
My Unseen Desire

Certainly, love can indeed be a complex and intricate experience to navigate! Understanding the emotions and relationships within the context of a love web can be both compelling and challenging. Chin-sun finds herself entwined in the complexities of love, encountering sparks and butterflies when embraced by Baek Hyeon, all while grappling with her feelings amidst the entanglement involving Mi-sun, Professor Jimin, and others. These conflicting emotions foster a sense of bewilderment, compelling her to question the depths of her affection and the source of her undeniable reactions.

Mill_stone · Urban
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16 Chs

The Competition I

As time passed, the interdepartmental competition approached, and Ae-cha diligently prepared her creations. With meticulous care, she ironed out every detail of the designs she had crafted over the past weeks. A sense of satisfaction washed over her as she gazed at her creations, feeling proud of the effort she and her friends had put in.

"Wow, they're gorgeous, Ae-cha, you're amazing!" Mia exclaimed, flashing a big thumbs up and a wide grin at Ae-cha. In response, Ae-cha smiled humbly, "It wasn't just my efforts, it was all of us." The girls nodded in appreciation, beaming with pride.

"Talented and humble," Chin remarked, acknowledging Ae-cha's skills with admiration.

"When is your competition, Mia?" Bai inquired. "In two days," Mia replied.

"You all will come, won't you?" she asked eagerly. The girls nodded in agreement. Mia, being the only freshman competing, stood out among the sophomores and third-year students participating in the linguistics competition.

The competition was challenging, but Mia, an exceptional student, showcased her skills while competing on the sophomore team. With the support and cheers from her friends, she pushed herself to do her best, proving her talent and dedication to everyone around her. Ae-cha was overcome with guilt as she realized how much Mia had done for her in the past couple of weeks. Mia had offered to be her model and apprentice, as she dedicated her time after classes to assist Bai in teaching Chin-sum how to catwalk and helped with sewing and stitching. She decided to surprise her friends on the day of her competition.

Mia bid them goodbye and headed to her department. As she walked up the stairs and entered the TA's common room, she spotted Min-Joon engrossed in sorting through piles of documents. Min-Joon glanced up from his work and offered a fleeting smile to Mia before returning to his tasks. Despite his usual composed demeanor, Mia noticed a hint of a blush creeping up his neck, sparking a mischievous smirk on her face. She approached him leisurely, squatting down and resting her crossed arms on his desk, her head gently propped on them, ready to engage him in some playful banter.

Mia playfully teased Min-Joon,

"Hey you, don't you miss me?", to which he initially ignored but his blush spread to his cheeks. Seeing his reaction, Mia pouted in feigned annoyance, threatening to leave. As she rose to depart, a gentle yet firm hand reached out and held hers, silently urging her to stay. As Mia gazed into his eyes, a mixture of admiration, desire, and a touch of shyness shimmered within them. Min Joon, his head bowed slightly, spoke softly,

"Yujie is aiding in the check competition preparation."

"Oh?" Mia's response carried a mischievous tone.

As the seconds passed, Min Joon found himself perched on the edge of the desk, his shirt casually half-unbuttoned, showcasing his sculpted chest. A scatter of files lay forgotten on the floor as he held Mia close. She sat facing him, her legs entwined around his waist, lost in the heat of their shared, intense kiss. Min Joon's hands traced every curve of her body, while Mia clung to his shirt from behind, overwhelmed by the sensations coursing through her. Breaking their kiss, Min Joon trailed soft, teasing kisses along her neck, leaving a trail of shallow marks. Mia suppressed a moan, her nails digging into his pale back, as she heard him whisper, "You make me lose control."

As Min-Joon lifted her crop top with a deliberate slowness, the sound of approaching footsteps shattered their moment which jolted them to action. Yujie's entrance into the room was made to her surprise. Mia was bent on the ground gathering the scattered files, while Min-Joon was composed in his work, his appearance slightly disheveled and his neck flushed with color.

Yujie's gaze narrowed with suspicion just then Min Joon's stern words cut through the tension.

"Make sure to thoroughly review the lecture notes, being a freshman won't exempt you from our expectations," he commanded, his voice icy and unwavering. His authoritative tone dispelled any doubts Yujie had. Yujie let out a small sigh of relief, reassured by the shift in the atmosphere. Sensing the moment, Mia politely excused herself from the office.

"Min Joon Sunbae, I brought us some snacks," she announced cheerfully, lifting the bags and giving a warm smile.

Under the radiant midday sun of the second day, the campus came alive with colorful banners and bustling booths. Students weaved through the vibrant displays, their eyes alight with curiosity as they explored the array of offerings.

In the bustling computer science expo, a throng of students flocked to their booths. Baek Hyeon's mere presence captivated the female attendees, though the majority were intrigued by the engaging activities on offer. Stepping into the coding arena, students showcased their programming prowess in competitive coding challenges, hackathons, and algorithmic contests testing their skills and problem-solving abilities. Some witnessed the synergy of technology and engineering as robotics teams present innovative robots, drones, and automation projects that push the boundaries of creativity and automation.

Others embarked on immersive journeys through virtual reality experiences, transporting them to fantastical worlds, interactive simulations, and educational environments. More students from other universities explored the fascinating world of artificial intelligence (AI) through student-led presentations, demonstrations, and projects that highlight AI applications, machine learning models, and intelligent systems. The class president and his team dived into the realm of cybersecurity with hands-on workshops, cybersecurity challenges, and interactive sessions that raise awareness about cybersecurity threats, digital privacy, and ethical hacking practices.

Bai and Chin energetically assisted the seniors in managing their booths amidst the bustling crowd. While the atmosphere lacked the liveliness of the computer science or fine arts sections, it was filled with a cacophony of noise and a throng of attendees.

"Hey, you all have been putting in so much effort. Why don't you take a break and enjoy yourselves?" a senior girl warmly suggested as she offered to take over their tasks. "Hey, you guys have been working so hard, it's time to relax," the senior girl said kindly, offering to take over their tasks. Chin and Bai breathed out in relief, expressing their gratitude before heading off. They wandered through the booths, indulging in snacks they bought from the hospitality and catering department booths. As they explored, Chin noticed Baek Hyeon, fully immersed in his teaching role, surrounded by enthusiastic freshmen guys with girls captivated by his every move. His expression remained cool and mysterious, adding to his enigmatic charm. Suddenly, a fleeting image of Baek Hyeon holding her hand flashed through Chin's mind, causing her cheeks to turn a shade of pink. She couldn't help but picture his piercing navy blue eyes focused on her. As she nibbled on her snack, she imagined him leaning in for a kiss, and at that moment, Chin blushed as red as a tomato.

"Chin-sun, Chin-sun, Chin-sun!" Bai's voice broke Chin out of her reverie, and she saw his concerned face.

"Are you okay?"

"I feel a bit flushed, I'll go freshen up in the bathroom," Chin replied hurriedly as she dashed away. Watching Chin's figure disappear, a boy with a mischievous glint in his eyes sauntered towards her.

Chin took a few deep breaths, patting her cheeks and splashing water on her face. As she calmed her racing heart and controlled her breathing, the washroom door suddenly swung open, revealing a surprising figure. Baek Hyeon gazed at her silently before moving to the sink.

"Why are you in the girls' washroom?" Chin asked, astonished. She observed him washing his hands, puzzled by his presence. After a moment of quiet, he uttered,

"Check again," leaving her perplexed. With curiosity piqued, she glanced around the room. As Chin laid eyes on the urinals meant for boys, she was taken aback. Realization struck—she was in the men's washroom. Her cheeks turned a rosy pink as she spun around to face Baek Hyeon.

"What are you doing here?" His chilly yet alluring voice filled the space, leaving her intrigued and captivated. As Chin retreated slowly, she slammed behind, feeling the cool wall pressing against her back. Attempting to evade Baek Hyeon, her escape route was cut off, and he advanced towards her. With no way out, she found herself trapped, her left arm restrained against the wall as he held her waist firmly.

"Where do you think you're heading?" his soft words brushed against her ear, tinged with a possessive tone. As Baek Hyeon's voice caressed her ears, Chin felt a wave of uncertainty and sparks wash over her, her resolve melting like soft pudding. Locking eyes with him, she saw a captivating blend of enigma, threat, and desire in his intense gaze. Moving closer, his face hovered mere inches from hers, his ragged breath brushed against her skin

sending shivers down her spine as their lips nearly brushed.

In that instant, Chin jolted upright, her body momentarily tensing before relaxing. Her eyes opened as she withdrew her hand from between her legs with a sigh, observing the thick fluid dripping from her fingers.

"God, forgive me," she silently pondered,

Chin did it again, feeling a wave of disgust wash over her. Despite her desire to quit, breaking the grip of her old habit proved challenging. Exiting the cubicle, she made her way to the sink, scrubbing her hands vigorously in an attempt to cleanse herself. However, the lingering feelings of dread and revulsion persisted, wrapping her in a shroud of unease. Despite her efforts to pacify her turbulent and judgmental emotions, thoughts of Baek Hyeon drew Chin back into the cycle once more. She recognized her own recklessness, driven by an intense desire for him and the imaginary action of his skin, touch, and lips, stirred a tumultuous storm within her. Rejecting the temptation with a determined shake of her head, she forced herself to step out.

As she headed back to where she left Bai, Chin observed a boy trying to strike up a conversation with her friend. Bai, feeling flustered by his direct approach, averted his gaze in shyness. Spotting Chin, she hurried over, apologizing to the boy away from his direction

"Chin, I've been waiting forever."

"Looks like you were up to something exciting," Chin teased with a smile. Bai playfully rolled her eyes before pulling her towards the platform where a group of students sat in front of chairs, signaling the imminent start of the linguistics competition.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the..." Chin's attention drifted away, envisioning herself in a garden where flower petals intertwined to form a delicate crown atop her head. In this moment, she exuded beauty with her soft curls, flawless skin, and an innocent yet captivating aura reminiscent of a floral fairy. As she twirled in her floral pink dress, frolicking with butterflies and nurturing flowers, a tall and enigmatic knight stepped into the scene. His strikingly handsome features carried a cold demeanor, his armor shining brightly in the sunlight, and his eyes holding a soulless gaze of navy blue depths. Approaching her with confident strides, the knight knelt on one knee and tenderly took Chin's hand. Initially apprehensive, Chin's fear melted away as she met his softened, cheerful gaze. As he kissed her hand, a wave of tingles traveled down her spine, igniting a mix of emotions within her. Sitting beside her in silence, the knight observed Chin with intermittent glances as they later wandered through the forest and towards the river. The water flowed smoothly, glistening in a gentle light, while colorful, lively fishes swarmed around, creating a picturesque scene of tranquility and life. As Chin squatted to play with the water, a bright smile graced her face as she remarked,

"The water is warm." Baek Hyeon, in response, lowered his glove, joining her in the playful interaction with a simple

"Mn." Intertwining their hands under the water, his gaze met Chin's flushed face, faint pink hue.Chin's cheeks flushed as he leaned in to kiss her cheek, the unexpected gesture causing her to stand up, her heart fluttering. As he held her gently, pulling her close, he tenderly planted kisses on her cheek and then on her soft lips, sparking a whirlwind of emotions in her stomach.

As she nestled into his embrace, basking in his warmth, she suddenly caught sight of someone glaring at them, a figure with cherry blossom eyes filled with jealousy and anger. Startled, she gasped,

"Min-sun!" The sound of his name snapped her out of her reverie, and she was taken aback as she met Min-sun's gaze, Chin-sun found herself stunned by his unexpected presence.