
My unforgettable journey in high school

Emily_Deo · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter fifteen

Emily's POV.

Good morning my sweet baby, I was greeted with love from my Mom as I woke up to the bright morning sunrise... Does the pain on your toes still hurts,Mom asked....,its a little better now, I responded.....

Oooh my darling, you should watch your steps when walking... Please tell me how it's happened, you couldn't speak last night when Eric escorted you home, I could see how there was some change on your eye color,it's was looking like someone who just finished shedding tears....

To tell you the truth, I couldn't sleep properly because I was thinking about the state you were brought in last night, Tell me now baby.....My Mom added with a sad face...

I felt sorry for causing her to worry about me, i hugged her so tightly as we both sat on my bed...

We finally released ourselves after five minutes of hugging...

Well Mom, nothing really happened.. I told Eric to hurry up so I can get home early, so we started running and that was how my toes had in contact with a stone causing me to get injured...

Author's Note:

Please this book was written by Emily Deo... Don't steal my work please.....


I shed tears because the pain was unbearable,.... And I couldn't speak to you last night because I got tired while trying to limp back home,I lied .....

I'm sorry I made you worry about me Mom, don't worry My baby it's okay, watch your steps next time and don't run at night in a rush to get home....

I love you so much Mom, I love you too Emily... Get up lemme help you go downstairs, I have prepared your favorite breakfast..... Awww Mom , why do you keep spoiling me like that, I asked... It's because you are my world, she replied...

She gently helped me to go down stairs

Mom!, I almost forgot, I have to get going to school,I said.... No darling I have already asked for permission for you to stay home until you can completely walk properly,my Mom added.....

Awww Mom, I will miss alot of lessons, You should think about next time before you get your self injured again, you will only go back to school when you feel much better, Mom added....

I couldn't utter a word after she spoke, I know for sure that i couldn't win this war of going back to school with the state I'm in, when she is aware of it.....

Sometimes, having a Mom that cares for you so much is awesome but it's can be worrying sometimes too....

I accepted my fate of staying at home for awhile, I need to get well so Eric and I could finish our unfinished matter.... I'm still hurt that he couldn't notice the difference between Tracy and I.....

I'm still finding it difficult to accept that, he didn't kiss Tracy intentionally....

I don't think I can let Tracy go Scott free if I Incase get into contact with her....