
My Upgrades Are Invincible Old/Betrayed/Forgotten/Dead

I need no teammates in this new life with my ability to upgrade and combine things, I shall create things beyond even the gods ability.

Azazyel · Anime & Comics
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180 Chs

Chapter 20.5 Hestia is a troll


She was experiencing a new trial at this moment.

The experience of whatching what amounted to a crush pounded a woman she now hated with a flaming passion was filled with her frantically masterbating to Jake's furious strokes but mentally replacing the short goddess with her own image.

It was only as the lovemaking ended and she watched Jake roll beside Hestia that she noticed something that made her shatter the crystal chalice within her hands.

Hestia grinned obviously pretending to sleep and as Jake used the Pallum's throat as a fuck toy. Hestia looked clearly towards where the magic mirror was scrying and flipped Freya off and her mirror's view was clouded over somehow blocking her view

"Fucking bitch I will kill you myself tomorrow!" She roared and as Ottar tried to calm her down she ignored him and in her rage threw the fucking couch she adored so much off her balcony and with a massive crash it exploded on hitting the ground hundreds of floors down...

Next 15 chapters are on Patreon and Ko-fi

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