
My unpredictable love life

Can Ashe fall in love when all she receives is hate? This story is about how she faces pain every time she starts a relationship. is it possible to be hurt 1000 times? then she finally finds her true love, a boy named John but she is not certain if she is going to get heartbroken again. Join Ashe on her journey as she tries to find out if John is really her true love!

nilapremkumar · Teen
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30 Chs

Goodbye Mom

I couldn't believe this. I ran out of the hospital and screamed. I screamed and screamed, lots of people stared but I didn't care. I just wanted my mom back. Then I checked Instagram and posted about my mom. I don't know why I did it, teen hormones I guess. Lots of comments reeled in, I ignored them all except one. it was John, he had said

" Ashe I'm so sorry please forgive me and reply to my texts."

I checked my texts, I had received 10 from John. They said

"Ashe I'm sorry I don't know what got into me"

"Ashe please I mean it"

"Ashe I'm begging you"

The rest of his texts were just him apologizing. I felt bad. I texted back its ok, he was really happy about this. I'm so glad I forgave him that day because If I didn't then great things wouldn't have started happening in my life.