
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Encounter in Hashibe Mountains

Eventually, they reached the designated location, and the car came to a halt. Klauss, stepping out into the crisp mountain air, observed the tranquility surrounding him.

He turned to face Aisha and commanded her to wait for him in the car, he also added, "I don't know how long i'll be gone for so only call me if there's an emergency".

As Aisha watched Klauss disappear into the mountain's embrace, she couldn't shake the feeling that their journey had just begun, her first journey with Klauss—a journey into the unknown, where alliances would be forged, and destinies would be shaped.

The mountain stood as a silent witness, echoing the footsteps of those who ventured into its depths.

Klauss embarked on his journey, guided by the mere details from the broker. The broker didn't have an exact location of the essentic swordsmith address but he could be found on the west side of the mountain.

The winding path led him deeper into the majestic Hashibe Mountains, where untamed nature painted a mesmerizing portrait. The terrain was challenging yet inviting, with thick foliage and towering trees enveloping the trail.

The air carried a subtle hint of pine, and the earth beneath his boots resonated with the crunch of fallen leaves.

As Klauss ventured westward, he marveled at the sheer grandeur of Hashibe. The mountain range, known as the third largest in the country, stood as an epitome of natural splendor.

Tourists often flocked to this region, drawn by its breathtaking vistas and the promise of hidden treasures concealed within its rugged embrace.

The trail unfolded like a tapestry of wonders. Scenic viewpoints provided panoramic glimpses of the sprawling city below, a distant yet interconnected world.

The sun cast its warm glow upon the mountainside, creating a dance of shadows and sunlight that played across the landscape.

Amidst this pristine wilderness, Hashibe harbored a well-kept secret—a picturesque waterfall. A jewel nestled within the mountains, the waterfall cascaded gracefully, its crystal-clear waters reflecting the purity of nature.

The sound of its gentle flow harmonized with the distant calls of wild animals, creating a symphony that resonated through the forest.

Hashibe's allure extended beyond its natural wonders. The air was alive with the melodious tunes of birds, their vibrant plumage adding dashes of color to the green canopy.

As Klauss pressed on, he occasionally caught sight of elusive creatures—a deer gracefully leaping through the underbrush, and squirrels frolicking in the branches above.

The trail, marked by the echoes of tumbling rocks in the distance, hinted at the geological marvels concealed within the heart of Hashibe. The mountains held secrets of forgotten times, waiting to be discovered by those who dared to explore.

The journey became a sensory immersion, each step resonating with the harmony of Hashibe's ecosystem. With every turn, Klauss felt a connection to the mountain's spirit—an ancient guardian that had witnessed the ebb and flow of time. 

About an hour into his solitary walk, the serene symphony of nature was abruptly interrupted by distant cries for help.

Intrigued by the urgency in the screams, Klauss quickened his pace, guided by the echoes weaving through the mountainous terrain. The urgency in the young boy's cries became more palpable as Klauss closed the distance.

As the source of distress came into view, Klauss discovered a young boy, trapped amidst the trees, his frightened eyes mirroring the terror that enveloped him. Two imposing black bears encroached upon the boy, their presence casting a shadow over the mountainside.

The boy's desperate pleas for help resonated through the forest, an urgent call echoing in the vast expanse.

Caught in the gravity of the situation, Klauss couldn't help but marvel at the unexpected encounter. The mountain had thrown a challenge at him, a test of mettle that demanded action.

With a sly smirk playing on his lips, Klauss nonchalantly addressed the distressed boy, "Do you need some help?" The boy, still gripped by fear, searched for the unseen savior. Tears streaming down his face, he pleaded for assistance.

"Yes! Please, wherever you are, help me now! Please! Ahhhh."

Klauss, embodying his characteristic pragmatism, proposed a deal. He inquired, "What's in it for me? Nothing comes free in this world." The boy, desperate and willing to offer anything, implored Klauss for aid.

"Anything! Please help!" he cried.

Klauss emerged from the concealment of the thick trees, revealing himself to the bewildered boy. The child, momentarily stunned, looked at Klauss with a mix of confusion and doubt.

"Wait? Are you my hero? What can a small boy like you do?" he questioned, resuming his cries for help.

Annoyed by the skepticism and escalating cries, Klauss sharply instructed the boy to hush and witness his imminent rescue. Stepping forward to confront the two full-grown black bears, their formidable presence was now face to face with Klauss.

The bears, adorned with menacing looks, thick fur, and razor-sharp claws, eyed Klauss as the unexpected arbiter of this mountain drama. 

In the blink of an eye, Klauss entered a dance with death, a spontaneous ballet of survival amid the towering pines. His movements were a blur, a testament to the practiced precision of a seasoned warrior.

The bears, their instincts heightened by the scent of danger, lunged at Klauss with ferocity.

With an effortless grace, Klauss sidestepped the first bear's attack, its massive claws slashing through the air. Time seemed to slow as Klauss, fueled by an adrenaline surge, infused his hands with mana, a surge of mystical energy that transformed his fingers into lethal blades.

In a whirlwind of motion, Klauss struck with deadly accuracy. The mana-infused blades cleaved through fur and sinew, severing the head of the first bear with ruthless efficiency.

Blood sprayed in a gruesome arc, painting the forest floor with a stark reminder of the brutal dance unfolding.

The second bear, now aware of the impending threat, roared in defiance. But Klauss, undeterred, continued his deadly waltz. His movements were a symphony of violence, a macabre performance where each gesture spelled impending doom for the formidable adversary.

The dance reached its crescendo as Klauss, with a lightning-quick maneuver, evaded the bear's retaliatory strike. His mana-infused hands sliced through the air, meeting their mark with surgical precision.

The second bear's head rolled away, joining its fallen companion in the grotesque aftermath.

Silence descended upon the clearing, broken only by the soft rustle of leaves and the echo of Klauss's measured breaths. The once-menacing bears lay defeated, their lifeless forms testaments to the ruthless efficiency of a warrior in his element.

Klauss, his hands stained with the visceral evidence of his triumph, surveyed the scene with an unflinching gaze. The mountain, witness to the savage ballet, stood silent, its secrets echoing in the stillness.

The young boy, descending from the trees, gazed at Klauss with a mix of awe and gratitude. He gracefully thanked his hero and pleaded for forgiveness for his earlier comment.

"Please, thank you. I don't know what to say. You were too strong, with your bare hands as well. You madman. I'll do anything to repay this favor," the boy expressed, still catching his breath.

He appeared shorter than Klauss, defying expectations with an air of unexpected maturity.

With a bold tone, Klauss inquired, "Why are you in this part of the mountain, and how did you get yourself in this situation?" He sought to understand the boy's circumstances before determining if he could be of any use to him.

The boy, wiping tears with his shirt, replied slowly, "I live here. It's my home, and I'm always, in most cases, being chased around. Although it's my first time being trapped like this, hehe."

The revelation left a lingering curiosity in Klauss's mind, prompting him to delve further into the boy's peculiar life in the mountainous wilderness.

Klauss observed the boy from head to toe, analyzing his behavior and mannerism. The young boy, was obviously denizen of the mountainous wilderness, wore clothes that bore the weathered marks of time—old and worn-out.

His stature was diminutive, with a frame that seemed inconspicuous, yet his body exuded a surprising maturity, solid and robust. A mop of messy red hair crowned his head, adding a touch of untamed wilderness to his appearance.

Despite his physical maturity, there lingered an air of timidity and trepidation about him. His large backpack, almost comically oversized for his small frame, seemed to bear the weight of his struggles.

His eyes, though reflecting a certain maturity, also betrayed the cautious gaze of a perpetual worrier. When he spoke, it was with a tone that resonated with a surprising level of maturity, belying an inherent cowardice and timidity that colored his interactions.

"Do you live here alone? Family?" Klauss inquired with a directness that matched his serious yet empathetic tone. The boy, now identified as Gregor, responded, "Yes, although I stay with my grandpa deep in the mountains."

Klauss's interest was piqued; perhaps he had stumbled upon the clue leading him to the elusive swordsmith. Pressing further, he asked, "What does your grandpa do?"

Gregor, studying Klauss with suspicion, cautiously shared, "Well, he told me to keep his job a secret, but I can tell my benefactor. He makes swords."

The revelation resonated with Klauss, mischief evident in his expression. With a smirk, he disclosed his name to Gregor and posed another question, "Remember when you said you'd do anything if I helped with the bears?"

Gregor, caught in a moment of confusion and hesitation, reluctantly confirmed, "Umm, yes, I do."

Seizing the opportunity, Klauss played a subtle power move, gripping Gregor by the back of the neck. "Well, Gregor, I have a favor to ask of you. Take me to see your grandpa. I have something for him."

The air grew tense as Klauss exuded a menacing aura, making it nearly impossible for Gregor to refuse. Reluctantly, Gregor agreed to guide Klauss to his grandfather's dwelling deep in the mountains.

A subtle smile played on Klauss's lips, his mind already plotting something diabolical.

Before embarking on their journey, Klauss decided to collect the bear corpses, stashing them effortlessly in his dimensional bag—a display that left Gregor in awe.

With a sly grin, Klauss muttered to himself, "This bear meat and the alcohol I brought would be a good start to convince the stubborn old man. The Gods are on my side today, haha."

The duo, a peculiar pair with hidden motives, set forth into the mountainous terrain. As they traversed the breathtaking landscapes, Klauss contemplated the unfolding events, anticipating the meeting with Gregor's enigmatic grandfather, Eulji "The whispering bladesmith".