
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

The consequences

As Klauss gave his report of the gate expedition to Sylvetta, she remained quiet, something else was on her mind. She showed no reaction when Klauss mentioned the Stormbringers members attacked him and are probably aware of him and his identity.

She showed no reaction. Klauss became irritated at her silence and just when he was about to leave, she told him to wait. With a cool tone, she told Klauss to have a seat. 

Klauss eyed her coolly but sat down. Sylvetta took a deep breath before launching into the true reason for calling him here.

"Let's set aside the gate mission for now. I apologize for being distracted - there's a more pressing issue we must discuss."

She met his gaze. "I received word you had...an unfortunate interaction with Gabriella Silverclaw recently."

Klauss's eyes narrowed. "Who?"

"Don't play coy. The woman who confronted you in the lobby about a week ago. Ring any bells?" Sylvetta said sharply.

When Klauss simply stared at her, she sighed.

"Gabriella is one of our senior members and a powerful figure here. Your insolence towards her could have lasting consequences."

Sylvetta rose to pace behind her desk.

"The Hunter's Association has deep ideological divides amongst upper management. Gabriella heads an insurgent faction aiming to overthrow our President, with support from another senior member called Stefan Stonefield. They also have support from numerous executives."

She looked at Klauss intently. "These are cunning, ruthless individuals who've navigated the complex politics here since the creation of the hunters association. Together, they could legitimately challenge the established leadership."

Klauss arched an eyebrow. "So the old crone dislikes our President. What does that have to do with me?"

Sylvetta slammed her hands down on the desk. "Don't you understand? Your display of arrogance gave Gabriella the perfect ammunition against you! She won't let it slide."

Klauss merely shrugged.

"Mark my words, she is concocting some scheme to undercut and discredit you even now," Sylvetta insisted urgently. "Plant doubts about your abilities in key people's minds."

When Klauss still appeared unconvinced, Sylvetta pressed on.

"Rumors are flying around that Gabriella plans to arrange a duel. Pit you against someone seemingly an even match for your alleged D-rank status."

Confusion flickered across Klauss's face. Sylvetta nodded grimly.

"It will be staged, of course. Your opponent likely operates at a mid B-rank level behind the scenes. Someone positioned just beyond the limits of your facade."

Klauss straightened, outrage kindling in his eyes as understanding struck.

"I see. She means to shame me publicly when I inevitably struggle against a foe whose skills grossly eclipse my supposed rank."

He rose to his feet, fists clenched.

"They want to portray me as an utter failure before the President, turning him against his decision to sponsor me."

"Yes! And they'll succeed if you confront this recklessly!" Sylvetta said in a hush tone.

Klauss glared at the wall, jaw twitching. Sylvetta grasped his arm pleadingly.

"You must rein in that volcanic temper, no matter what occurs in that duel. Stoking your fury only plays to their benefit!"

Grudgingly, Klauss nodded. Sylvetta searched his shuttered expression anxiously.

"The clash happens in a few days. I'll do everything possible to stop or delay this farce. But once Gabriella fixes on something, she rarely backs down."

Klauss shrugged dismissively. "Let them play out this little charade. I've no cause for concern either way."

He brushed past her toward the door. Desperate, Sylvetta caught his sleeve.

"Please, for once, try not to invite more trouble?"

Pausing, Klauss half-turned with a scoff. "Trouble has a way of finding me regardless. I give no guarantees."

As Klauss strode out of the association headquarters after his tense discussion with Sylvetta, he caught sight of two familiar figures standing in the lobby - Roger and Maria.

His steps faltered briefly as their eyes met across the bustling space. Roger offered a tentative smile while Maria quickly glanced away, a shadow passing over her face at the awkward encounter.

Annoyed at the distraction from his dark thoughts concerning the impending duel, Klauss simply gave them a curt nod before brushing past toward the exit.

As the doors swung shut behind Klauss, Roger turned to Maria with concern. "Hey, you alright? Looked like there was some weird tension just now between you two."

Maria sighed, shoulders slumping. She hadn't had a chance to tell Roger about her last painful interaction with Klauss.

"Actually, the other day...Klauss said he needed some space from me - from our relationship..." she admitted quietly.

"What?!" Roger stared at her, shocked. Anger sparked in his eyes. "Why that little-"

He made strides to go after Klauss, but Maria quickly grabbed his arm.

"Roger, stop! I know you're upset on my behalf. But this isn't the time or place for a confrontation," she implored.

With visible effort, Roger reined in his temper. He took a deep breath then met her earnest gaze.

"You're right...my bad. It's just - I hate seeing you hurt, Maria." His broad shoulders slumped.

She gave him a small, sad smile. "I know. And I appreciate you always watching out for me. But we have more important matters before us right now."

Gesturing around the lobby, she added gently, "We have big dreams to pursue, remember?"

Roger blinked then glanced down at the official guild paperwork grasped in his hand. His expression firmed with renewed purpose.

"Yeah...you're absolutely right. We got a guild to build after all!" He playfully bumped her shoulder. "And an awesome first job posting just for us!"

Maria's smile widened gratefully. Trusting Roger to refocus on their aspirations.

Together they made their way to the quest board, scanning the available commissions. Most high stakes missions were snapped up swiftly by influential guilds, leaving fledglings to view over meager leftovers.

Yet today they sought one such unappealing task - gathering magical essences from skeleton monsters in a low level gate called Soul Skeleton Abyss. Tedious and unexciting work avoided by serious and big guilds.

But as a brand new group, they couldn't be choosy. Gathering monster essences, however boring, would earn the guild much needed starter funds. And establish their reputation with the Hunter's Association.

"150 skeleton essences, huh?" mused Roger, memorizing the quest details. "Pretty crazy amount for two people..."

"Which is why we have a guild, duh," said Maria brightly. "Our comrades offered to help tackle our first mission once Wakers gets approved! They are the first members of the Wakers Guild!"

She ticked them off on her fingers.

"Veliry's arrows will help smash skeletons quicker. Daemyn said he's ready to heal any injuries from the dungeon. And Cyrus will watch our backs with that nasty spear of his! We got this."

Roger grinned and cracked his knuckles. "Oh yeah, piece of cake with our crew. Let's get this official guild business going!"

An administrator soon processed their registration, granting the fledgling Wakers Guild formal approval under the Hunter's Association. Their scrappy team was officially sanctioned for commissions!

Roger proudly adorned the new guild patch on his shoulder as they rendezvoused with their friends at the agreed-upon meeting point. The remainder of the day swiftly passed, filled with preparations and strategic discussions.

As dawn broke the next morning, the group stood resolute outside the entrance of the rank E gate, the SoulSkeleton Abyss. There, they were warmly greeted by a THA representative before being granted passage into the mysterious realm beyond.

Cyrus hefted his engraved spear while Daemyn murmured protective incantations. Veliry tested her bowstring then winked saucily at Roger, who flushed but gave her a thumbs up. Beside him, Maria took a deep breath, mana swirling lightly around her palms.

"Alright Wakers, let's do this!" yelled Roger. Together they plunged into the eerie dungeon.

Stepping through the gate into Soul Skeleton Abyss, an oppressive gloom enveloped the Wakers team. The cramped passageways reeked of decay and echoed with distant shrieks. Ancient skulls paved their path, forcing them to tread carefully.

"Cherry place," muttered Cyrus, spear at the ready.

The clacking of bone soon rang out as the first wave of skeletons attacked. Wielding only rudimentary swords, they posed little threat individually. But the relentless tide threatened to overwhelm through attrition alone.

Roger battered them relentlessly while Veliry's arrows pierced through rib cages. Maria hurled spheres of pure energy, blasting enemies apart. All the while, Daemyn preserved their strength with tireless healing.

After defeating five skeletal foes, shining red essence sprinkled to the ground from the crumbled remains. Cyrus hastily scooped the magical powder into glass vials.

"That's five down, only 145 more vials to go," sighed Maria, eyeing the tedious path ahead.

Over the next few hours, the rhythmic cycle continued - battering apart endless skeletons to gather precious essence. The glowing powder steadily accumulated as the team plunged deeper into shadowy depths.

Finally, they reached the lowest chamber housing an imposing armored figure - the dungeon's boss, the Death Knight. Standing at over seven feet tall, the undead warrior slowly turned, dark power radiating from his hulking frame.

Cyrus swore under his breath. "Doesn't seem eager to let us leave here with his essence."

Hefting a wicked serrated sword and spiked shield, the Death Knight stalked toward them. Though not the swiftest foe, his heaviness hinted at formidable strength.

"Alright team, just like we practiced! Veliry, aim for gaps in that armor," directed Roger. "Cyrus, flank him, watch for openings. Maria, pelt him with those energy missiles!"

At Roger's yell, the Death Knight charged, a bladed shield raised. But Cyrus adeptly side-stepped the blow while plunging his spear at hip joints unprotected by plate mail. The boss snarled as glowing tip pierced flesh.

Meanwhile, Maria hurled magic missiles of pure energy at the Death Knight's helmet, intent on keeping him distracted. Though slow to turn, the warrior soon closed in, smashing his sword down toward Maria.

But Daemyn intervened with a shimmering shield, deflecting the blow long enough for Roger to tackle their foe with bone-crunching force. Staggering but undeterred, the Death Knight rounded on Roger, poised to impale him on the spikes of his shield.

In that instant, one of Veliry's arrows struck true, piercing the slim visor slit of the Death Knight's helmet. With a choked gurgle, the undead warrior toppled like felled oak, armor clanking loudly.

"And that's checkmate!" cheered Roger, planting a boot triumphantly on the crumbled boss. Grinning, the rest of Wakers gathered around, relishing their first victory together.

Cyrus carefully extracted the final vials of glowing red essence from the Death Knight's remains along with a black mana stone. 

Mission complete, they could now return to the association to claim their first ever rewards as official members of The Wakers Guild !