
My unpredictable love life

Can Ashe fall in love when all she receives is hate? This story is about how she faces pain every time she starts a relationship. is it possible to be hurt 1000 times? then she finally finds her true love, a boy named John but she is not certain if she is going to get heartbroken again. Join Ashe on her journey as she tries to find out if John is really her true love!

nilapremkumar · Teen
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30 Chs

Why, life just why

The next day I was awaiting his text got what seemed like forever. Then finally it came at precisely three twenty-eight pm. It said

" Hello, Ashe. Is it possible if we could meet today at four pm? I was hoping we could get to know each other a bit. If possible meet me at the cafe we met at"

There was a winky face emoji at the end. I wondered what that meant. I looked at my watch, it was currently three thirty pm. I started freaking out. First, I texted sure back to John. Then I rushed to my closet to try and find an outfit. After 10 minutes of frantically searching I decided to go with the dress, my mom got for my birthday ( a forever 21 dress with a yellow base and white polka dots scattered around). When I arrived at the cafe I was panting. I looked at my watch. Exactly four pm, I was proud of myself. I looked around for the table where John was sitting. Then there I saw him. He was wearing a light blue button-down shirt and some black jeans. He looked normal, I was disappointed for some reason. I looked down at myself, I was overdressed. I walked over to him. Here is how our conversation went.

"Hi John"

"Oh hey, Ashe. Wow you look amazing"


At this point, I was blushing a bit.

"Ashe please sit"

I sat feeling embarrassed about not sitting before.

"So what're your hobbies" he said.

"Well I like to read"

"What are your favorite books"

"I like the Fault in our stars what about you"

Our conversation dragged on for about twenty minutes nothing interesting happened until John had started talking about his past. Then the word cancer came up. I felt like my heart had stopped working, but then he said he was NEC ( no evidence of cancer) for the past year. I took a deep breath and my heart started working again. For some reason, I cared about this guy a lot. As I was going to tell him about the time I worked at the ice cream store I got a phone call. It was the hospital. I answered it and asked what's wrong. I thought to myself it's probably just an advertisement or spam call. They replied saying

"It's your mom Ashe"

Slowly a tear started rolling down my face.