
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Unwanted attention

As Aisha and Klauss proceeded to join Sylvetta in a separate room with some other spectators from the duel, Klauss discreetly instructed Aisha to keep the encounter with the mysterious stranger a secret for the time being.

Klauss's intention was to avoid adding more complications for Sylvetta and himself, especially right after successfully navigating a challenging situation. Aisha nodded in understanding as she guided Klauss into the designated office.

Inside, Sylvetta engaged in conversation with executives who were eager to meet and greet the young rookie. They were genuinely impressed by the captivating show and the formidable hurdles Klauss had overcome.

While these executives were aware of the arranged circumstances, they were not in favor of Gabriella and Stefan's machinations.

As Klauss entered the room with a composed and calm demeanor, it left a lasting impression on the executives.

Instead of witnessing a boy who might panic or tense up after a duel, especially in the presence of important figures within the association, they perceived a young man in a boy's body—poised and controlled. Klauss seamlessly blended into the professional atmosphere, maintaining an air of confidence that resonated well with the gathered executives.

In the office, Klauss maintained his composed demeanor as Sylvetta made introductions to the executives present. It spoke volumes about how rapidly he had become a significant figure in the association, with the executives extending greetings to him rather than the other way around.

Despite the political dynamics at play, Klauss remained uninterested in the intricacies of association politics.

The conversation revolved around the recent duel, with the executives expressing their disdain for Gabriella and Stefan. In particular, Stefan faced skepticism regarding his intentions and capabilities as a hunter.

The executives subtly shifted the discussion towards Klauss, indirectly expressing interest in his future goals and subtly hinting at their readiness to support him.

While they navigated the delicate balance of association politics, Klauss responded with a level of diplomacy that reflected his growing understanding of the intricacies of the hunter world.

Klauss's ability to maintain composure and navigate the intricate dynamics at play stemmed from his extensive experience as a hunter in his previous life.

As the vice guildmaster of his former guild, he was well-acquainted with dealing not only with officials from the hunters association but also with government representatives.

A seasoned hunter, Klauss understood the ins and outs of the business, recognizing the delicate dance of association politics.

While the discussions unfolded in the foreground, others lingered in the shadows, engaging in their own clandestine conversations about plans and politics.

The hunter world, it seemed, was a stage where not only the visible moves but also the concealed maneuvers played a crucial role in determining one's standing and success.

Late at night, in a tall and opulent building, on the pinnacle floor, an enigmatic character named Shade engaged in a suspicious phone call. Standing within his lavish apartment's study, adorned in a black suit that exuded an air of formality and authority, he wore dark round glasses that concealed the depth of his gaze.

With one hand nonchalantly tucked into his pocket, Shade spoke into the phone with a measured and direct tone.

Facing the immense windows that offered a breathtaking view of the city's glittering lights below, Shade stood in an aura of mystery, his silhouette cast against the backdrop of the urban night.

Behind him, an imposing desk suggested an organized and meticulous personality, further accentuating the air of authority that surrounded him.

As he conversed, his words were carefully chosen and formal, hinting at the significance of the person on the other end of the line – most likely his boss.

Shade: (leaning against the window, gazing out at the city lights) "The pieces are in place, and the game board is set. Our maneuvers remain hidden, as intended. We can move forward with this plan"

Mysterious Person: "This plan is just but the first one. We will need all of our pieces in place by the time we are ready to move. Continue as you've been doing and don't forget to keep the others in the loop".

Shade: (smirking) "Of course, have I been one to stay still and idle. I believe we can accomplish one of our goals sooner rather than later. Everything is going as HE wanted".

Mysterious Person: (through the phone, voice distorted) "And what of the young hunter we've been monitoring? The one who defied expectations in the recent exhibition duel."

Shade: (smirking) "Ah, Klauss. An unexpected variable, indeed. His skills, the intrigue surrounding him—it has captured attention, even from the highest echelons of THA. Yet, his true potential eludes the public eye."

Mysterious Person: "We've observed the subtleties, but concealment must persist. The threads we weave should remain undetected."

Shade: (nodding) "As shadows protect secrets, so shall our influence remain veiled. However, Klauss might become a valuable asset, or a formidable adversary. The choices we make will determine the outcome."

Mysterious Person: "Proceed with caution. Manipulate the situation to our advantage, but do not expose our hand prematurely. There's more at stake than meets the eye."

Shade: (grinning) "Rest assured, secrecy is my expertise. Klauss will dance on the strings we pull, unaware of the grand design. The stage is set for a performance that transcends the visible spectrum."

Mysterious Person: "Keep it enigmatic, Shade. Our plans are intricate threads, and Klauss merely a pawn in this larger tapestry. He must play his role without realizing the depths of the game."

Shade: (smoothing his suit) "Consider it done. The shadows shall cloak our intentions, and Klauss will dance, oblivious to the strings that guide him. The play unfolds, and the climax approaches. On that note, I suggest we test him or play with him a bit."

Mysterious Person: (subtle chuckles) "I understand what you want to do. Let's have some fun in one of our portals. HE will surely be pleased. I leave the planning to you Shade but remember…"

Shade: (continuing) "Chaos in shadows".

The call concluded, leaving the air of mystery hanging as Shade continued to survey the cityscape below, contemplating the unfolding intrigue surrounding Klauss and the complex machinations set in motion.

After concluding the cryptic call, Shade, his silhouette framed by the city lights streaming through the tall windows, reached for a crystal glass filled with amber whiskey and clinking ice cubes.

The room, dimly lit, exuded an air of sophistication, complemented by the soft hum of the city below.

As he brought the glass to his lips, Shade's mind whirred with contemplation. The muted glow reflected off his dark round glasses, adding an enigmatic aura to his thoughtful demeanor.

Sipping the rich liquor, he pondered the delicate dance he was orchestrating—a dance that involved Klauss as a pivotal figure.

The whiskey's warmth coursed through him, and with each sip, Shade's thoughts deepened. Should he draw Klauss closer, turning him into a piece on the board, or sow seeds of doubt to isolate him from the association and the president.

Leaning against the vast desk behind him, strewn with scattered documents and dimly lit by a solitary lamp, Shade began to formulate a plan. His fingers tapped rhythmically on the smooth surface as he weighed the possibilities.

Klauss, an intriguing pawn in the larger game, could be a key asset or a formidable adversary, depending on the moves made.

The city's distant hum seemed to echo the intricate plotting within the room. Shade's reflection in the window revealed a smile, hinting at the satisfaction he derived from the complexity of the scheme.

The decision to manipulate Klauss's trajectory required finesse, subtlety, and the ability to keep the young hunter dancing on the edge of uncertainty.

With a final sip, Shade set the glass down, the clink echoing in the quiet room. The plan was set in motion, and as shadows clung to the corners, he relished the artistry of orchestrating a narrative where every move held significance.

Klauss, unbeknownst to him, stood at the crossroads of an enigmatic journey orchestrated by forces he couldn't yet perceive.

Around that same time, as the city lights painted streaks across the dark canvas of the night, the guildmaster of the second strongest guild was still revealing the thrill of his encounter with Klauss.

Dressed in his sleek, tailored purple suit that complemented the high-speed sports car he navigated, he cruised through the city streets with the convertible's top down. The wind tousled his hair as he relished the cool night air.

His thoughts, however, were consumed by the young rookie, Klauss. A sinister smile played on his lips as he envisioned the vast potential residing within the silver-haired hunter.

The guildmaster saw in Klauss the missing piece to elevate his guild to unparalleled heights. The tall figure, the silver hair, the cold expression—everything about Klauss seemed perfectly crafted to serve his ambitions. He became obsessed with Klauss.

Behind the wheel of his luxurious sports car, the guildmaster contemplated the possibilities. His expressions shifted from a contemplative smirk to a confident gaze, reflecting the determination that fueled his ambitious plans.

Klauss, in his eyes, wasn't merely a skilled hunter; he was a coveted asset, a means to ascend to the pinnacle of influence.

The sleek car, matching the hue of his suit, smoothly maneuvered through the city's labyrinthine streets. The purr of the engine resonated with the guildmaster's internal excitement.

With every turn, he plotted the course of his guild's destiny, with Klauss at the forefront.

As he sped through the urban landscape, the guildmaster revealed in the intoxicating allure of power and potential. His mind teemed with schemes and strategies, each one revolving around the enigmatic figure of Klauss.

The city lights flickered, mirroring the gleam in his eyes as he envisioned the ascent that awaited him, fueled by the cold determination to make Klauss the key to his guild's ultimate supremacy.

The buzzling night unfolded with an array of motives converging on Klauss, each individual or faction seeking to make him a linchpin in their pursuit for success. However, for Klauss, this was just the prologue to a life destined for unwanted attention.