
my unique system: I create skills and abilities

Sorry, its my first novel so if the first chapters are bad but plz forgive me and plz read all before dropping it. also plz comment if you have any tips for me i will look at it when I get the time

Nijena_tsuipu · Fantasy
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15 Chs

My unique system is more unique than others?

In a small house near the outskirts of the city, a young boy with black hair and red eyes can be seen practicing his sword skills, after which he practices his archery, then hand to hand combat, and so on.

He does this from morning till the sun has risen up high in the sky.

"huh,its already noon?" realized the young boy

"I guess its time to go" realizing this he goes inside the house and takes a bath, after which he wears a black shirt and blue pants.

As he was about to leave a younger girl with blue hair, and purple eyes can be seen waiting for him outside, her name was Eira Aarden.

"Blake, I have been waiting " said Eira with a light blush.

"sorry did I make you wait long?" Blake said.

She shook her head and said,"don't worry I just arrived."

"Then shall we go?" Blake with a little excitement in his face.

Eira nods her head and follows him quietly.


After a few minutes they reach the city. There many people can be seen looking forward in empty spaces. Of course they were looking at their system not the space.

After another few minutes they reach a huge hall there many people can be seen waiting.

They were all waiting for there names to be called out. It was the the day in which people can get help to awakened their system.

System will be awakened when the right time comes, but with help of an awakener type system it can fasten the pace of awakening.

There were different categories of system. If the ball shines with a yellow light it means it is a common system, a green light means it is a uncommon, purple means rare and orange means ledgendary. If any other colour than this four colour shines than it is considered a unique system.

One by one many people tried to awaken their, some were successful where as some were not.

Most people awakened common system, there were a few people who awakened an uncommon system, only two had awakened a rare system. As for ledgendary and unique no one had awakened it yet.

After sometime it was Eira's turn. She stood on the platform and touch the crystal ball. Soon, the ball started to shine an orange light, it was a ledgendary system. Many people were shocked and jealous of her. As she slowly walked down many people tried to recruit her but she ignored them and sat beside Blake.

Some people were jealous of Blake as Eira was not only talented but also beautiful.

After Eira it was Blake's turn he went to the platform and touch the crystal ball 'please get awakened' Blake thought.

Soon multiple colour shined from the crystal ball and the crystal ball shattered into peices.

"Its an unique! a unique system!!!" the awakener shouted, as everyone with widen eyes and shocked expression looked at Blake

As for Blake, he stood their motionlessly looking at the panel in front of him.

[The Unknown God's System has been awakened]

[Examining the host....completed!]


Name: Blake Starling

Race: Half Human

Age: 16

Title: None

Occupation: None

Level: 1

HP: 400

Mana: 200

STR: 20

INT: 20

DEF: 20

DEX: 20

AGI: 20

LUK: 100

EXP: 100/0

Stat point: 0

Abilities: None

Mastery: [Short sword skills : Beginner][ Long sword skills:Beginner][Dual sword skills:Beginner][ Unarmed combat skills:Beginner][ Spear skills:Beginner][ Archery skills:Beginner][Dagger skills:Beginner][ Axe skills:Beginner][whip skills:Beginner][Scholar skills: Beginner]

passive skills: [Parry]

Active skills: [Slash: mp20] [ Thrust: mp20] [Throw: mp20]

System abilities: [skill creation] [ ability creation] [skill modification] [ability modification SSS] [not enough authority to use other abilities]

Divine abilities: none

Its my first time writing so please let me know if there is anything wrong

Nijena_tsuipucreators' thoughts