
My unfortunate love

Maya a simple, idealistic girl who wants to live life to the fullest but cannot. Life changes for her when she met Jason. The son of a wealthy family. Join her on her journey with Jason and challenges

Arinze_Daniel_6452 · Urban
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7 Chs


No, I like you, he said and they both stared at each other. To Maya those words struck her like an arrow. She felt she's found her happiness.

She heard her name from Jason. Maya, Maya, she heard which made her blink twice and shake her head which made her sight blurry. She blinked again and used her hands to roll her eyes. Her vision became clear.

It was all an illusion.

She smiled to herself and Jason noticed her smile. Why are you smiling, he asked. she smiled more and nodded her head. let's go, she stood up and they both walk out.

The movie took most of our time, it's evening, our moms may have been back by now, said Maya worried.

Don't panick he said but he should be the one to panick. his phone rang and he checked id, it was his mom.

hi, mom, he said smiling and could be felt in his tone. it was a smile but frighteness. His mom asked where he was and should come back immediately.

He gave Maya a signal to move into the car and moving his head to the car. He hung up and he entered the car.

There was complete silence until Maya spoke. we are in trouble, you didn't even bring the driver, if they see us together, they will think but are statement was completed by someone else.

We went on a date, they can think what they want, he said and looked at her and then at the view to drive completely.

yeah, she said looking at him through the mirror. They were completely silent until they reached home.

She saw her mom standing near Jason mom as usual. His mom stood up and walked to them. Where have you been, she looked at Maya and then her son. She pointed at the both of them each, don't tell me you both went on a date, she asked almost screaming.

No, it's not what you think,I just wanted to go out, so I told her to accompany me,he blurted out.

Accompany you, Jason, what's wrong with you,you know what,I don't care,I just don't care, she turned to walk upstairs. Pile bring me a cup of coffee,I don't want to sleep tonight, she said and walked away.

Mom, said Jason walked after his mom who has slammed her door and left him knocking.

Maya stared at him quietly but her mother held her shoulder and stopped her from staring. come help me make the coffee, she said.

Jason gave up and walked to his room disappointed.

Maya helped her mom with the coffee but her mom also prepared tea. Why did you make tea, Maya asked as she took a jug filled with coffee and poured it into the cup. She carried the handle of the plate and placed it on a tray.

I made the tea because Jason needs it, she said. Why does he need it, Maya asked as she kept the jug on the sink. I always make him tea every night, Pile blurted out.

Why, can't he survive without tea, she asked confused.

No, but I don't know why he likes it, Pile revealed to her daughter.

Is it an addiction, Maya asked as she took the tea from her mom and placed it on another tray.

Maya walked forward and stood close to her mom,no, but he likes it, she said to Maya who looked at her mother.

Take,give the tea to Jason and I will give the coffee to madam. Pile pointed at the tea for her daughter to take it.

No, she said quickly and her mom looked at her sharply. She realized what she said and tried to cover up.

I.... mean his angry,I will give the tea to madam Nicky, she said and carried the tray but her mom slapped her hand.

No,mam Nicky is angry because of you,if you go, she will be angry with me, Pile carried the coffee tray and walked away leaving her daughter to think of how to give the tea to Jason.

Maya eventually found her lost confidence and walked to his room. She breathed in and out. God give me strength, she muttered and knocked slightly. She didn't get a reply and knocked but harder. come in, she heard a deep cold voice which sent fright through her spines.

She opened the door only to see Jason sitting on a chair and stretching his leg on the table, from the looks,he didn't care about his mom. He looked at her with a pale face.

Jason, she mumured.

He put down his legs and walked to her. drop it on the table,he said pointing at the table behind him.

She looked down and walked past him to keep the tea and walked to stand in front of him. Jason turned to leave but she held his hand,he looked at her hands and then her.

Am sorry, she said

Leave me, am not mad, he pulled his hand away. Jason, she called quietly.

He turned, held her hand and pushed her to the wall and tighten his grip hurting her.

Jason,y..you hurting me, she said in pain.

He kept looking at her lips and lowered his face to her. She could see his hazel eyes, she looked at it with passion. He brought his lips very close hers. She closed her eyes thinking he would kiss her but she didn't feel anything and her arm were free.

She slowly opened her eyes and saw him on his chair sipping the tea slowly. are you done,you can get out,he said rudely. She felt hurt but listened to him and walked out but he stopped her.

Wait until am done,he said and sipped his tea. She waited until he was done and she took the tray away. She thought maybe he would stop her and apologise but he didn't stop her until she walked out of his room


Maya dressed in her uniform and ready to go to school. She walked out of the house and didn't see Jason car. She looked at the time on her old watch. 9:36, she screamed. am late, she started running so fast. She fell down and bruised her elbow. She didn't care and continued running.

She arrived at class dirty and wounded. The class had begun and the students looked at her surprised.

Cassy smiled seeing the state she was. what happened, you bruised yourself, go to the sick bay, said the teacher worried.

She nodded and breathed out loudly which showed relief. She walked further into the class and kept her bag and walked with an attempt to go to the sick bay.

She soon came back with a bandage elbow. Miss Maya,you can have your sit, said the male teacher with sarcasm.

She nodded and walked to her sit. Jason kept looking at her injured elbow and knew it hurt her.

After the class, the students all went out to they next class.

Maya took a notebook from her locker and closed it. She turned back and was startled to see Jason facing a bottle of water. She touched her chest in relief as her back was on her locker.

Take, you must be hurt,he said

Thanks, she took the bottle water, opened it and drank it gulped them.

His caring now, he should have helped me get to school, she thought while drinking the water.

As if Jason knew her mind,he smiled. I waited but didn't see you,so I thought you've left.

How does he know what I think,is he a mermaid.

ok, she said.

I have to go to my next class, study well. he said and pulled down her packed hair which was now lose.

Hey, give me my band, she said and ran after him and he also ran.


Cassy and Anna was at the cafeteria. Cassy put her thumb finger into her mouth thinking.

I have a plan, she said with a smile..Her friend looking at her with a "spill it" look.

Cassy didn't answer her friend but just walked to the kitchen but was seprated by a counter.

Hey. she shouted at a boy who turned and looked at her. Take this, she handed him 50 dollars. If a girl asks you to give her some food.. she turned around to look for Maya and she saw her walked into the cafe with Nancy. that girl, she pointed at her. add some chili powder. the hottest kind, and oh, keep all the milk away, she said.

Cassy, people might know it's a set up all the milk gone, said Anna thoughtfully.

yeah, your right, just leave a bottle of milk and add some chili into it to hurt her mouth, said Cassy as she smiled and walked away with her friend following her.

I will order some food, said Maya as she stood up and walked to the kitchen counter. Jason entered the cafeteria with everyone clapping and Maya rolled her eyes.

She was given the food as instructed. Cassy looked at her as she walked to her sit.

She almost took a bite when a girl ran and pushed her making the spoon filled with food in her hand fall.

Sorry, said the girl and she ran to Jason.

What, she pushed me because of him, she asked hurt.

Is the star of the school, said Nancy.

What ever, she waved her hand for her friend to stop

She ate the food and it tasted somehow. the food is quite different today, she said.

Maybe, you've lost your appetite, Nancy declared.

if i lost my appetite i would have known and took another bite.

Cassy and Anna watched her. What, can she endure chili, the hottest kind, said Anna unbelievable.

Cassy continued to smile, the more she eat, the more pain she felt, 3....2.....1

Maya screamed and dropped the spoon. it's hot,i think too much chili, she blowed her tongue with her hand.

Jason, Eric and David ran to her.infact some of the students.

Ahhh, she screamed.

Maya, what happened, asked Jason.

pepper, her eyes were already filled with tears.

If you can't handle chili while eat it, asked David and Jason glared at him.

Milk, she shouted.

bring milk, shouted Eric and the boy brought the milk Cassy told him to spice.

Maya quickly grabbed it and drank it, she threw it on the floor and screamed.

the milk made it worst, she shouted and tear dropped from her eyes till her cheek.

what, Jason took the milk and looked into it and saw some stain of red. Chili was added here,he said.

Nancy stood up and ran to the counter.

How is your milk filled with chili, Jason was really angry and threw the milk hard on the floor.

What will we do, asked Eric.

Jason kept looking at maya who was blowing her tongue with her hand and panting.

He brought his face quickly into hers and kissed her passionately.

He pulled his tongue into hers and sucked it. He licked her lower lips. Maya was stunned but didn't kiss him.

He pulled away with Maya lips stained with saliva. she held her lips in disbelief.

Nancy soon came and brought a milk. drink this, have checked no chili, she said and Maya grabbed it and drank it.

She felt better. am ok, she said and looked at Jason.

Why did you kiss her, asked David who was stunned.

I kissed her to save her and if I waited until they found the milk,it would have been worse ,he said and turned to leave with his two friends walking away with him

Cassy is quite heartless. Jason kissed Maya to save her.

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