
The conspiracy.

'Never I think about this'

"But how can you ensure what you say?, and besides that you didn't tell us at that time" Questions Rai.

She adjusted her glasses again.

"At the time I wasn't sure about this since there was the possibility that they were just deserters who had a base around here but now that I see the image in front of me I could tell" She points ahead.

"That? A guard and several workers?" I look ahead trying to find any clue.

"You do not see that there are several people working but there is only one guard, in the report they gave us it specified that there were several but look ahead there is practically no one"

"Maybe they're somewhere else sleeping after having enjoyed the party or something like that" she questioned.

"Well, I think they're waiting for us with an ambush" She says direct words.

"Wow, how did you come to that?" She raised her eyebrow slightly.

That's somewhat inconsistent since no one had time to report, the men who attacked us were killed by Sayuki's poison.

"Do you remember that I told you that I had gone too far with the amount of poison?"


"Well, it was my hypothesis at the time since I thought that they had previously eaten something that when it interacted with the poison it was fast-acting"

"Then why don't we go back and check right then?"

"Because...*adjusts his glasses*, they're watching us"

"Eh?" Rai and I make dumbfounded faces.

"What are you talking about?" I turn my gaze to check my surroundings but Sayuki grabs my face before she does.

"Don't let them find us" She puts my head back to her previous position.

So before she can ask she continues.

"Since those shoulders died, my insects spread around to return but in the middle of the road they detected similarities, I did not dare to get too close so that there is no possibility of being discovered but I was able to follow them at a distance, they knew how to camouflage good in the bushes"

I was slightly surprised.

'She knew they were chasing us'

"So, you didn't tell us anything" Rai says.

"Well, she wasn't too sure but now I am, they were specifically after us even though we were some distance away"

"What the hell is that? Did they train in the art of stalking? Did they chase us halfway through the forest just to set us up? I guess they must like them a lot" I think imagining these guys in the same way as a certain stalker that I know

"The fact is that I didn't tell them anything because on the way I silently approached my insects to her position to inject poison so she had to be focused"

That would explain why she was very quiet on the road, here she is always like that.

"And what was the result?"

"Well, I only managed to put a little on them at the moment"

"Huh, that means..." I look at her again.

"Yes, they don't keep that much distance anymore so our performance can distract them from my insects acting"

"They did not realized?"

"No, the bugs secrete a liquid that works as an anesthetic so they won't realize they've been bitten for a while" She dictates her final words.

I look at her without knowing how to respond.

'Hey, that's a bit scary, that they inject you with a poison without realizing it in the middle of the forest where the antidote is unknown'

"So what should we do now? They're supposed to be after us right?"

"Let's just continue as planned and rest first, the effect of the poison will take a while to take effect"


I look ahead a little thoughtful at how easy this mission that seemed like a possibility of death is becoming.

'Looks like I should train my Observation Haki better' I think as I try to feel her presence.

I close my eyes trying to locate them.

"I can feel that they are divided into three groups, the exact number is unknown but I estimate that due to the intensity of their presence there are about 2 to 3 people in each group"

I open my eyes again and covertly put my hand on the tree at my side.


Some time ago while secretly practicing my rope style I discovered that it had interesting applications.

For example: he could sense everything that interacts with trees and plants within a certain wide radius of distance if he focused enough chakra.

Also that she had some healing power.

But one of the most important I would say would be that if I concentrated enough on a rope or rope it would harden so it had the same effect as Yamato's mokuton.

In short, I would say that the rope style is a very powerful ace up my sleeve.


I focus my mind on the plants.

My mind seems to come out of my body while my consciousness is carried by the trees.

I can feel the plants, roots, leaves, stems...

As we went on for some distance I noticed some noisy movement.

'I found them' she smiled.

This is where things get interesting because I found out recently that if I used the Observation Haki then my vision would clear up a lot.

So if before I only heard noises, now I could also see very marked silhouettes.

'5 people, two on the right, two on the left and one in the center, the three groups keep a certain distance, they seem to be waiting for something'

I focus my attention on the group on the right as I felt chakra movement.

To the right is a person who has one hand on the branch.

It seems he is concentrating on something.

He is staring straight ahead, more specifically at our position.

'Is he using some technique to look very far away?'

Then suddenly they start walking slowly.

'Wow, it looks like they want to ambush us'

I open my eyelids gently but quickly.

"Hey Sayuki, you are aware that our friends have already gotten impatient right?"

"Yes" She answers calmly as she pulls out some food pills and pops them into her mouth.

"What will we do now?" Rai says that out of the corner of her eye she had surreptitiously taken the sharingan out of her.

"The effect of the poison is greater when the body is in motion" She secretly took out a kunai from under her sleeve.

I do the same waiting for the arrival of these enemies.