

Born with an unrivaled tribrid bloodlines inherited from her witch mother and human father, Evelyn stands at the crossroads of light and darkness. She holds the key to both the salvation and annihilation of Zitherland. However, her bloodline powers were sealed from birth by her mother. As a result, she grew up among humans without any knowledge of her dormant powers and abilities. A weak and mediocre human mage. But as Evelyn faced life-threatening encounters and uncovered secrets about her identity through the voice in her amulet, her dormant powers started to awaken. What's more, the balance of power in the realms of Zitherland was beginning to teeter as well. With demons lurking and darkness closing in, can she rise above her own shadows and internal demons to save her world? Will Evelyn's destiny shatter the realm or bring forth its ultimate redemption? Embark on an odyssey of power, passion, and sacrifice that will leave you breathless. ————— Even though, this novel has a female MC... You should try it out because it is unique and full-packrd with action... My esteemed readers and fans should join my discord server let's connect together. There will be spoilers of the novel climax here in that community https://discord.gg/SdzyYgTa

De_Prodigy · Fantasy
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43 Chs

31: Take Me As Your Disciple

"It's a draw."

Evelyn and Steve, their weapons still intertwined, heard the voice of their combat teacher approaching them. Evelyn unwound her whip from the scythe and glanced at Mr. Ronald, who was already standing a few centimeters away from them.

At this moment, these two had garnered the attention of nearly every student in the hall. Perhaps it was because their teacher had only walked over to them since the practice started.

Mr. Ronald turned his attention to Evelyn. "Young girl, what is your name and rank?"

"I'm Evelyn, sir... I am still a 3-star."

"Why did you choose that old whip out of all the weapons here in this vault?" Mr. Ronald asked before continuing. "That old thing has been here for years, gathering dust. It's useless, my dear. The whip can no longer absorb mana or unleash any elemental power. It's merely a relic of the past."

After their teacher said this, the other students looked closely at the whip. That was when they saw how tattered, rusty, and fragile the whip looked. Most of them scoffed when they saw the condition of her weapon. They thought that because she was still a low-ranked 3-star mage, she didn't know what a good weapon was.

Anyway, some of them became even more perplexed. They would be thinking about how she was able to wield the nearly broken whip just a few minutes ago. Perhaps, this was their teacher's line of thoughts too which was why he was querying her now.

"Mr. Ronald, this is the weapon that caught my attention of all the weapons here." She said straightforwardly. "It might appear old and rusty, possibly because it hasn't been used in years. And I just love it, I don't care whether it can harness mana or not. Because I already have a good beast weapon."

'If anything, this whip has to be special in some way, which is why it was reacting with my amulet... and that voice also advised me to take it,' she thought.

"Since you put it that way. Why would I stop you from using it? At least you have utilized it more than other students who have tried using it in the past. They had also claimed to be attracted to it... but in the end... Anyway, since it is a trashy weapon, you can take it with you. It was never owned by the academy in the first place, so you can own it henceforth." Mr. Ronald said before turning around and returning to the center of the hall, where there was a circular drawing resembling a yin-yang symbol.

'I really think there is more to that whip than what meets the eye. I will leave it with her. Perhaps she might make full use of it. Maybe, just maybe, she is a genius because even I was unable to wield that old whip.' These were Mr. Ronald's thoughts as he stood at the center of the hall.

Evelyn was incredibly happy, even though it wasn't evident on her face. Earlier, she had been contemplating how to persuade her mom to buy her this weapon, and now, she finds herself in possession of the weapon without having to pay for it. Her upcoming days in the academy will undoubtedly be spent on the training grounds. She needs to master it as soon as possible.

Murmuring and whispering filled the entire hall as the other students heard their teacher give a weapon to another student without charge.

"What if it were a trashy weapon? He clearly stated that the academy does not provide students with weapons. Why make an exception now? Isn't this favoritism?"

"You are right if I were to get another trashy weapon. Will he leave it for me?"

"It's a pity you're not a girl. Don't you know that girls often receive favors, especially from male teachers? It's probably her charming beauty that won her the weapon."

"You shouldn't jump to unnecessary conclusions, guys. He might have his reasons. What if he pays for the weapon himself?"

"A trashy weapon is as good as a piece of wood. She will regret taking that weapon later."

These were only a few of the things the students were saying.

While some were busy bantering about why the weapon was given to her for free, others seemed uninterested and were busy practicing with their selected weapons. These guys should be the ones from wealthy and prominent families. Obtaining a weapon won't be a problem for them.

The class ended after a few more minutes of practicing strikes and blocks with several partners. All the students left the department to pursue their activities before it got dark.

Except for a blonde-haired guy, who was seen walking towards Mr. Ronald.

This person was none other than Elvis, Evelyn's brother. He had been lost in thought while leaning against the wall, so he didn't even notice when Mr. Ronald handed his sister the old whip.

He had been thinking about what Troy said to him. He also reflected on his fight with Wilson yesterday. He came to a realization and also made a decision. He was too weak; even his sister had already caught up to him. So, he resolved to become stronger, improve his swordsmanship skills, and also work on controlling his emotions.

That was the main reason why he stayed back in the hall while others had left to meet with Mr. Ronald.

Mr. Ronald raised his eyebrows when he saw the student standing before him with a sword.

"I told you that the academy doesn't provide students with weapons. Don't think I would give that one to you because I already gave the whip to that girl… I was the one who personally brought the whip to this vault. That's why I gave it to her because she was the only one who could utilize it since I brought it more than twenty years ago." Mr. Ronald said to Elvis. There was a hint of anger in his voice.

Elvis knelt before the man and bowed to him. "Sir, this sword is not from this vault. It was given to me by my mother as a gift on my birthday. I have already returned the one I used to practice back to its rack.

"Please, sir, can you take me as your disciple and teach me the way of the sword? I admire your sword skills and have always looked up to be like you one day. Please, sir, can I address you as a master?"

Mr. Ronald was stunned in place. Looking closely at the sword, he discovered that it wasn't from the academy. It had the Zeccammon Family's crest on it. But this was not why he was surprised; it was the bravery of this boy kneeling before him. He doesn't accept disciples, and everyone in the entire Humaldor knows that.

"Don't you know that I do not accept disciples? It is not that I did not want my own disciple. But my swordsmanship is an ancient technique that was stolen from Zithran, the demon settlement.

"Many people who attempted to learn my sword techniques did not survive. I was the only one who survived after practicing the technique, and since then, I have never taken on a disciple. I can feel the determination in your voice and how badly you want to learn swordsmanship, but I'm afraid you need to find another swordsman."

"Please, sir... I would like to give it a try under your guidance. I promise I won't disappoint you," Elvis pleaded, keeping his head still bowed. In his mind, that was a fabricated story that the man wanted to use to scare him away. Perhaps it might be a test.

"Alright, since you insist even after hearing my story. I can take you as my disciple but on one condition."

"Whatever the condition may be, I am willing to do it or abide by it."

"You have to prove that you are worthy of being my disciple," he said as he stood up and walked towards a small cabinet-like shelf in the hall near his sword stand. Elvis also stood up and followed suit.

Mr. Ronald took a scroll from the shelf and handed it to Elvis. "Take this scroll on the fundamentals of swordsmanship. Practice with it on your own for three days. On the fourth day, I will arrange a duel between you and another student who had been practicing swordsmanship before you. If you win the duel, you will be qualified. If not, I cannot accept you as a disciple. It now depends on your capability and talent for swordsmanship."

Elvis collected the scroll from Mr. Ronald and bowed to him once more. "Thank you so much, sir. I will definitely live up to your expectations."

After collecting the scroll, he also left the hall, placing his sword and the scroll (with a red cover on which a hand unsheathing a sword is drawn) in the spatial pouch tied to his belt.

"How many surprises have I received today? That girl was able to wield that mysterious whip, and here's this guy... but that sword reminds me of my old-time friend.

"Nate, I really miss our good times." Mr. Ronald mumbled as he looked sadly at the departing figure of Elvis. "I didn't even ask about his name. Seeing that sword almost made me consider accepting him as my disciple, but it is a relief that I have devised a better plan to dissuade him from wanting to be my disciple.

"But if he truly survives my test, then I will be left with no choice but to teach him as my disciple…"

Did you know that the Nate, Mr. Ronald talked about was actually Elvis' father. But Mr. Ronald didn't know that Elvis was his friend's son, he thought the boy had a sword similar to Nate's but it was really Nate's sword which Dorcas gave to Elvis...

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