
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

First expedition as hunters

Maria left the park feeling upset after the terse encounter with Klauss. His aloofness and seeming indifference to their concern stung, especially after all they had been through together. Roger noticed her sullen expression, quickly followed her and tried his best to cheer her up as before going their separate ways.

"Don't let it get to you too much," he said, putting a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "You know how Klauss can be sometimes. I'm sure he's just overwhelmed with his new role and responsibilities."

Maria sighed, her brows furrowed. "I know, but he didn't have to be so rude about it. We were genuinely worried when we couldn't reach him."

"Yeah, he definitely should have handled that better," Roger agreed. "But try not to stress yourself out before our big expedition."

A gate expedition, meticulously organized by The Hunters Association, serves as a vital training ground for novice hunters. Typically, it involves a sizable group of 10 to 20 hunters, accompanied by at least 2 seasoned professional hunters.

THA orchestrates these events with the primary aim of aiding inexperienced hunters in their growth and familiarizing them with the challenges posed by gates and monsters.

Within the realm of gate expeditions, there exists a unique category known as permanent gates. These gates, unlike their fleeting counterparts, remain after clearance, offering an invaluable opportunity for ongoing training.

While predominantly low-level gates remain, some instances of high-ranked gates retaining their form post-clearance have piqued the interest of both awakened and regular scientists. The study of gate instances has evolved into a dedicated field of research, encompassing not only the gates but also the creatures that inhabit them.

Gate expeditions are not only scheduled to clear gates before a gate rush but also when guilds find themselves lacking the personnel required for a particular instance. Or when some guilds refuse the request made by THA to clear gates.

In the case of the upcoming expedition, the chosen gate is a rank D gate named Ogre Village, firmly under THA control. Having been cleared multiple times, the loot and rewards are rather lackluster.

However, for newly licensed hunters like Maria and Roger, these expeditions are sought not for the potential bounty but rather for the invaluable combat experience they provide.

The duo eagerly anticipates their participation in this expedition, scheduled to unfold in just two days. 

At the mention of the upcoming gate expedition, Maria's mood lifted a little.

She had been looking forward to the chance to test their skills ever since they got licensed as hunters. After acquiring her hunter's license from Sylvetta, Maria received invaluable guidance on harnessing and controlling her expansive mana privately.

Sylvetta advised her to envision the flow of mana and mentally direct it toward a specific purpose. While it sounded straightforward, the reality demanded a nuanced comprehension of mana and unwavering concentration, especially in the initial stages.

Maria, determined to carve her path as a skilled witch, welcomed Sylvetta's assistance with gratitude. Acknowledging the challenges ahead, she committed herself to the rigorous training regimen laid out by Sylvetta.

This training encompassed both physical exercises to enhance her stamina and mental exercises to sharpen her focus and mana control.

In the shadows, Maria diligently honed her craft, embracing the demanding journey toward becoming a formidable witch.

Sylvetta's guidance became the foundation upon which Maria built her skills, blending the physical and mental aspects of her training for a holistic approach to mastery.

"You're right, I can't wait to enter my first gate," said Maria excitedly. "Also how it looks on the inside, especially Ogre Village, how it would look like."

"That would be awesome," grinned Roger. "And just think of the joy when we take down those ogres. I've been working on my combos, you know!"

Maria laughed, the excitement starting to bubble within her. Roger always knew how to raise her spirits.

Both in good spirits, they decided to part ways. Roger was feeling rather proud of himself for cheering Maria up and said as he was walking with swagger "hahaha that was easier than I thought, maybe I can be a ladies man. I do have the body for it hehe."

Over the next two days leading up to the expedition, Maria and Roger trained vigorously to prepare. Maria practiced summoning more advanced elemental attacks, while Roger lifted weights and went through his hand-to-hand combat forms.

They wanted to have their skills honed before stepping into the unpredictable environment of the Ogre Village gate. 

The night preceding the expedition, Maria meticulously checked her equipment, ensuring she had everything in order – her staff, outfit, and a backpack containing essential items.

Midway through her preparations, Roger called, wanting to touch base and exchange well-wishes before the upcoming venture. Amidst greetings and casual inquiries about each other's preparations, Roger, in his usual laid-back manner, asked Maria, "So, what are you up to now?"

Maria replied with a light-hearted tone, "Hmm, preparing for tomorrow, got my outfit all set and ready, hehe."

With a hint of curiosity, Roger then requested Maria to send him a picture of the outfit. As the outfit lay neatly on her bed, Maria snapped a picture and sent it while they were still on the call.

"It looks badass!" complimented Roger as he admired the image. "Those ogres better watch themselves tomorrow. Are you almost ready to turn in?"

Maria, mid-yawn, replied, "Yup! What time do we have to be at the association?"

THA had instructed participants to gather at the association building, departing together with seasoned veterans to the destination, approximately two hours away.

"8 am sharp before we head out for the gate," Roger informed. "So don't stay up too late with your 'pre-game' rituals. Beauty sleep is a must!"

Maria chuckled. "Speak for yourself! I bet you'll be up past midnight watching matches and stuffing your face."

"You know me so well," laughed Roger. "Get some rest, partner. We've got ogres to crush tomorrow!"

As they exchanged a final farewell, anticipation for the impending adventure lingered in the air.

Despite some lingering hurt over Klauss, the nervous energy and excitement of what lay ahead overshadowed everything else. Within minutes, she fell into a deep peaceful sleep.

The following morning, Maria and Roger rendezvoused and headed to the association, joining the assembly of eager participants. THA had arranged a bus, ensuring the safety of the inexperienced hunters with this complimentary service.

The journey, lasting two hours, brought them deep into the Bruska Forests, the location of the spawned Ogre Village gate. Upon arrival, the area was already secured by representatives in black suits, ties, and dark sunglasses – an intimidating presence, some of whom were hunters themselves.

During the briefing led by the expedition leader, Maria observed her fellow participants. The 20 hunters were divided into four teams, each adhering to the basic formation – a tank, a healer and/or mage, and the remaining positions filled by ranged or melee dealers.

Maria noted the specialization of some participants, distinguishing those skilled in ranged weapons, like Roger who focused on melee combat. Each team would have a seasoned hunter as a supervisor and caretaker in case of impending danger.

Fortunately, Maria and Roger found themselves on the same team, with Roger assuming the role of tank, a position he relished, and Maria designated as a mage. Their team included another mage serving as a healer, a ranged hunter with a bow, and a melee hunter wielding a spear.

Following the briefing, the expedition squad trekked for an additional twenty minutes until they arrived at the gate entrance. Maria's heart raced with a blend of anxiety and eagerness. While she had slain monsters during her hunter exam, this marked her inaugural battle as a licensed mage.

"You ready for this?" Roger inquired as they stood 10 meters back from the gate.

Maria took a deep breath, gripping her staff tightly. "As ready as I'll ever be!"

Conducting a quick mana flow check, she felt the warmth gather in her left hand. Around them, the other teams prepared themselves, conducting last-minute gear checks.

Although there was a slight lingering concern for Klauss's absence, the impending gate entrance quickly diverted their attention. They stood poised, prepared to step into the unknown.

The Ogre Village gate shimmered into existence, flickering light giving way to reveal the view beyond. Maria felt herself tense up.

This was it! Their first real test as members of the Hunter community. Together with Roger at her side, she marched past the forest opening and into the gate.

Stepping through the gate, Maria found herself on an elevated clearing, overlooking a ramshackle village nestled amidst hills and thick woods.

The village comprised over twenty dwellings made of wood, straw, and stone, surrounded by carts, animal pens, and crops. The design appeared haphazard, lacking the central planning typical of human villages.

"Ugh, what's that stench?" Roger grimaced, scrunching his nose. As the wind shifted, Maria caught a whiff of a nauseating blend reminiscent of sweaty barn animals and manure – far from pleasant.

"We must be near their farms or something," Maria deduced, covering her nose with her robe collar.

With each team assigned a starting position, the four squads prepared to enter the village from different angles.

As Maria and Roger's squad convened to review their attack plan, Maria continued to scan the Ogre settlement. Despite the disorderly huts and pens, there seemed to be no visible movement.

"I was expecting to see some ogres right off the bat," she whispered.

"They probably have guards and sentries posted haha," Roger responded. "But you're right - it looks empty."

Suddenly, a loud, halting grunt echoed from the village, accompanied by heavy thudding noises.

The young hunters watched as several 9ft tall ogre warriors emerged from the largest stone hall, glancing around warily. More bestial roars and shouts ensued as over a dozen brutish ogres gathered, armed with menacing spiked clubs and axes.

"Guess they knew we were coming!" chuckled Roger, smacking a fist into his palm. 

How they knew remained a mystery…

Maria swallowed hard, gripping her staff even tighter. The ogres appeared even more intimidating than she had pictured, but there was no turning back. Their squad leader signaled them to prepare to engage on his command.

The time had come to test their mettle against the Ogre Village!