
Wife. Gaia Follies. The report and the Hades room.

Every night she talks to herself wanting to transmit her dreams into space. Every night she cries, wanting someone to love her.

Several days have passed since that first wedding event. Although for me there should be more. It is as if time will not advance, Gaia is very surprising and strange. She talks to cats like relatives, she draws cubist paintings, she has a tendency towards superstition and stars, she listens to very old music that is no older than 40.

Let's detail.

Saturday March 15. The afternoon sun was shining on my face when I went to the supermarket. Gaia

- Do you be careful?

- Careful!

- Danna! You are a fool. It's the Ides of March. Don't you know what it means?

- I know what it means. Thanks for the history class! I don't understand the argument

- They killed Caesar! To the dictator! It was a terrible plot in which his brute son was in cahoots with that damned senate - Place a stealthy face looking in all directions. By then I thought he was kidding me. What did I fall in love with?

- beautiful! Seriously, it wouldn't be important for you to discuss these issues with a professional.

-Gr! Gr! Silly! It's your life! I'm fine - she crosses her arms holding her hips with a haughty look. Also, do you see if there was a murderer? Something like a Jason from Friday q13

- It's a story like Caesar's!!! How is it going to happen? No one is plotting against me and I don't believe a madman with a mask will come. – I told him to calm the atmosphere. – Separately, explain to me the Julio-Jason relationship.

- You are a fool! Your overconfidence will lead you to ruin and then your wife will have to come rescue you. It's very simple sir trust victim-murderer

- It won't happen! Nothing!. Apart from that, it was brutal and the Senate killed Cesar, Jason was killing teenagers in a forest. Wow!! I can't believe what we're discussing. I'm just going out shopping!!!

No giving a parliamentary speech!!! Nor running naked into a lake at night.

His face turned angry.

- Ugh! Jupiter, you are a lost cause!

- Forget it.

-I'll go distract myself by listening to music – she said to herself. And in the background you could hear some old Jazz by Glen Miller – Good luck! July!

I didn't care what he said. This woman looks like an insane person with extreme anxiety. From one focus I looked at the ground and jumped with fright. It was the landlady's doll. The one that looks like Anabelle/Anabella. I managed to want to grab it, I gave up. Gaia from the window laughed and carefully signaled not to touch her. I left quickly from there. I returned to the path from the passage to the central station. There were few people due to the change in autumn weather. The leaves in the park were blown from the trees in an anomalous way by the wind that invited them to travel to their last meeting. A breath of air was

which I took when I crossed a person with dark glasses who was walking in front of me and kept his eyes on me. Because of her dark clothing, I didn't pay attention to her sex, weight, and height. She was right at the door of the supermarket. Upon entering I first went to the cleaning supplies section. Gaia uses a lot of bleach when it comes to washing the floors. She argues that mites are dangerous and must be eliminated. What she doesn't know is that she is going to end up eliminating us with heartburn. Take a couple of bottles, and some soaps. From the other side of the gondola a slippery glance crossed. I didn't give it importance. Then to the vegetables and fruits section. When I bought what I needed, I realized that that figure in black was watching. I still continued my journey but I reduced the need for adverse concern. I concluded with the meat cuts aisle. In the background. It was totally abandoned. Seeing on the glass where the respective cuts were on the side. A figure seemed to be behind me reaching out to my shoulder. I soon turned around and there was no one. That event made me panic. I could imagine it I guess. I took the due and went straight for the dairy aisle. I felt watched again and not because there were infrared cameras. It was the same image I know. My mind became cloudy for a moment and I lost track of space due to fear. Eyes were everywhere. He was meters from the checkout where there was a woman in line and the employee passing items. I must get there I told myself

But what happens? If I am in a market. There is no danger. Soon I felt an adrenaline rush inside me and breathing nearby. I then began to walk quickly to the box as if they were chasing my soul. Just a few meters. And then the road seemed long to me. It can't be, I won't get there anymore. Come on! You can do it Jupiter! I made an extensive effort. My strength was leaving me, however the goal was there. And the breathing was behind me becoming more prominent. My skepticism made me forget the 

Caesar's stairs. The breathing was very close and when I felt a touch on my waist I was in the box.

- Good morning – said the employee – Please deposit the items.

- Ugh!! –I breathed safely. –I will pay with the Credit card

- Perfect – The employee comments

The bag of vegetables had been left behind me, on the table of various objects where the tape runs, so I turned around, and saw the figure that scared me. I took it and gave it to the employee to pass. Upon paying I immediately left there.

- Thank you. Come back soon. - He said. -

- Thank you - I greeted without turning around.

I took another path, but I still accepted that they were chasing me. There were no people in the streets. Insecurity invaded me. Could it be that Gaia was right? No Jupiter, you are an idiot. Soon another shadow seemed to stalk me. I saw her behind a tree. He was wearing dark glasses and a black jacket. I realized it

Was it the one from the supermarket? I did not remember. From this fact, others arose. All eyes were directed to a special point Jupiter. A woman from a window laughed and pointed behind me. I felt the chill. A pink wind my column of cold. And a breath came very slowly. It was the same one from commerce, why am I afraid? Yes, I have always done this path. Again and again the predator's eyes consumed my mind. Let's better detour. That will confuse the enemy. I had to create a distraction, and when I turned around I found a semi-closed passage. I started to speed up the pace. My heart was stable. That was strange. At a fast pace I began a light trot. And then with no one behind me I turned in another direction. The stalkers or stalkers had to be outwitted, so I returned to the other block on the left, going back. Before I knew it, I was where I started near the supermarket. I looked in all directions and looked for places that

They are not easy hunting targets. I must return. I have to cross the park. By going diagonally to the nearby square after carrying out the same operation of several turns in the surrounding blocks, I assumed that I could escape the threat. I gathered my courage and took the middle path that crossed the entire park. I had reached the middle and a riot of dry leaves pinked my face. The autumn aroma of humidity permeated my graves and with it my breathing and a particular shadow that was blurred between bushes. They are following me. I know. I thought it was just my loquacious imagination, but someone is indeed behind me. I started walking fast. It was like a bridge about to fall and I was running. Until I managed to see the person who was spying on me. He appeared like in the movie Friday the 13th. He was a Jason. No! Worse. I started running when I stretched out my arm. At my pace he was coming towards me and I couldn't avoid him. It was catching up to me. I inadvertently tripped on a loose tile and fell to the ground with the bags reflexively supporting myself with the palms of my hands as I walked forward. The shadow was over me. And as I turned around I saw a figure standing with glowing eyes and he stretched out his arm.

That's when I screamed

- Ahh!!

-Danna!! It's me Gaia, what's wrong with you?

- Gaia – My heart raced. It's just that I thought... - I paused. -

- Did you believe?

- No! Nothing! What are you doing here?

- You forgot your cell phone - and take your cell phone out of your pocket. It's for security - He gets angry and points his finger at me with fixed eyes.

- But!!, You are dressed like a spy!!

- Is wearing sunglasses and a dark jacket spying? Do not be ridiculous!

- Hey! You started this story that they could kill me.

- I see! Don't worry, I'll make sure you don't die - he winks at me.

- Funny! - I picked up the bags. She offered to carry one. I started walking angry at the whole situation. She was like a bodyguard laughing.

- Do not laugh! – I ranted. -

- Ha! Ha! – I don't laugh, while she looks in all directions. And he sees a special place and then continued laughing.

Upon returning home, Gaia entered first, and then I followed her up the stairs, descending came the woman with blonde hair and pigtails. Of course he looked at me with bad eyes. And Gaia took care of the matter by returning a disastrous look. It seemed like a duel of visions to see who had a greater power, the artist soon interrupted.

- Oh! Good morning! – Said my neighbor who is a writer. He was descending, and the path was blocked between them. The man didn't know how to react. The situation was uncomfortable. And I, I hadn't even begun to ascend that path. And to make matters worse, Luna arrived behind him, and was in a hurry to pass. She was in charge of mediating the matter, Gaia – blonde with pigtails. -

- Excuse me! -And she stood in front of the writer – I'm in a hurry to get to work. Could you please step aside? She – She expressed it in such a subtle and yet dynamic way with a simple maiden smile that contained a demon. The writer did not take his eyes off her. They both had no choice. And the woman with pigtails continued and Gaia nodded, but she was also a bit wary of it, especially when she greeted me when she descended. Greetings and only to me. Gaia observed the fact halfway with a face that had no meaning but she hid a feeling that could be... no... he was expelled. Jealousy is so common.

She-she was discreet in her words. You can tell that she has personality – The writer commented as a way to break the ice.

- Yeah! Ha! Ha! You are new?

- Oh! My apologies. I should have introduced myself. My name is Gregory Ray Asimov, I recently moved here. I am a literature student and light novel writer.

- A pleasure, my name is Jupiter Anonymous Ruppert, and this is my wife Gaia Justina.

- A pleasure! – Compliments smiling. -

- Any problem you have, do not hesitate to tell us.

- Thank you! You too. Sometimes I'm busy trying to write something, it's just that the publisher asks me to. So I decided to go for a walk, that helps.

- You can write about odysseys – Gaia commented.

- Odysseys? - We both said to each other. -

- TRUE. There is nothing better than an odyssey.

- Hmm! It could be feasible.

- Odysseys like Homer's. And how about something broader like instead of sailing through the Mediterranean trying to reach Ithaca, not go to other unexplored directions?

- What could it be?

- The stars – We said at the same time with Gaia.

- That's good timing - Gregory laughed - In fact, it shows that they know each other for miles, maybe 20,000 leagues.

We both looked at each other with Gaia. He was a complete Captain Nemo with his Verne Nautilus.

- What if it were another way? – Gaia asked

- There isn't. In some way souls are destined in many lives to meet each other. That got me thinking. – And by the way, who was the lady who opened the roads like Moses the waters?

- Moon? Or the girl with pigtails? - I asked for. -

- Hmm! Grr! Gr! – Gaia's growl was enough for the lady of Pigtails. -

- Heh! Heh! – Gregory said with a light laugh. – I see – And she smiled the same way I did when Gaia appeared in my life, for Luna. –

Well! I think I should go. – Odysseys!! – Luna left humming and with a tiny and very shy voice.

Without other words I laughed a little, as soon as we concluded the pleasant neighborly conversation. Gaia remained pristine before a breeze that passed fleetingly between our noses and she turned around to find me.

- Something wrong?

-Nothing, Danna, she - She opened the door - Good. We are still on "March 15".

- If the Ides, I already know! Gaia. I know, dear.

- I'm just taking care of you Danna.

From the window she could see who would be a fundamental piece in this entire journey that lay ahead for us. Gregory is not only a great writer, but also my friend, although we had not yet reached that conclusion, because there is still too much time left in the course of events to come. He marked Luna the first time they met eyes, as I did with Gaia.

Is that a principle of love, I understand it, or I have heard it out there, although the truth is that Gaía was perhaps part of my idealization. A metaphor that I did not know how to cope with, and that is why with the so-called coexistence, it was when she started the

true relationship. Not the one we dream about, but the one we have under our noses. However, and I thank Gregory for this, dreaming is so beautiful, because no one can take away the feeling of a heart beating for someone. It hurts, or not.

And although it was a dream, I reverenced that this idea must become true. He understood it too, and chose to buy dreams.

The afternoon was falling with the sun, as it set from the horizon, and the room expanded further. Gaia warned me that she should not touch any of the electronic devices she had prepared on the boards. She even gets upset when I ask about such. It looks like the secret service, or interpol.

Other crazy things I've mentioned is when the neighbor's cat talks like a lifelong friend. I admit that I have done it with my former pet, although Gaía seems to make an effort to be understood. That cat named Demosthenes was warning of another very low neighboring building. I knew that it was the property of the elderly lady, but he did not have the homely mood to remain locked up. Freedom!

At this moment she is talking to him. She has more conversations with a small feline domestic than with her husband. Does that make him uninteresting? Or boring? Will it be the corresponding word? Cucho he is very friendly when he wants to, and he knows how to attract Gaia with an affectionate purr. Or that's what I call him, because he looks like the cat of Don Gato's gang and his gang. -

- So you come here? And the dialogue between human and feline begins. Animal with animal.

It is another of Gaia's oddities. I have no experience with women, but I understand that they do not usually have communication with pets until they are older. Men, on the contrary, communicate with the radio or television. Or so my grandfather would say.

However, Demosthenes is a luxury host with all the requirements of the law. A dialogue between Gaia and Cucho is a conversation between Hypatia and Socrates. So much philosophy will make my brain and all its nerve endings and electrical fibers explode. -

Once we let him in. Better expressed. Gaia gave him shelter. I arrived early. It happened a short time ago. The fifth day of marriage. He was at the table with a saucer of milk and she with a cup of coffee. Now they will understand me

- You really tell me? But why didn't you come in through the window. You are a huge fool.

I care about Mr. Gato, he barely referred to that crazy woman of my wife. Gaia

Yes, you are wrong!, but I love you.

- Well, anyway, you were able to escape unharmed. The rain didn't hurt you. In fact. Getting wet isn't so bad. --- don't say that, they are aware of what you explain, but there is like an agreement. An servitude – Of course, in this enlightened society, creatures obey. There is no uniform and centralized equity in the well-being of all. --- I wouldn't know the reason.

Ah! That reason is power. – I wouldn't have imagined it either.

- Dear!! I arrived!! – I had heard the talk and I didn't want to say anything.

- Danna!..... Good afternoon. Wow, I don't know why I greet you? Look, let me introduce you. He is Mykonos. Mikons. He is Jupiter Anonymous. --No. Anonymous is his middle name.

- I can not hear?

- You gave that name!

- I like Cucho better than Mykonos. What comes from Greece?

- Don't pay attention to my husband. Oh really? Excellent! – She is surprised.

Listening to my wife, I thought I was in the madhouse. My presence didn't matter.

- Danna!.. Please! Could you see the pot?... I left some vegetables boiling.

- Have you not placed any insects or strange elements? – I said after that time with her stewed eyes.

- Do not be an idiot! –-- No, I'm not telling you – Look at cucho – I'm talking to my husband --- If he is a little crooked

- Hey? Don't tell the cat what I am. – I shouted from the kitchen – What am I saying? – I asked myself – What is my wife doing talking to a cat? She's not going to think about putting it in the pot, right? – The mere idea gave me chills. These culinary experiments should not appear in marital books. This matriarchal pack is quite complex when it comes to giving orders and feeding subjects.

- Anyway, according to your policy, it would be best to be alert --- yes, I will keep it in mind in my mind.

- Speaking of mind, when are you going to stop wasting time with that animal?

Nobody in the room paid the slightest attention. He could hear her, the ignorance mocking mercilessly.

- It is not necessary for you to answer me either - I said, rubbing their faces - The same image appears and the cat says goodbye to Gaia. Gaia greets him, as soon as she jumps out the window – You would have told her to stay for dinner – I jokingly said.

- Ugh!!... I didn't want to. She says you are very harsh. Although it seems like a surprise to him since you are a social corpse.

- Hey, tell your little friend. Goes! Why do I bother – I got angry and crossed my arms.

- Don't be angry, he just understood that there is no hope for anyone.

- I'm relieved to know that my wife noticed.

- Heh! Heh! Don't worry. We will not tell anyone that you only know how to breathe as the only use in life.

- Very funny! Hey! Don't forget something.

- I have my records in order.

- That smoke from the kitchen reminds me of your lack of attention. -

- Food!!!

- That is what I meant! I'm going to order a pizza – I commented with a mocking and angry grimace at the same time. -

Gaia managed to save dinner. Or so I think. She didn't want to hurt her dedication. She is usually quite blunt when it comes to sarcastic comments. And this was our morning dialogue.

At the end of dinner, I decided to wash the dishes. Gaia watched me carefully. From the living room organizing clothes.

The attack was when she got a question right. -

- Same pants?

- Something like that.

- I see. A long time. It can be seen in the discoloration.- I confess with a hunter's furtive look. -

From the little I know about Gaia is that the lack of use of articles in her sentences corresponds to a change in her mood.

Gaia got it right with a shot of a sock bun and the hurtful word of

Dirty! Change your clothes right now!! I was hit with the terrible impact of eradication when I saw that she had the same pair of pants all week. I need you to cooperate with your hygiene.

- I solemnly promise that tomorrow I will use others. -

- I'll take that as a sentence.

The lights went out when I was the last to put on my pajamas. I saw her resting and that made me happy. Soon we will have another date to continue moving forward as a couple. That was the agreement.

When I lay down, I placed my hands behind my neck looking at the ceiling.

- What if it doesn't work? Do I say get married? And then see that the relationship is not fruitful. I think so. That is..

- Don't worry, leave it to time. Everything will be fine.

I opened my sleepy eyes. The voice of an image explained to me. When looking to the side in the fetal position. Gaia was watching me

- Don't worry! There's a reason I chose you.

- Huh? – I was scared when I saw her. She was talking in her sleep. Ah! It was that. She must be dreaming about the cat. – And I stayed calm and asleep.

The next day I woke up and Gaia was not in bed. I thought maybe she was in the bathroom, or something like that. The women get up early and go straight to the bathroom to check her mood, while they brush their teeth they repair it. Maybe I say this because I have a sister who prays to the god of the mirror to look splendid every day. Brothers are like that, like unknown blood beings who greet and with whom we foster communication. I verified that it wasn't there. Could it be the living room? Neither. It wasn't very early. I slept enough to suspect that he may have gone somewhere. A strange noise could be heard from a rooftop. They were like hammer blows that were divided into three and then a pause. I didn't pay attention and continued my breakfast chores. I took my cell phone to see if I had a message. Of course, no one wrote to me about her. No, nothing at all. Well, he must have gone out. We are also not going to conduct a police investigation into the matter.

- Ahh! Wow! Almost a month of marriage is over. And we're just getting to know each other. "It's my culture," he told me. And if it doesn't turn out like it

We wish we could cancel the agreement. So much confusion? I never asked him if he was in any religion. Yes, I'll ask that.

- paff!! paff!!

The hammer noise grows louder. Metal bangs roar from the ceiling. A roar is heard again from above with a very particular sound as if they were drilling.

- I'll see what it's about?

Gregory was there on the way out. Luna had also left as a result of the crash, and the couple whose names I don't know.

- Oh! Jupiter Good morning! –Gregory expressed.

- Good morning - I said, barely observing the ceiling with a ray of sun that blocked my vision. - What happen?

Gregory points me to the ceiling. Gaia was installing one of those old antennas with another device. Luna wanted to ask him, but her obvious lack of curiosity defeated her question, and she just remitted to observing the situation. Gregory just went out to take out the trash and came across the fact. The couple were talking to each other. Ernesto Gigs and Cin Estévez. We barely greet each other.

- Something wrong? – Ernesto asks. -

- We don't know - I responded - Honey!! – Shout – Honey!! – I screamed again until he looked at me

-Danna!! –He extends his arm, greeting as if nothing was happening. And he now continued welding a metal.

- Gaia! What the hell are you doing?

- I fix a communication line that has broken down.

Question marks immediately formed in our minds about what she said. That line looked like it was from a mobile company. Which I don't remember her name.

- Devils! I married a crazy woman! – I told myself resignedly, bringing my hand to my face to cover the shame – Get down from there! It is dangerous!

- Once I finish. I left you some toast on the table, honey – He shouts from the top holding a rod. -

- Won't it be very risky? – Luna comments.

- Of course, I think the same. But there may be interference problems

– Gregory concludes.

- I have had problems with the signal – Cin pointed out – She is very dedicated.

- It's true. It is very opportune to have someone like that here in the departments.

They both seemed in awe of Gaia. Gregory couldn't take his eyes off Luna and I was worried about this Dantesque situation. Had she known that he is a Gaia technician, she would have asked him to fix other defects. -

- Hey, aren't you going to help her? - Ernesto asks.

I looked at him with a hint of repulsion. Petulant type. He had to be the living-room opinionologist, typical of the armchair bourgeoisie. -

- And you, you and your wife should not get involved in your affairs - I said to myself. Frankly, it's hard for me to socialize. The pack is not my strong point. But I couldn't let Gaia be there either. To which I responded – I don't think it will be of much help to someone who is an expert on the matter. It would even be a total hassle. – After expressing myself I submitted to Gaia's opinion – Gaia!! Gaiia!! – I screamed!! -Until she left the welder looking at her with her smile-.. Do you want me... ..!!

- No, Danna!! I appreciate your…..

- But!!! You didn't let me finish!!

- It's not necessary! I know what you'll say!

- Curse! She knows everything – I told myself. Then a situation came to mind: the third day of our marriage. A problem, and I tried to solve it. Gaia got angry. She offered to help, and I held the title of master of the house, and the damage was worse. In a few words she just said: Danna, how can I mention it, without hurting your manly ego, I mean... I think you're a troglodyte when it comes to electrical arrangements. Giving me to understand that I must be broader and more communicative when it comes to working as a team and accepting the defeat of ignorance towards myself.

Anyway, he's there fixing I don't know what. The pack applauds her and the wolf is worshiped, and the lamb has no choice but to nod happily.

- I think she is quite independent and that fascinates me - Luna expressed admiration with a slight giggle - Gaia!! Very good!!! – He shouts and Gaia returns the gesture.

- Well, now you have – Gregory comments – A friend. -

- Good neighbors – Cin is called

- Hey! What happen? –Asks the painter Kent Warhol. As strange as it may seem, he has the same last name as a crazy person I know from the 70s.

-She is my wife. She is making some arrangements.

- You married? Wow congratulations. And soon he makes a pose with his hands portraying me as a photo and then Gaia. – It is to draw them on canvas.

- Ehh! – I didn't know how to communicate. – Draw us? – I told myself – This is the typical being who loves expressionist diagrams with nudes –

Naa! I wouldn't accept it by chance. Although a painting of the two Gaia and me would be beautiful. No nudity of course. That's only if we manage to be a couple and for intimacy. God would like it!!

-Danna! – Gaia shouts – What is going on in your twisted mind?

- Huh? Did she hear me? -Nothing darling!

- I would like to be on a canvas - Cin said - Or not, love? A picture?

- No, forget it. – Clears throat. -

Ernesto so romantic. Caveman boy.

- I would love to. I don't have anyone with - And he looks at Luna, Gregory. -

Forget it Gregory, Luna is not watching you – I said seeing him in her exhilarating drool. Although I admire it, I hope I achieved it. Whatever it was. Gaia descended happily.

- Well I finished.

- What were you doing?

- Jobs of a crazy wife - Gaia laughs.

To be honest, it's a bit embarrassing that we're watching my wife do her job as an operator, I thought. It was such a strange moment that I told myself I would miss it.

It occurred to me that the only way for her to help was to make her a big dinner when she gets home. I hope she isn't watching a movie with a zebra. And you know what I mean.

A lady with unusual powers I assumed after the event. We said goodbye to the neighbors, and I watched as Gregory tried a new approach to Luna's image. I interpreted that being a writer it would be simple for him with some trick of words that link the perfect dialogue. Silly of me to think so. Nothing in this world is structured, everything is improvised in these fields. Gaia noticed the fact, so she was the first to take my forearm to leave. Luna was distracted by the wonders of the abstract artist and his canvases. Ernesto and Cin retired. His low spirit is an opaque personality. It's like one of those stones you discover in the sea. Alone. Cin must have found it like crabs when they look for shelter.

Gregory made me nervous with his attempted approach.

- Well! See you – Greetings.

- Goodbye – Hello Luna and the artist.

-Goodbye - Gregory completes, that when wanting to join the conversation between them, Luna made the cut that she had to leave

Gregory returned to his bed and the artist to his, speaking to himself. I have private neighbors

-Danna! You are very analytical, right?

- Because?

- You noticed Gregory's face.

- Yes!, but it depends on him.

-Maybe he idealized that woman as love at first sight. -

- I could not tell you. You fall in love from the first moment, or is it a wish

– I commented as soon as I had my coffee.

- Ours is something special, I say. We are married, but we barely had a date afterwards. We're putting together something randomly. - Sigh

- It is starting at the end and not the beginning. But well, depending on where you come from, that's how it is.

She didn't want to say anything. She could interpret a feeling of guilt. However, I placed a barrier between what I have experienced in a short time and know about Gaia, and what I want to know. Lack of information, let's call it ignorance, can make us happy. We didn't even give each other a mouth-to-mouth kiss. Is that also cultural?

I guess...and I drank my coffee finishing the toast I made. Gaia was with her cell phone in her hand. As I was immersed in my thoughts about her I didn't ask her anything.

- Danna! I need to tell you something!

Her phone rang and I had to leave as soon as I noticed on my wrist watch that it was late.

- Then Gaia. I'm late.

She was listening to a message and greeted me with a smile as she put my jacket on. I didn't hesitate for a second and reflexively gave her a big kiss on her mouth to say goodbye to the morning.

She blushed with the phone in her ear looking at me. For my part, I stood firm as a statue, and shame invaded me.

- Hey! Well bye! And I got out of there soon.

She didn't flinch, she continued with her steady gaze on me.

- I kissed her? - Dawned on me. Was it nothing special? Or if? Could it have been bad for him? Well we are married.

There were quite a few of us in line for the bus and I couldn't stop thinking about the matter.

Arriving. I moved up and couldn't believe one of my coworkers was there. Horacio Clark. A pedantic and annoying guy. I wasn't going to start a conversation. In situations like this, I prefer to camouflage my presence and hide in the crowd, producing distractions that do not feed the hunter in finding the prey.

I tilted my head for a few moments, I really have no reason to be able to confront a guy like him, to establish a communicative relationship that will lead nowhere, and I am completely sure that this person has the same idea in his head, well in fact he must have seen me

A few valuable minutes passed, and I took my phone to see the new and good news about the earthquake in Indonesia, a tragic accident in Georgia, Brazil, deforestation is growing abysmally. Good heavens! I'd better answer the

messages from my mobile Line-app. I have none. Well to be honest I never have. And group messages are nonsense that doesn't relate to me Oops! Submit work on Sumerian, deadline, Friday. NO? It has happened to me.

What am I going to do? Oh no! Here comes Clark. Well we are reaching the final bus stop. I never thought I would be so happy to get to work.

- Hey! You are Jupiter the anonymous. – Smile fakely

- Hello eh! we must descend.

When I got off I only had to listen to his words of narcissism for one block, which is about five hundred meters calculated from the transportation numbering post to the main door. From there Riff takes charge of the package, because he loves to know everything about the people who work at the museum.

There is the door. –

- So you got married? How does the misfortune of marriage act?

- Good. I don't know what you call misfortune. Maybe you had some misfortune

- Ahh! It's a joke. Hey! Riff

-Guys, how are you?

- Good. Managing happiness – I said with a bit of sarcasm

- Good! For you child. Never fear, success is in your hands.

- Thanks Riff for the obvious compliment –

- Ha! Ha! – nice as always. –

- See you guys.

- Be well anonymous

- Thanks Clark Kent, without Superman. - He looked at me with certain and broad suspicion

............…a sniper…. 

- Ahh boy! There is another new partner. She is very beautiful. But, you are married, remember that – Riff says laughing – Be careful! She's the new supervisor!

She greeted him from behind, raising her hand as she entered the Victorian-plaid hallway into the staff room.

Upon entering there was the new girl that I crossed when my boss called me to tell me about the night duties with the extra pay that they would give me. I don't remember her name. She greeted me, and she was just leaving to head to the room of stone age archaeological artifacts.

Soon another lady enters. I didn't pay much attention as she opened my locker. As I closed it, she said good morning, and I responded without looking at each other. Seeing us, she couldn't be the lady with pigtails whom she accidentally touched the dishes, and on top of that, a neighbor of our home? Damn my luck.

- You? What are you doing here?

- What are you saying? You don't even know my name and I've only crossed you a couple of times

– I told myself – I work here – I responded briefly.

- Well! If there is no remedy! – She explained resignedly – my name is Rigel Orion and you must be…. She – He took out a list from her purse – Anonymous Jupiter Ruppert?

- Indeed. How do you know my name?

- It's not that I'm in the least interested, even a depraved person like you is better forgotten.

- I like that feminine and subtle way of acting. You must be nice with men. – I did not hesitate to verbalize the ridicule. She had all the necessary cards to win the game of elegant blasphemy. -

- So daring too? I like that radiant and pernicious aptitude.

- Only when I receive words of compliment that caress the soul.

- I think you're an absurd guy, but I like that. It will be an antipathy that is not justified by anything, but that gives a certain amount of pleasure in the study of worldly third parties like you, who become my subordinates.

- Thank you, my motto is to remain firm in my concepts so that people are surprised every day with my explanations and stop bothering me by asking questions. - Hey! I did not understand well? Subordinate – There I remembered Riff's words. There is a new supervisor. Supervisor….

Supervisor!... now... now... now... – It can't be – My head exploded like lightning. –

- Don't worry! – He boasts laughing – Hell is better than Hades. So you can go to that room for life.

- But it is the closed room. Apart from that, no one wants to go there for those urban paranormal stories.

- For this reason, a brave pervert is the most suitable. And married?

- Did a woman love you? Ha! Ha! Yes, I know what you think, and if I am the bad guy in the story. And I like it. – Now JUPITER WORKS I WANT TO SEE THAT ROOM ACTIVE! AND ORDER IT COMPLETELY AND YOU WILL MAKE SURE THAT IT IS FILLED WITH PEOPLE ON NIGHT VISITS - She told me sinisterly while her body and head grew until I was reduced to a kind of creepy aphid.

I analyzed the possibility of a response that was not hurtful so as not to receive divine and material punishment, but he turned his back and went towards other sectors, there he crossed Clark and they both talked as if they were lifelong friends. Or that is the appearance that that human theater usually gives when presenting a letter of introduction.

- Well, I must go first to fill out the papers and prepare an efficient and quick report, for the Hades Room. Oh my goodness! That place is indeed hell and that report must be approved. I just walked by and took a look, because I felt like someone was calling me. When I opened the door, there was nothing, just a lot of objects piled up, from one side to the other. A few boxes, and that's when I verified the museum's legend of the supposed ghost. I only took one step and the cold place repelled my desire to continue feeding my curious and risky life.

- Hello! Is there someone? Hello!

- ----- ---- ---- - Only silence could be heard and a chill invaded my spine. I backed out with just reasons. That large room is on the top floor behind all the other smaller rooms, and to get there you have to navigate a hallway and a door with a series of stairs, even for that reason it was a method so that they never opened.

That day I decided to return with fear in my hands, and my tail in my tail. He was so fast that he crossed Irina, the oldest member of the museum. And there she told me that I should not go. Later I will tell the facts, but now I must think about how to set up the Hades room, to which Irina, who was assigned to another museum, told me never to return, and to which that insipid woman with pigtails named Rigel, supervisor wants let it open

I must verify well. The space that I don't know, maybe there are some plans. And I don't know with the materials there are how I can program that place. Greek mythology? Scandinavian? Celtic? Pre-Columbian? Or theology? Space? And the best thing is those stories that spread through the objects brought from all over the world. Why don't they carry out tasks like ordinary museums that only bring replicas and leave the objects? It is clear to imply that this

The complex belongs not to the state hands, but to the private hands of a tycoon whom we have never seen and will never see, since he travels the world.

I doubt I can complete it by today with all the work I have to do with the opening.

The change mod is listed, so I can't do anything about it. A colleague comes to my sector. Ermine. He is a newcomer of those who are well placed because his parents are contributors to the Museum with works. The hidden tycoon has the benefit of receiving. This led to the opening of another museum. That is why the city at some point has a very extensive tourist circuit with the universal cultural branch.

- Hey! Jupiter. The new supervisor told me that she should notify you that you must finish the report to be delivered by tomorrow. She is as aggressive as she is beautiful! Ha! Ha!

- Yes, a monster – I said to myself – Thank you! – The request has been received, so I have no options, and so does the practical on Sumeria. -

The day was over for me, and I just had to get home. I wonder how Gaia has fared? I didn't receive a message or anything. Going up the stairs, the light from the window was a strange color. It was lit, but with a color that made it look like I was entering a cheap motel. When I opened the Gaia door, I was with those virtual reality head-mounted devices. She had sat on the floor and it looked like a classic Yoga position. She barely moved. From that device the light expanded.

- Good night! - I greeted – Good night!!!! – I said, and he didn't respond. –

Ah! What a remedy! I went to the kitchen. There is a sign:

- Danna!, I'm talking to my parents. Sorry, if there is no answer. -

- - Talking to your parents? With a device that sits on your head like a helmet? Well it's not crazy, it's like a video call. –

- Danna, honey, she has food in the pot. –

- What will it be? Bat legs? When I tried the first bite I thought it was delicious. This time I prepare something with vegetables. They were legumes. On another plate some rice balls with fish. – Delicious!! – I got ready to have dinner, while Gaia continued with her communication. Until she finished the call. With her right hand she pressed some buttons and took off the helmet very comfortably. Her hair was expanding and she made a negative gesture to spread it further, and it didn't bother her. Then she looked at me and smiled. My heart raced as it had on so many occasions and I placed my hand on it to calm it down. It was the right thing to do.

-Danna!! Good night! – Expresses me somewhat distressed –

- Good night Gaia! Are your parents okay? – I expressed myself when I saw his face. I never saw that face, except for people who hide something among the multitude of facets they possess. Gaia, despite having only been married for a month, discovered it

- Thanks for asking! Do you look very tired?

- It's just work - I commented as soon as I had a glass of juice. Place the plates, since Gaia had not had dinner, and I decided, despite having tried a little of her plate, to wait for her. It was normal.

- Thank you! The hour vanished. Time passes very quickly here

- What are you talking about?

- Nothing special! Well tell me, what's wrong with you?

- Nothing special.

- Come on! We are a team. Although we are just married, and we barely know each other. Getting married means that. A team.

- Stop saying that. I don't understand your roots, but here you must first form a relationship, and that means loving each other.

- HMM! I don't quite understand the concept - He places a finger on her lips thinking - Love!

- Okay, yes! I'm really surprised you don't know anything about here. Where is that island you're telling me about?

- You should give me a map. It's an island, like…a principality. I have told you, haven't I? – Confess

-????? ??? - It's not that I doubt. But something wasn't right.

- We will have another date soon - He is happy - I want you to take me to a good place for dinner, and I would like to see a play based on a horror writer, or better yet the amusement park. – Gaia was saying so many sentences at the same time that my mind was lost in the questions I asked her and her whereabouts, the museum, my report, the practical one, and her. She honestly couldn't make me happy with the situation. I don't understand why I got married? I do feel love for her, but she doesn't seem to react. But that love is something cruel, it is a desire that I do not understand, and that is the damned lack of experience that only time can give you.

- I better go rest. I'll have a long day tomorrow. – I got ready to get up from the table and carry the dishes, seeing that Gaia finished dinner

- You're not feeling well Danna! Ella – She shrugged her shoulders with the last bite, and without drinking anything.

- Don't worry! I'm fine! – I smiled

She remained silent while she washed the dishes. As she dried them and put them away, her prudent sigh became evident from the dimensional living room as she tells him.

- Today I learned something new about you.

- Heh! Heh! Are you studying me? Your descriptions cannot be used as a reference, I doubt you will be able to conclude me. -

- It is not my intention to analyze you to reformulate you. You are made of flesh and blood and mind, within the deepest soul. That is untouchable and inconceivable to verify, however.....!!!.... Getting married, also where I come from means understanding and knowing. Those two words help each other. Get to know you day by day. – She explained – Jupiter, you must open up to the person next to you, or have – She expresses. What did he mean by you have? You can't alone. That's why we are a team, as far as we go. We are.

- I understand, and I apologize. Everything seems to me...

- Seem to you?

- Forget it! It's better to go rest Gaia. –

30% is just communication, the other 70% is gestures and expressions of all kinds. This way we can get a broad overview of the person with their hands and eye gestures. Isn't it formidable?

I decided to close the conversation and go into the bathroom to take a shower. When she left, Gaia was still in the living room with her computer.

- Will you stay there?

- Yes, I must resolve some important issues!

- Don't stay up late, it could hurt you.

- Rest! Sweet lunar dreams!

- Hey! Sweet dreams as soon as you do. –

Upon entering the room, I threw myself on the bed without thinking. I covered myself with the duvet. It was only seconds in which I fell completely asleep.

In that dreamlike feeling. He was lying down, and in front of me bright red eyes and beautiful hair distended into a widening that pinked my pupils and his nose approached my right cheek, and after caressing me, his lips opened kissing that small mark of length until reach my lips in a single kiss. I sensed the universal energy. …."Don't worry".... And immediately I woke up somewhat convulsed and ecstatic. The breathing was startled in my lungs, and the heart did not stop beating wondering. The first thing I saw in the darkness was a painting at the end of the bed. When I looked to the left, Gaia was snoring as always.

- Phew!! It was just a dream and only that. – Return to dreamlike pleasures. – When I woke up the next day, I had a message from Gaia on the table.

-Danna! Turn on the computer. You have your report on Sumeria. I'll leave the rest of the email and delivery up to you. – Love, Mr. Unknown Planet. –

He was certainly getting to know me, Jupiter. He truly discovered within me what was going on. There are things I don't understand, but I don't want to ask them either.

- Thank you Gaia – I said looking at the room. She continued snoring. It was very early, and dawn was breaking. Her way of sleeping was pleasant, and it was beautiful to see her there and captivate me.

It's like a moment that I would like to repeat again. The one in which she rests sleeping. I'm crazy like that too, or what you know as nostalgia. An instant; insignificant moment.

Life is full of those insignificant moments that perhaps will not be repeated, and perhaps that is what is painful, and in some way I will regret not returning to them as I have done many times.

The Sumerian practical was ready. I had breakfast and mailed it, just as he instructed.