
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

The journey begins

The time had come for Klauss to reveal his awakening to his friends and proceed to take the hunter exam alone. *

A week after their last meeting at the cafe, Klauss chose to communicate the news through a simple text message to their group.

The message read, "Hey guys, I have something to tell you. I awakened this morning; I could feel and sense mana, or at least I think it was mana. Since I just discovered it, I want to process it on my own, and I hope you guys will let me take the exam alone. Don't worry, we'll celebrate becoming official hunters together. Good luck to you both. Yay!"

Their immediate responses were filled with congratulations and understanding, expressing their support for his decision.

Perhaps, given that Klauss was the last among them to awaken, they refrained from delving into the matter.

Roger and Maria swiftly coordinated to take the exam the day after tomorrow, aligning perfectly with Klauss's plan, as he had already scheduled to take it tomorrow.

The trio also agreed on a future date to celebrate their official hunter status, choosing to wait until everyone had received their licenses.

Klauss felt a sense of relief and gratitude that his friends didn't insist on an immediate celebration, recognizing that it would have disrupted his plans.

In the group chat, he couldn't help but express his thanks, smoothly navigating his way out of taking the exam with Roger and Maria.

He then went on to spend the day training, meditating and mentally preparing himself for the next day: the day of his hunter exam.

The next day, Klauss made his way to The Hunters Association headquarters, the site for the upcoming exam.

Upon arrival, he mused to himself, "It felt like only yesterday I came to take the exam, and here I am again. Ahh, it feels weird. I wonder if I will see those two again. Oh, speaking of the devils."

Entering the building, Klauss noticed that everything remained the same as his previous visit.

The familiar surroundings brought a sense of déjà vu, and he couldn't help but wonder how this exam would differ from the one he remembered.

The lobby is a grand and spacious area, exuding an air of formality and importance. Tall marble columns line the periphery, supporting an intricately designed ceiling that adds a touch of elegance to the space.

The floor is adorned with a polished, reflective surface that enhances the overall aesthetic.

In the center of the lobby, there's a large, circular reception desk attended by professional staff, some probably semi-hunters.

The reception area is equipped with advanced technology for quick and efficient check-ins.

Plush seating arrangements are strategically placed, providing a comfortable waiting area for hunters and visitors.

The overall ambiance reflects the prestige of the Hunter Association, emphasizing order, efficiency, and a commitment to the pursuit of excellence in hunting.

Upon reaching the reception for check-in, Klauss spotted Sylvetta and Victor, both looking exactly the same.

"I saw them quite a few times after my exam in my previous life, but now that I am looking at them with over 10 years of experience, were they a thing?" he pondered.

Nevertheless, he was glad to see familiar faces.

As he waited to be called, 10 minutes passed before the receptionist announced through the microphone, "Alantry, Zayn, and Klauss, please make your way to the reception. Your supervisors await you for your immediate trials. Thank you."

A peculiar individual with red hair, rather short in stature, stood up briskly, exclaiming, "Finally, my time to shine. Gotta show these bearcubs how to ace a hunter exam, hahaha!"

This was Zayn, and as Klauss reached the reception, Zayn said "Hey you, tall handsome idiot with the white hair, don't feel bad if you come last between us hahaha" and he then introduced his friend, Alantry.

"Hi," she greeted politely, adding, "Please excuse Zayn, and don't feel too bad if you come last."

Klauss looked at the pair, choosing to ignore them as he prepared to address the supervisors.

However, Zayn unexpectedly grabbed his arm, asserting, "Hey, are you deaf? Didn't I tell you to know your place!"

Klauss responded with a sharp and intense stare, causing Zayn to release him, trembling.

A chilling and fearful aura emanated from Klauss, leaving Zayn shocked.

In an attempt to dismiss his own fear, Zayn muttered, "Why did I just let go? No way I was afraid. Let's just ignore it; I will show him in the trials who is the boss."

Sylvetta smirked at the scene while Victor remained silent but attentive to the situation in case it escalated.

He was rather impressed by how the young Klauss chose to showcase his class.

Sylvetta then introduced themselves and the first trial that awaited them.

"Hey there kids, I'm Sylvetta, a scientist associated with THA, next to me is Victor, a seasoned hunter from the association as well and we shall be your guides for today's hunter exam". 

Sylvetta then led the group to the next trial, which focused on testing their mana sensitivity.

In a room ahead, a massive stone with intricate markings awaited them.

Each symbol represented different levels of mana input, and it was a crucial measure of a hunter's potential.

The engraved markers depicted the following ranges: below 10%, 10% to 30%, 30% to 60%, and above 70%.

Zayn, seemingly unfazed, approached the stone first.

However, to his surprise and that of his friend Alantry, his mana sensitivity fell below 10%.

Sylvetta couldn't help but release a small giggle, observing the stoic reaction from Zayn.

As Victor followed suit with a scream, Alantry stepped forward.

Her mana sensitivity fell within the 10 to 30% range, a commendable result.

It was now Klauss's turn to place his hand on the stone.

Zayn, attempting to save face with a laugh, mocked Klauss, saying, "No way, a handsome peasant like you could do better than me haha".

Contrary to Zayn's expectations, Klauss's mana sensitivity was in the 30 to 60% range.

The room was filled with amazement, including Klauss himself, who had anticipated landing in the 10 to 30% range.

"I guess all that meditation paid off haha," Klauss remarked, surprised by his own exceptional result. 

"I can't believe a peasant like him did better than Alantry and I; there must be a mistake. The stone is rigged!" Zayn screamed in anger and disbelief.

"I want a redo of this trial immediately," he asserted, looking around the room.

Victor walked towards him, smacked him on the head, and said, "Boy, if you open that mouth of yours to say anything that would disrespect this facility and The Hunters Association, I will personally see to it that you remain a civilian your whole life. Now onto the next trial, everyone."

Klauss flashed a little smile, surprised by Victor's unexpected defense.

Zayn remained speechless, subdued by Victor's words, and followed suit to the next trial.

The following trial involved choosing a preferred weapon for combat.

Alantry opted for a staff, considering her decent mana sensitivity but not aiming to become a proper mage.

"Maybe a decent healer at best," Klauss mused to himself, also curious about Zayn's choice.

"I wonder what that little punk will pick, definitely not a sword, right?".

Zayn had chosen gauntlets as his main weapon.

"Hmm, I guess it would work, maybe," Klauss thought.

To everyone's surprise, Klauss had chosen a sword.

When asked by Victor why he didn't choose to become a mage, Klauss wickedly replied, "I have something else in mind, sir."

Sylvetta smiled, looking curious, and said, "Alright then, can't wait for you to show us, dear. Alright, time for the next trial, everyone."

The group made their way to the training grounds, gearing up for individual face-offs with Victor, the seasoned hunter.

The objective was not to defeat Victor but earn his approval to become official hunters.

Alantry chose to sit this one out, preferring a supportive role over direct combat, a decision that suited her gentle nature.

Zayn took a shot at the battle, but his performance fell considerably short of Victor's standards.

Addressing the short boy, Victor remarked, "You're quick, but you lack strategy and strength. You're not ready for the real gates. Sign up for individual training here at the association before aiming for your hunter's license. Hope you consider it. Now, onto Klauss. Step up and show me what you've got, young one."

Before the battle commenced, Klauss approached Victor with a bold proposition.

"Sir, if I manage to defeat you in this trial, would that be enough to grant me the title of an official hunter?"

Victor, taken aback, responded with a hint of jest.

"Defeat me? You must be joking. I understand you have a keen sense of mana, but don't push your luck kid. I'm a rank C hunter and a seasoned veteran. If you manage to defeat me, I'll personally endorse your promotion to B rank, hahaha! Now, enough talk. Impress me with your skills, punk!"

Entering his battle stance with calm assurance, Klauss exuded the aura of a seasoned swordsman, leaving both Victor and Sylvetta astonished.

Sylvetta, with her sultry demeanor and glasses, chimed in with a sinister smile, "My, oh my, this looks quite intriguing."

As Klauss slowly advanced towards Victor, who had instinctively shifted into battle mode, Victor mused to himself, "Who is this kid that's making me get serious without exchanging blows? I might have to teach this arrogant boy a lesson he won't forget."

And then, out of the blue, Klauss declared, "Klauss Dancing Sword Art, 1st form, Fast Slash."