
My Universal Dominance System: wealth and lust

A young man goes from weak and spineless, betrayed by his best friend who he thought was his girlfriend, to receiving a system that would change his destiny and fate. The fate of all who encounter him shall never be the same. He will amass wealth and strength like none other. He will find many soulmates and build a harem of beautiful and loving women who will help him build and run his new businesses and empire. He will fight with blood, sweat, tears, and a whole lot of money. To keep what wealth and love he gathers there isn't anything he isn't willing to do.

DaoTDO · Sci-fi
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12 Chs

Hope Sparked

  They all decided that they would alternate nights in their offices and the Presidential Suite at The Jade Lotus. With that choice made, Chris needed to get furnishings for the apartments and offices that they would be using. They would be spending most of their time there. He would also make arrangements for a shared area for them so they could spend time together on vacation days and at night. He made sure to get everyone's input regarding what style of furnishings they desired for their individual private spaces and how they would like their offices arranged.

  Two days later, having had a successful press conference, Chris now must prepare to meet his first Father-In-Law. He knows he needs to make a great first impression, and the fact that it will be at a banquet won't be of any consolation. Chris has never been a big fan of large crowds, so he knows it will be a long and difficult night.

  A tall and elderly man, dressed in a luxurious suit could be seen lounging on a couch in the most luxurious room available at the hotel hosting the banquet for Mr. Roger Wilson, this old man doesn't plan on attending but has his covert and undercover spies in attendance. This man is Sir Charles, he hopes to take this chance to learn more about his grandson who knows nothing about his true family; he just wanted to be close by incase a chance introduction may occur.

  Chris arrives dressed in a respectable and luxurious suit, but not enough to make himself better than the host. He has all six of his wives by his side; having arrived in a motorcade of two luxurious executive cars and 4 Mercedes security detail cars. Knowing it would be rude to bring his full security staff into the gathering, asked that only two of them enter with his family; the others could find something fun to do nearby but stay on call.

  Too bad they weren't as good at their jobs as the undercover spies throughout the party were, the spies were watching and covertly taking notes before Chris even got out of his car. Sir Charles, having his phone and computer out and receiving messages, audio, and video feeds from some of his people, let's just say he was finally truly seeing his grandson for the first time. What surprised him most was his changes had been to great and much to quick; he even had multiple women by his side.

  Charles had seen the press conference the day before, not all that worried by Chris's lack of involvement with the media; he was happy to see Chris had some strong and trustworthy wives by his side who each had their own strengths and knew how to use them to their husband's best advantage. Charles was excited to introduce himself to his grandson but didn't know how long he should wait before he told him about the wealth and empire he would need to inherit.

  Charles could see Chris was already starting to build his own small little empire. There is no telling how far he could take it, as long as he has good advisers and strong foundations.

  Chris doesn't notice all the eyes spread throughout the room that are covertly watching his every move, of course Lilith does though; she just decided that since they weren't malicious that she would leave them be. After entering the first thing he did was to follow Kristen as she led them to her parents. The first thing Chris saw was a beautiful and busty woman who looked as if she was only in her mid-twenties, she was tall and had a pinkish shade of hair with Golden eyes.

  This immediately caused some not so pure thoughts to enter Christian's mind, he wanted to claim the woman who brought his first wife into the world for himself. He looked to her left and there he found his Father-In-Law; he was a tall and handsome middle-aged man; let's say he didn't really seem all that interested in his wife. For some reason, he had his eyes and a young Purple haired woman that was seated not too far away, who is giving him seducing eyes. Let just say that young woman is someone he should never even imagine harboring these sorts of feelings for. Fathers shouldn't have sexual desires for their daughters-in-law. Christian didn't mind, obviously in this world it didn't matter if he decided to have a relationship with his mother-in-law; it may not be good for him morally, but legally and physically there was nothing against it.

  Christian introduces himself and gives them a slight bow of respect, and he notices that Kristens mother who goes by Katherine is showing a pleased and seductive look. He's happy to see that his desires aren't just one sided, he will later find out that Kristens' parents are legally divorced but remain the best of friends. Roger may be a respectable person, but he's weak to temptations. After his son got married, Roger wasted no time in claiming his daughter-in-law's womb for himself; she has been pregnant for 3 months now and Kristens brother still has no idea that 'his' child is actually his own little brother or sister.

  Roger has told his daughter in Law that he would get a vasectomy done so they can't have another child, he didn't want to make his son claim the child but had no choice. Katherine had known about the situation all along and was just trying to keep her distance from everything and everyone involved. Katherine had this lingering desire to have more children, but Roger had lost all interest in her many years ago; but seeing Christian and how he seemed interested in her; hope sparked in her heart and womb.

  She decided that tonight, she would live again; she wanted Christian, and he wanted her. Let's just say she wasn't the only one wanting to be in Christian's bed tonight, Chris is about to have a very long and hot night. But that can wait till after the banquet and family reunion.