
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs


In this era of hunters, organizations, monsters, and interdimensional gates, the world witnessed a profound transformation that brought both opportunities and challenges.

The ebb and flow of this new reality touched the lives of many, shaping destinies, creating fortunes, and leaving behind the remnants of a bygone era.

At the heart of this seismic shift were mana stones—quintessential, mystical, and the lifeblood of this transformed world.

Mana stones, once mere conduits of magic, had evolved into the omnipresent currency, the alpha, and omega of an endless economic cycle. The pathways were clear—acquire mana stones, amass wealth; spend mana stones, propel the cycle forward.

For the denizens of this new age, whether hunters or ordinary humans, the pendulum swung between reaping the benefits and suffering the consequences. Professions flourished, fortunes changed hands, and life itself danced to the rhythm of mana stones.

The path to these coveted crystals varied. Some chose the perilous life of a hunter, stalking and slaying monsters for a fee. Others navigated the shadows as brokers, dealing in secrets and services.

The rest found themselves embedded in the intricate web of organizations that wielded power in this reshaped world. It was a complex dance, and mana stones orchestrated every step.

In this labyrinth of choices, being a hunter emerged as the quickest conduit to wealth, albeit fraught with peril. Killing monsters translated into cash, a lucrative but dangerous trade.

Yet, there were those like Klauss, who straddled the line between fortune and fate. A chance encounter, a stroke of luck some might say, and suddenly, a crate of mana stones became a treasure trove.

In this era, luck was a commodity, and Klauss had cashed in his shares.

Now, Klauss found himself in possession of more wealth than he had amassed throughout his entire hunter career in his past life. He had only just begun his new life as a hunter, the future looks very bright.

His history, marked by the struggles of an orphan devoid of financial support, had cultivated a minimalist approach to life. Survival had been the goal.

But today, standing at the precipice of newfound affluence, he made a resolute decision—to indulge in the luxury of change, beginning with an upgrade to his wardrobe.

After all, in this age of mana stones, spending was not just a choice; it was a celebration of survival and prosperity.

Klauss and Aisha embarked on their journey to the shopping mall, a prestigious establishment highly recommended by Aisha herself.

This particular mall was under the aegis of the THA, the Hunters Association, a colossal entity with its fingers dipped in various lucrative ventures. From hotels to real estate, from shopping malls to educational institutions, the THA wielded influence across diverse domains.

Their chosen destination was the largest shopping mall in the country, a sprawling testament to opulence and diversity. It stood as a beacon of consumerism, a haven for those seeking everything under the sun.

The mall, a titan among retail spaces, boasted an extensive repertoire that left nothing to be desired.

Within its expansive halls, a tapestry of renowned brands unfolded. Fashion giants showcased their latest trends, sports enthusiasts could revel in top-tier gear, and addicts of home decor could navigate a labyrinth of choices.

Every corner resonated with the pulse of consumerism, echoing the presence of globally acclaimed brands.

The mall wasn't just a marketplace; it was a microcosm of modern living. It housed not only clothing stores but also a plethora of options for home essentials, from the extravagant to the practical.

The automotive section flaunted a collection that ranged from sleek city cars to robust off-road vehicles, catering to the diverse preferences of its patrons.

As Klauss and Aisha stepped into the grandeur of the mall, they found themselves enveloped by a symphony of sights and sounds. It was a mecca for shoppers, a sanctuary where desires took tangible form.

The THA had curated an unparalleled shopping experience, a feast for the senses in a space where every whim and fancy could be indulged.

Klauss, known for his straightforward fashion sense, opted for comfort and simplicity. His wardrobe typically consisted of hoodies, jackets, and coats paired with pants.

Sneakers were his footwear of choice, although he owned only one pair. However, tonight marked a significant change.

In a surprising turn, Klauss decided to treat himself to a fashion overhaul. His focus shifted to footwear first, and he indulged in a spree, acquiring 10 new pairs of sneakers at $150 each, totaling $1500.

To his amazement, this substantial expenditure barely made a dent in his account, prompting a shift in his perception of the world.

Undeterred, Klauss proceeded to various stores, adopting a systematic approach. His strategy involved purchasing 10 identical items of a specific product from each store.

The Zara Men visit resulted in 10 pairs of black trousers, Celio contributed 10 coats in a mix of black, navy, and brown, while Supreme offered 10 hoodies in shades of black, white, and beige.

Klauss maintained a mature and simple composition, steering clear of the abstract styles favored by younger individuals. He diversified his collection with turtle necks and splurged on designer shoes from Prada and Gucci.

The grand total for his shopping spree included $2000 for trousers, $2500 for coats, $1000 for hoodies, $500 for Prada shoes, and $600 for Gucci shoes.

Despite the substantial expenditure, Klauss's initial balance of $165,548 only saw a reduction to $155,448.

This left him both astonished and contemplative, grappling with mixed emotions as he navigated through the sea of shopping bags with an air of cool composure.

As Klauss scrolled through his phone, reviewing the transactions from their shopping spree, his gaze shifted to Aisha. She appeared somewhat overwhelmed by the multitude of bags in her arms. Initially, he dismissed the idea of assisting, rationalizing that it was her job as his assistant.

However, a sudden realization prompted him to halt in his tracks, releasing a heavy sigh. Taking the initiative, he reached for some of the bags Aisha was struggling to carry.

With a nonchalant tone, he stated, "If you need help, just say it. Also, what do you want from this place? Speak now." Aisha, her face partially obscured by bags, looked at Klauss with a hint of confusion and responded bluntly, "Why?"

The question hung in the air, causing a momentary pause. Silence enveloped them amidst the bustling atmosphere of the shopping district. Klauss felt a twinge of irritation at the simplicity of her inquiry.

As he began to distance himself, contemplating the awkwardness of the situation, Aisha, in a sudden realization, called out, "Wait. I do want one thing, if that's okay."

Moments later, they found themselves in a karaoke parlor. Aisha unleashed her inner musician, belting out tunes, while Klauss sat there, a mix of confusion and contemplation lingering in his mind.

He couldn't help but question why he bothered addressing the situation at all.

About 30 minutes into Aisha's sudden performance, Klauss abruptly stood up and declared, "That's enough. Let's go." Aisha, still in the midst of her song, looked surprised.

Klauss, shaking his head, efficiently transferred all the bags into his dimensional bag—a rare tool that caught Aisha off guard, unaware of its existence. As she saw Klauss leaving, she finished her song and followed a few seconds behind him, noticing that he was heading toward the car park.

Once outside, they spotted some commotion near their parked car. Slowly approaching the scene, they realized it was more than just a commotion—it was a robbery.

Four individuals were ruthlessly assaulting someone on the ground, curled up in self-defense. The question lingered: was it an assault or a robbery?

Aisha, always standing on the line of justice, quickly ran to intervene. It was the first time Klauss had seen her so serious. He calmly walked to the scene.

Aisha screamed, attempting to stop the one-sided fight, but one of the assailants brushed her aside, forcing her to stumble.

"Mind your damn business, woman, and fuck off," the assailant spat on the ground, dismissing her. "If you know what's best for you, leave," warned a woman among the assailants.

Klauss approached them, his tone icy, and retorted, "Or else what?" The assailants paused their assault on the victim, on a young boy it would seem and shifted their focus to Klauss.

"Look at this fucker. Can't you see the emblem on our shirts? Respect it and apologize for such insolence," declared the apparent leader of the thugs.

Aisha's attention was quickly drawn to the emblem—an intricate design featuring a thunderbolt with a blend of blue and gold colors, proudly displaying the name "Stormbringers" underneath.

It was unmistakably the emblem of the Stormbringers guild. The realization struck her with a mix of surprise and concern—members of the Stormbringers guild were involved in the assault.

The assailants, now identified as Stormbringers, seemed to carry an air of arrogance fueled by their guild affiliation. Aisha, despite her usual composed demeanor, felt a twinge of unease at the prospect of dealing with members of such a notorious guild.

Klauss couldn't help but smirk at the mention of the Stormbringers guild affiliation. "Well, well. Lucky for you, the woman here doesn't seem completely oblivious. Now, why don't you lot assume the position?" taunted the assailant.

Aisha stood frozen, caught between a desire to avoid trouble with such a notorious guild and a compelling need to assist the defenseless boy on the ground.

In response, Klauss burst into laughter, a menacing glint in his eyes as he placed his hand on his face. He ominously stared down the group, an aura of power emanating from him.

"Haha, I never thought I'd encounter them so soon. It seems the Gods are favoring me today yet again. Time to relieve some stress." 

With that, Klauss prepared for what promised to be a tense and thrilling confrontation with the Stormbringers guild members, that will mark the official beginning of his feud with the Stormbringers guild.