
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Deals, Money and Responsibilities

Five days had passed since Klauss last heard from Sylvetta, and during this time, a series of significant events unfolded around him.

The expedition led by Roger and Maria had taken place, marking a turning point in their relationship. The confrontation with Roger left an unsettling distance between them, but Klauss remained indifferent, continuing with his daily routines and rigorous training.

In the interim, Klauss focused on the loot he acquired from the dungeon in Tarantula territory.

The mysterious egg, the precious orichulum, and the crate of black mana stones became the center of his attention. Determined to make the most of his newfound wealth, he embarked on a quest to research potential exchanges for the mana stones and sought out an expert swordsmith.

Although he couldn't much information concerning the egg, Klauss decided to focus on the other two things

Delving into the dark web, where clandestine trades unfolded, Klauss made arrangements to exchange the mana stones at a good price from a merchant with no name. The market value of black mana stones fluctuated between $5000 and $6000, but on the black market, Klauss could secure a deal at $5500 per stone.

With 30 black mana stones in his possession, a bounty he could only have dreamed of in his previous life, Klauss set the stage for a more favorable beginning to his journey as a hunter.

In the heart of the slums, where shadows danced on dimly lit alleyways, Klauss found himself in a clandestine bar known only to those who preferred their dealings shrouded in darkness.

The air hung heavy with the scent of secrecy and the soft murmur of conversations that dared not rise above a hushed tone. The bar itself was a dimly illuminated den, with the flickering light of a few lone bulbs casting eerie shadows on its worn wooden tables.

Klauss never saw himself wandering about these parts but kept his cool and composure as he arrived at the designated bar.

As Klauss entered, the ambient noise of the bar seemed to dampen, and the few patrons present eyed him suspiciously.

In a secluded corner, he spotted the mysterious buyer he had arranged to meet. The figure sat in the shadows, face obscured by the low light, and as Klauss approached, he could feel the weight of scrutiny in the stranger's gaze.

Without a word, Klauss took a seat across from the shadowy figure. The buyer, shrouded in mystery, spoke in a low, gruff voice, refraining from sharing any details about his identity.

Skepticism dripped from his words as he questioned how Klauss, a seemingly ordinary hunter, came to possess such valuable black mana stones.

Engaging in a quick but tense dialogue, Klauss, aware of the skepticism, reached into his pocket and produced a single black mana stone. He placed it on the table, allowing the dim light to catch the subtle, ominous glow emanating from within.

The buyer studied it with a discerning eye, and as the seconds passed, the atmosphere seemed to loosen, granting a sliver of trust.

Satisfied with the evidence, they decided to proceed with the transaction. Leaving the confines of the dim bar, they ventured into a nearby dark alleyway.

The buyer, still cautious, wanted to conclude the deal swiftly. Klauss, however, had more to offer.

With a wry smirk, Klauss revealed that he had in his possession a crate containing 29 additional black mana stones. The buyer's eyes widened in surprise and, perhaps, greed.

Before sealing the transaction, Klauss laid out his conditions—a symbiotic arrangement. He sought a reliable contact to sell his mana stones to, someone who could also provide valuable information when needed.

Initially doubtful, the buyer hesitated but eventually agreed, setting a condition of his own—he needed assurance that the mana stones were genuine. Klauss, with a flourish, reached into his dimensional pouch and revealed the crate of mana stones.

The buyer took out a specialized tool for inspection, running it over the stones, scrutinizing their authenticity.

As the tool confirmed the quality of the stones, a satisfied nod from the buyer sealed the pact. The buyer, still concealed in the shadows, took out a sleek smartphone, its glow casting an eerie light on his face.

Klauss, too, retrieved his brand new phone, acknowledging the evolution of clandestine dealings in the digital age.

With a few taps on their respective screens, the buyer initiated a secure electronic funds transfer. The crisp night air bore witness to the subtle chimes and vibrations of the transaction taking place in the virtual realm.

The total amount, a substantial sum of $5,500 per black mana stone, was swiftly transferred to Klauss's account. Klauss initially had about $548 in his account but now read $165,548.

As Klauss received the confirmation notification, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. The buyer, still maintaining anonymity, acknowledged the completion of the transaction with a curt nod. The clandestine transaction now completed, the mysterious figure, now in possession of the black mana stones, prepared to depart.

However, Klauss, ever the strategist, halted his exit, revealing that their interaction was not merely about the exchange of goods but the establishment of a mutually beneficial alliance.

A secret alliance between a shady broker from the dark web and a super rookie dapped in mystery.

After sealing the deal with the mysterious broker, Klauss wasn't content with just the money; he sought information, a currency in its own right. Calm and assertive, he disclosed to the enigmatic figure that he possessed orichulum and was in search of a highly skilled craftsman to forge him the perfect sword.

The broker, shrouded in darkness, remained silent, contemplating the unexpected nature of the request and the identity of this young man.

With a single raised finger, he indicated that he needed a day to procure such specialized information, leaving Klauss to ponder the reliability of this mysterious intermediary.

As Klauss continued through the dimly lit alleyways of the slums, the oppressive ambiance suddenly shifted.

The air thickened with an ominous tension, and Klauss sensed he was not alone. Out of the shadows emerged a group of lowlife thugs, 5 in total, their eyes gleaming with malicious intent.

The glint of their knives caught what little light the alley afforded, signaling a threat that sought to relieve Klauss of his newfound wealth and precious materials.

They had not witnessed the transaction but could tell a deal had just gone down. These thugs were no strangers to back alley stabbing and theft.

Unbothered by the imminent danger, Klauss moved with a calculated grace. The thugs, emboldened by their numbers and armed with crude weapons, advanced menacingly.

Yet, Klauss's reactions were swift and precise. In a fluid motion, he disarmed his assailants, snatching their knives from their hands and turning the tables on them.

The dark alley resonated with the cries and screams as Klauss expertly wielded the confiscated weapons and slowly lacerated them.

The pained cries of the would-be robbers echoed through the narrow passageway, a testament to their futile attempt to challenge Klauss. Each calculated strike from Klauss was a dance of deadly efficiency, rendering the thugs powerless in the face of his skill.

As the last echoes of the confrontation faded, the alley was left in an eerie silence, only blood stains on the wall could be seen. Klauss stood unscathed, surrounded by the defeated figures of his assailants sprawled across the cold, unforgiving ground.

The encounter served as a stark reminder of the harsh realities that lurked in the shadows, a testament to Klauss's ability to navigate the treacherous paths he tread, both in dealing with criminals and pursuing his clandestine endeavors. 

After the swift and bloody altercation in the alley, Klauss proceeded to head home, the remnants of his recent encounter lingering in the back of his mind.

Amidst the cold and crude scene, his phone buzzed with an incoming call, and Sylvetta's name flashed on the screen.

Reluctantly, Klauss answered, greeted by Sylvetta's voice outlining his upcoming schedules and a gate expedition with a guild.

To his surprise, Sylvetta dropped the bombshell that he would be assigned a personal assistant from THA, emphasizing their role in catering to his needs. Klauss, annoyed by the intrusion, protested, declaring he didn't require an assistant.

Sylvetta, however, informed him that the decision was from the president himself, leaving no room for negotiation. With a final directive, Sylvetta informed Klauss to prepare for a busy day tomorrow, as the assistant will come and pick him up at 10am sharp.

Sylvetta then abruptly ended the call, leaving Klauss to contemplate THA's true motives and intentions.

Not allowing this unexpected turn to dampen his spirits, Klauss decided to conclude the night on a positive note.

He treated himself to a well-deserved meal, savoring the luxury he could now afford. A bucket of chicken from ChickenFeast, assorted fried rice loaded with much proteins, and a 150 ml soft drink adorned his table.

Reflecting on the extravagance, he chuckled proudly, realizing it had been a while since he had pampered himself.

With his appetite conquered and a sense of contentment, Klauss proceeded to unwind with a quick shower and a brief meditation session.

Full and fatigued, he nestled into his bed, unaware of the joys and challenges the next day would bring.