it seem like the roles have been reversed? Wu Miao is afraid of herself.

 Ye Shu laughed dumbly and became even gentler: "Kitty cat, you are so cute and beautiful, how could I tease you? Why don't you try eating it? Catnip is delicious."

 Ye Shu helped him open the box, revealing a bag of cookies packed inside.

 Suddenly, a strange smell wafted out. Wu Miao paused and swallowed for no reason.

 As a cat demon, she is very sensitive to smells. Naturally, she smelled catnip and her mouth started drooling.

 But she was stubborn, turned around and said, "If you say no, take it away quickly, I don't have time to care about you."

 The little lady is really stubborn. Ye Shu grinned and shrugged: "Okay, I'm here to apologize to you. I can leave, but I won't take away the things. You can eat it. It's just a snack. Don't worry about it." ."

 After he finished speaking, he left without any hesitation at all. He really looked like he was here to apologize. Wu Miao watched him go out suspiciously, and he even closed the door.

 "This bastard is really here to apologize."

 Wu Miao thought to herself, and after thinking for a while, she couldn't help but look at Cat Biscuit again, and her throat started to squirm.

 There was a war between heaven and earth in her heart, but in the end she couldn't resist the temptation of catnip, so she grabbed a piece and chewed it.

 This chewing felt as if the spring breeze had blown through in winter, as if a flood embankment had been breached in spring. The sound made Wu Miao tremble all over. It was so delicious.

 How could she still be stubborn? She grabbed it with both hands, like a hungry wolf devouring it.

 At this time, the door was opened again, and Ye Shu jumped in with a cheeky smile: "By the way, I forgot to praise you, the way you put your hair up is so elegant."

 Wu Miao looked up at Ye Shu with a mouth full of biscuit crumbs, like a greedy cat with a colorful face.

 This was so embarrassing. Wu Miao's face turned red and she didn't know where to look.

 Ye Shu laughed heartily, but his expression was very serious: "It's delicious, isn't it? I bought this box of biscuits from all over the street and bought it in a specialty store, a total of two thousand, just to express my feelings. The heart to admit my mistake. Wu Miao, please forgive me."

 Ye Shu's serious attitude undoubtedly gave Wu Miao a step down. She lowered her head and wiped her mouth, biting the corner of her mouth in embarrassment. She had no choice but to give Ye Shu some face: "Forget it, since you are so sincere, I will forgive you. , please leave quickly, I don't blame you anymore."

 She was still embarrassed and hoped that Ye Shu would leave soon. Ye Shu rubbed his hands and smiled, naturally he would not leave, but strolled over.

 "Wu Miao, we are old friends. There is something I want to tell you."

 He hit the snake hard and stuck it on the stick. Wu Miao raised his eyebrows: "What's the matter?"

 "That's the one you have or not, that's your boyfriend."

 Ye Shu was shy and timid. When Wu Miao heard this, his vision was confused and he turned away: "Humph, this is my private matter and has nothing to do with you."

 She hummed like this without any momentum, but instead acted like a little girl who was not candid, making the atmosphere ambiguous.

 Ye Shu continued to shyly reply: "If you don't have a boyfriend, is that okay?"

 Ye Shu hesitated to speak, Wu Miao glanced at him secretly, her heartbeat couldn't help but speed up, and she felt her face was getting hot, but she was still very angry inside, why is this bastard man so annoying?

 "Can you pretend to be stuttering?"

 She asked loudly, still turning her head. Ye Shu's face straightened up, he coughed lightly and said, "Can you help me save someone? My friend Vixen was caught by a lark. I heard that you are a good friend of the lark."


 Wu Miao was stunned for a moment. She was stunned by Ye Shuzheng, but she blushed again, which was embarrassing.

 Ye Shu continued: "It's like this. The two-tailed demon fox and I went to the monster market to buy demon crystals, and we were discovered by a lark. In fact, we won't be caught, but your good friend, the new official, took office and made us fall. Blood mold."

 Ye Shu explained to himself, Wu Miao gradually stopped blushing and said coldly: "You are sending cookies and teasing me. Just for this matter, you are really annoying and shameless."

 Wu Miao was really annoyed this time. She felt like she had been tricked by Ye Shu again.

 Ye Shu smiled inwardly, but his face was extremely gentle, showing off his wolfish nature.

 "Fool, I spent a month's salary buying catnip for you. Do you still think I'm teasing you?"

 He spoke tenderly, his acting skills were good, and his eyes were extremely affectionate. Wu Miao froze for a moment, not knowing where to put her hands and feet, and her ears were red with embarrassment. Then she stood up suddenly, grabbed the stool and smashed it: "You are an idiot, get out of my way, you bastard, I I won't fall for your tricks."

 A chair fell down, and Ye Shu was knocked directly to the ground. He covered his head and screamed, and his big red bump bulged.

 "Why the hell are you not following the rules? You can't find a boyfriend like this."

 Ye Shu gasped and Wu Miao threw the chair away and snorted: "You stinky man, you think I am an ignorant little human girl. You are still very young. Go home and eat a few more years of rice before you tease me again. Get out of here." :