
My unpredictable love life

Can Ashe fall in love when all she receives is hate? This story is about how she faces pain every time she starts a relationship. is it possible to be hurt 1000 times? then she finally finds her true love, a boy named John but she is not certain if she is going to get heartbroken again. Join Ashe on her journey as she tries to find out if John is really her true love!

nilapremkumar · Teen
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30 Chs


Beautiful Saturdays. They are the best day of the week, in my opinion, you don't have to worry about Monday and you can just relax. I start setting up my relax, super lazy zone, yes you read this right a relax super lazy zone. Anyway, let me explain each area to yall. First, we have a pillow for Asta, then a blanket for me. It's small but perfect. I start trying to find a series to binge but then the doorbell rings, dramatic music starts playing in my head and I start to get scared, but then I think it's probably just the pizza guy and open the door to find my dad.


" Ashe hey..." he says

" get out of my HOUSE!"

" Our House Ashe"

"No, it's not yours anymore. The day you walked out of this house it became mine and mom's..."

" where is your mom. I want to talk to her"




" wha- don't lie bitch"


"No this can't be I need her money."

"GET OUT" I slammed the door in his face hoping to never see him again, maybe I need one of the eye hole things.