
My Unseen Desire

Certainly, love can indeed be a complex and intricate experience to navigate! Understanding the emotions and relationships within the context of a love web can be both compelling and challenging. Chin-sun finds herself entwined in the complexities of love, encountering sparks and butterflies when embraced by Baek Hyeon, all while grappling with her feelings amidst the entanglement involving Mi-sun, Professor Jimin, and others. These conflicting emotions foster a sense of bewilderment, compelling her to question the depths of her affection and the source of her undeniable reactions.

Mill_stone · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

The Fight

Dong hyun flashed a menacing smile at Bai as he relaxed further into his seat.

"Dance" he ordered. Bai blinked her eyes in disbelief and frustration.

"Did I stutter?!" His voice was cold and menacing. Bai hesitated for a moment before advancing towards the poll. She danced to her shame as Dong hyun's unraveling eyes stared at her in boredom. He nodded to his hitchman at his side, he nodded briefly and disappeared. He emerged with a box of toys. It was dildos of different shapes and sizes. Bai looked in horror at the items in front of her.

"Play with it," he demanded. Bai shook her head, tears streaming down her face. Dong hyun glared at her, his gaze icy and filled with seething anger. Bai hesitated before choosing one, holding it up to her eyes and swallowing it with a wince as she shoved it down her throat. Her head swayed unsteadily. Dong hyun's curiosity grew, feeling a sense of déjà vu.


...silent screaming


Dong hyun had not always been like this. He used to be a kind-hearted boy, always sporting a cheerful smile regardless of the circumstances. His aunt, Dong Eunwoo, was stunning, with a penchant for makeup and a curvaceous figure. Dong Eunwoo relied on her allure to achieve her desires, possessing a cunning personality, while her sister Dong Boram won people over with her gentle nature and warm charm, exuding grace and kindness. The two sisters had contrasting approaches in capturing people's attention.

Dong Eunwoo's envy towards her sister led her to taunt and bully Dong Boram. Despite the mistreatment, Dong Boram silently endured, having no alternative but to work as a bar attendant in her sister' bar to support her son.

Everything unfolded suddenly as five men barged into Eunwoo's bar, their rough appearance and rowdy demeanor unmistakably signaling their affiliation with a rough crowd. "Get us seven bottles of beer, for me and my crew," a middle-aged thug demanded with a loud voice.

Boram promptly served their order, but an older thug's creepy gaze lingered on her. He couldn't help but notice her beauty and fair complexion. With a sly smile, he reached out and grabbed her arm, saying something suggestive.

"Beauty, come spend some time with us, we will make it worthwhile. '' Boram politely removed his hand as she continued to serve, another boldly stretched his hand to touch her in the bottom as Dong Hyun walked in. Just as he was about to unleash his fury, a resonating slap echoed through the room, catching everyone's attention. Eunwoo and Bai quickly rushed in, startled by the sound. Eunwoo's eyes widened as she witnessed a prominent handprint on the thug's oily cheek

a sharp and thunderous slap reverberated through the air. Startled, Eunwoo and Bai swiftly entered the scene upon hearing the commotion. Eunwoo's eyes widened in astonishment as she beheld a vivid handprint imprinted on the thug's greasy face. The room erupted in anger as one of them forcefully shoved Boram, causing her to crash onto the floor with a resounding thud. Desperate for assistance, she sought her sister's gaze, only to be met with a chilling smile etched across Eunwoo's face. "Bai, Dong hyun, get in here!" Eunwoo commanded,

Bai dashed in out of fear, but Dong Hyun stood his ground, ready to defend his mother. Sensing Dong Hyun's intervention, Eunwoo quickly grabbed him, holding him back and covering his mouth to prevent any further interference.

Dong hyun watched as they abused his mother. The thug who got slapped, hit Boram and kicked her. Another lifted her by the head. His smile was menacing as he fished his member out, he forced her mouth open as he shoved it down her throat. Boram struggled but was easily overpowered. The thug thrusted deeper and forcibly as he jerked his head back in pleasure. The others took their turn, relishing their cruel acts for several rounds. They poured beer on her, leaving her shivering and battered. After they departed, Eunwoo freed Dong Hyun, who hurried to his mother with tear-streaked cheeks, looking utterly forlorn. Anger surged in his aunt's eyes as she closed in on him, delivering a resounding slap that echoed through the room.

"Do you want to get us into trouble?!" she yelled, her voice filled with rage.

"But, Aunt..." Dong Hyun started to say before another slap cut him off.

"If you say another word, you and your mother will end up on the streets," she threatened, her tone menacing. As he stared back at his aunt, Dong Hyun's eyes grew colder, brimming with a deep-rooted hatred.

Dong Hyun glanced at Bai, a sense of ennui lingering in his gaze as memories flickered through his mind - a challenging and arduous journey that shaped him from a destitute and feeble person into the man he has become. He let out a faint sigh and spoke, "I'm in the mood for something extravagant, let's go out."

Bai swiftly discarded the toy, her true intentions hidden beneath the surface. As she locked eyes with her cousin, a burning animosity smoldered within her, she was disgusted by her recent actions.

As Bai completed her makeup, she stole a glance at her reflection. Dressed in a daring purple and black ensemble, her makeup exuded confidence and vibrancy. Her luscious, straight locks cascaded down, framing her bare shoulders, an enchanting display that captivated and tantalized.

"Her attire hugged her form in a way that accentuated her confidence and natural curves. She gave off the appearance of a sexy temptress, one no man could defile. She exuded an air of elegance and poise, akin to that of a professional model. As she glanced away from her reflection, she felt a disconnect between her appearance and her true identity, this wasn't her. Contrary to the previous image, she embodied a captivating contradiction. Stepping out of the dressing room, her stride exuded unwavering confidence and poise. In her bold and daring attire, she effortlessly commanded the attention of all those around her. This transformation unveiled a new side of her, brimming with charisma and allure. Radiating elegance and composure, she possessed a compelling charm that left a lasting impression. Dong-Hyun's thoughts wandered, acknowledging the seductive aura she emitted. However, his disdain and animosity towards her extinguished any desire, leaving only contempt and mockery in its wake.

He nodded approvingly, gesturing for her to join him. Reluctantly, she approached him, feeling his arm wrap around her, pulling her closer. Bai tensed at his touch, her senses on high alert. With a concealed smile, he muttered through gritted teeth, "Just act natural, okay?" Bai understood his message without needing further explanation. She mustered a forced smile, feeling uneasy as she awkwardly settled into his embrace. Dong Hyun masked his irritation with a false cheerful grin, tightening his grip on her right shoulder. Sensing his growing annoyance, Bai played up her flirtatiousness, trying to appease him. As they walked away, jealousy consumed the onlooking girls. Bai, in their eyes, was incredibly fortunate to have caught the attention of such a prominent figure in the city. She was the envy of all, having successfully captivated someone of high status.

One of Dong Hyun's trusted subordinate opened the door with a flourish, inviting the duo inside. The car smoothly pulled away,

In just forty minutes, the car pulled up at the Seoul Club. As they stepped out, the distant sound of music filled the air. The chauffeur followed the valet's lead, smoothly parking the Mercedes in a designated spot. As the group neared the club entrance, a diligent subordinate presented their entrance passes to the official. With a nod of acknowledgement and a respectful bow, the official granted them permission to enter, leading them gracefully into the club's premises. The elite club exuded an aura of exclusivity and sophistication. Its grand entrance was adorned with intricate architectural details, while the interior boasted luxurious furnishings and elegant decor. The atmosphere buzzed with excitement as members mingled, but the atmosphere on the dance floor was electric as elites and upper-class individuals danced with grace and elegance to the upbeat music. The dance floor was alive with swirling movement, while others enjoyed the finest cuisine and drinks.

Dong Yun was led to the VIP section by an official, where he spotted Chin-sun and Jimin at their table. Some of the recently elevated upper class, who were slightly below him in status and wealth, recognized Dong Yun and greeted him with a respectful nod.

Dong Yun was approached by some confident individuals who greeted him and engaged in small talk.

"Mr. Dong, it's great to see you here. Welcome!"

"Long time no see, Mr. Dong. How have you been?"

"Mr. Dong, what a pleasant surprise! Welcome, sir."

Dong Hyun couldn't help but smirk as these sleazy individuals tried to flatter him in hopes of gaining his favor.

"Wow! Mr. Dong, who's this beauty?

"Yeah Mr. Dong, you sure have good taste, who's this beautiful woman?"

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Dong Hyun asserted his ownership of the woman in question, not mincing words about her profession. "Gentlemen, she happens to be my companion, a high-priced professional, and it's best you mind your own business and step aside," he stated firmly, receiving nods of comprehension from the onlookers.

Bai's heart smoldered with fury, yet she willed a faint, sweet smile to grace her lips, a facade to mask her seething emotions. As the men cast acknowledging glances at her, she sensed their condescending understanding—she was naught but an escort. Amidst forced greetings and hollow pleasantries, he merely navigated his way through their midst. As the group ascended the steps to the VIP section and made their way toward their assigned table, Dong Hyun caught sight of Chin-sun. Initially skeptical, he resolved to confirm his suspicion and proceeded toward their table. Bai, observing Chin-sun, felt a surge of puzzlement, her heart leaping to her throat as Dong Hyun approached their location. Advancing toward them, he exuded an air of arrogance and hidden danger, his unsettling smile adding to the eerie atmosphere. Chin's gaze, fixed on him, sparked a torrent of simultaneous thoughts. "What was he doing here?"

Glancing at his appearance, his hair was sleekly combed backward, and he sported a white shirt partly unbuttoned, revealing a well-sculpted chest, adorned by an elegant dark red suit. His posture exuded a dark and mysterious aura, giving off vibes of a seasonal casanova, seemingly as adept at changing companions as changing his attire. The question lingered: Why had he approached them? Walking arm in arm with him was a strikingly beautiful woman. Her form-fitting dress accentuated her curvaceous figure, exuding an aura of a powerful and seductive temptress capable of captivating any man. Her makeup, bold and vibrant, left an indelible impression, etching her image into one's memory with a single glance. As they reached their table, Dong-Hyun wore a sly grin.

"Hello," he greeted. The woman's demeanor remained cold and indifferent, prompting Chin-sun to blink in recognition of someone familiar. Dong-Hyun smiled knowingly, while the older individuals at the table regarded him with indifference.

They believed the lower classes were always trying to impress the higher-ups."

They disregarded Dong Hyun entirely, choosing to proceed with their ongoing conversation. Despite his inner frustration, Dong Hyun managed to contain his simmering rage.

"I'm Dong-hyun, a good friend of Miss Chin-sun," he presented in a nonchalant manner, as if he and Chin were longtime acquaintances.

Chin-sun's hands trembled slightly, and perspiration formed on her forehead. Sensing her unease, Jimin discreetly extended his right hand under the table, grasping Chin's hand with a firm yet gentle touch. Chin froze at the touch and exchanged a surprised glance with Professor Jimin, who offered her a reassuring look before addressing Dong-hyun. "Nice meeting you, but I'm afraid we are in the middle of an important conversation," he remarked, pausing briefly without acknowledging Dong-hyun.

" Hope can excuse us. "

Dong-Hyun, though visibly perturbed, maintained composure, knowing that a display of anger or frustration would be ill-suited for the occasion. With a graceful nod, he tactfully retreated to his table, quietly seething with vexation. Meanwhile, Bai couldn't help but conceal a smirk of satisfaction. In her mind, she hailed Professor Jimin as the ultimate ally, believing that, in his own way, he had avenged her. A subtle yet impactful power play, indeed!

In the heat of his inner turmoil, Dong-Hyun swiftly accepted the proffered Scottish wine, gulping it down in a single breath, forsaking the customary etiquette that typically accompanied such gatherings. His actions, a testament to his inner turmoil and the fervent desire to find solace amidst the storm that raged within.

Bai gracefully lifted her glass, gently swirling the wine within, pausing to savor its aromatic allure. With a reflective gaze, she indulged in a modest sip, allowing the opulent flavors to cascade over her palate, undoubtedly impressed by the wine's luxurious depth and sharp, pleasing notes. As her satisfaction grew, she beamed with delight, punctuating her experience with a subtle, yet alluring, display of appreciation. In response, the attentive waiter extended an ample refill, honoring her discerning taste. Dong-Hyun and Bai intermittently directed their gazes at Chin-sun, noting a noticeable change in her appearance, yet finding her beauty undeniable. As he beheld her, a tumult of untamed desires began to stir within Dong-Hyun's mind, as the unyielding notion took hold: if he desired something or someone, he possessed the unwavering determination to acquire it through any means necessary.

An older voice beckoned, "Baek Hyeon, your shift's done. Head home, get some rest, will ya? You're burning the candle at both ends." Clad in his retail uniform, the white and red cap cast a shadow over a portion of his visage, accentuated by the harsh, luminous store lights, contributing to an air of aloofness and distance. With ink-black hair, glistening slightly, and flawless pale skin, Baek Hyeon's countenance exuded perfection. His concentrated gaze, accentuated by deep navy blue eyes, remained fixed on the task at hand—meticulously clearing the stacks on the cashier deck. His undivided attention and striking features rendered him inherently desirable, yet simultaneously distant, imbuing a sense of enigmatic allure into his persona. In his role as a cashier and responsible for product organization, Baek Hyeon effectively bolstered the store's profits day by day. His impact was indisputable, drawing in a predominantly female customer base. Consequently, he found himself the recipient of numerous tokens of affection—love letters, gifts, flowers, and persistent attention. Despite being the store's cornerstone, he remained resolutely humble, maintaining an aloof and reserved demeanor, keeping others at bay. As a shy voice timidly called out his name, Baek Hyeon's features contorted in a slight frown as he steadfastly focused on wiping the board, seemingly reluctant to engage. With a tremor in her voice, the shy girl gingerly left behind her offerings—a letter tucked in a heart-adorned envelope and a few gifts—her delicate countenance marred by silent tears. Disheartened, she walked away, feeling the sting of perceived rejection. Amidst a heavy sigh, old man Lu observed the scene with a deep sense of sadness. This marked the seventy-eighth time he had witnessed Baek Hyeon coldly turn away a hopeful young girl. The latest girl, while young and undoubtedly pretty, exuded an air of shyness and reserve. Baek Hyeon's rejection came swiftly, without even affording her the slightest glimpse of acknowledgement or consideration.

Old man Lu, with deliberate steps, carried the gift basket toward the storeroom. Upon flicking the switch, a small corner was revealed as Baek Hyeon's dedicated gift hub, adorned with numerous gift baskets housing a multitude of offerings, including perfumes, phones, withered flowers, watches, heart-shaped necklaces, love-themed teddy bears, diamond accessories, and even collections of men's grooming sets. Placing the basket at the nearest end, he slowly made his way back to the door.In a sudden outburst, old man Lu loudly scolded, "Hey, you brat! Do you know how many women would…" Baek Hyeon deftly slipped on his headphones, finalizing his departure, wholly disregarding the older man's surly antics, gradually immersing himself into his own world.

Eyeing her watch apprehensively, Chin-sun veered right, her thoughts momentarily consumed by worry. Glancing at Professor Jimin, her concern was evident—she was running late. Although she had informed her mother about the impromptu plans, the unexpected delay wasn't part of the arrangement. At the club, Jimin couldn't help but notice Chin-sun repeatedly checking her watch, ultimately excusing themselves. It was clear that she was uncomfortable and conscious of the late hour; an inconvenience for a girl to return home alone after a night of clubbing.

Sensing the potential peril, Jimin made the decision to accompany Chin-sun home, offering her a reassuring nod as they proceeded along the tranquil street. Suddenly, Jimin's intuition signaled an underlying sense of unease, prompting him to come to a halt. Chin-sun too felt the immediate shift, swiftly pivoting to survey their surroundings. From the darkness emerged a voice, tauntingly declaring, "Well, well, well. Why keep hiding when we've been caught?"

As a troupe of thugs advanced methodically, a distinct trio came into focus: a lean, grimacing individual of greater stature donning a hoodie; a youth with striking features and a cap, wielding a bat; and a stout, bald-headed figure. "If it isn't a fresh batch of meat," one of the thugs jeered, prompting laughter among the group. "A pretty face and a crossed-eyed freak," taunted the smirking bald thug. Jimin instinctively shielded Chin, positioning himself in front of her. "You weren't here to steal. If you were, you'd have attacked us instead," he reasoned, his tone firm. "What do you want?"

"Smart," the bald man praised, his voice seething with menace. "But smart mouths won't get you far."

He leered at Chin-sun for a moment, a disturbing display of interest crossing his face. "Give us the girl," he demanded, prompting a disapproving glare from Jimin. Chin trembled, her mind racing with the harrowing possibilities of what they might do to her.

Jimin held his position resolutely, refusing to allow these hooligans near Chin-sun. Though outwardly composed, his gaze exuded a frosty and formidable air. As he braced himself for an imminent threat, his eyes widened slightly, body tensing in response to sudden contact. In that moment, he felt Chin clutching his clothes from behind. Her hands gripped his shirt tightly, her visage a tumultuous blend of fear, concern, anger, and frustration. The intimate and affectionate contact evoked the image of a couple in distress— the resolute male lead prepared to risk everything for his beloved, while she clung to him, her grip reflecting the depth of her apprehension for his safety and the uncertain outcome.

The thugs sneered at the response, clearly finding the scene both absurd and entertaining. The younger thug closed in, wielding the bat within striking range, poised to hit Jimin. In a swift motion, Jimin pulled Chin-sun into his embrace, narrowly evading the impending attack by a split second.

Signaling to Chin to take cover, Jimin confronted the assailant head-on. Swiftly evading each oncoming strike, he seized the attacker by the collar, maneuvering him in bewildering and disorienting patterns. As the other thugs joined the fray, Jimin valiantly defended his ground, launching a series of kicks and punches. Despite his skill, the exertion began to take its toll, steadily eroding his stamina. Amidst the chaos, the stout thug capitalized on Jimin's diversion, forcefully seizing Chin. "Let me go, get your hands off me!" she screamed, vehemently struggling against his grasp. His laughter was hauntingly delirious as he examined Chin with a wild, manic look, akin to a crazed animal.

Forcibly, he gestured to Chin-sun, drawing her into his embrace. Despite his hardened grip, she managed to free one arm and delivered a resounding slap across his face. His visage froze in shocked horror as he processed the impact, before erupting in a furious bellow and directing a glare filled with malice towards her.

Anticipating the worst, Chin instinctively shielded herself, bracing for the imminent blow as he raised his hand menacingly. However, in a sudden turn of events, she felt a gentle tug as she was pulled into another man's embrace, followed by a loud thud and a shriek. Amidst the chaos, she experienced a rush of warm, comforting sensations coursing through her. His touch felt electrifying and magnetically captivating. As she sneakily peeked, a hand swiftly blocked her line of sight, but she managed to catch a glimpse through the gaps. What met her gaze was a bulky thug, clutching his nose, blood pouring out, his face a fiery red, bearing the imprint of a shoe. His eyes glared with unmistakable malice. Slowly, as she lifted her head, her eyes met Baek Hyeon's—widening in disbelief. What in the world was he doing there?

Baek Hyeon looked down and asked with concern, "Are you alright?" Chin-sun was left speechless, lost in those mesmerizing, deep, soulless yet profound dark navy blue eyes. It felt like being drawn into the uncharted depths. Baek Hyeon interpreted her silence as a nod, and turned his cold stare towards the thug. "Is that how you treat a lady?" The mention of "a lady" sent a wave of sweetness over Chin-sun. The thug, far more terrified of Baek Hyeon than he ever was of his own enraged boss, felt as though those eyes could swiftly bring about his demise. Involuntarily, he recoiled. Attempting to mask his fear, he lashed out angrily, "Do you know who I am? Do you know who you are messing with?" Baek Hyeon, unfazed and indifferent, remained unnerved.

"You? Get him."

As the young thug charged towards Baek Hyeon, teeth gritted, Baek Hyeon held his ground, locking eyes with his assailant. The thug, genuinely caught off guard, hesitated briefly in his attack, granting Baek Hyeon the upper hand to swiftly knock him down in one decisive motion. Despite the thug clutching his chest in agony and struggling to rise, he wielded his bat, launching an even fiercer and reckless assault. Baek Hyeon smoothly and effortlessly evaded the attacks, responding with a series of precise punches after toppling his initial adversary. He then joined forces with Jimin, fighting alongside each other. Despite the rough and aggressive nature of the brawl, their synchronized skills and swift combat prowess allowed them to successfully subdue their opponents.

Jimin hurried to Chin's side, quickly checking on her well-being. As he finished assessing her condition, he turned to locate Baek Hyeon, only to find him sauntering away, gradually fading into the darkness.