
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Becoming a hunter (1)

As the brilliance of the mana stone's glow faded, revealing Maria's extraordinary results, a hushed awe settled over the room. The marker displayed a remarkable percentage well beyond the 70% threshold.

Whispers of disbelief and admiration rippled through our small group. Sylvetta, the scientist, wore a satisfied smirk, as if she had anticipated such an outcome.

Roger, the confident hunter, was the first to break the stunned silence, letting out a low whistle and exclaiming, "Well, looks like someone just aced the exam!"

Maria, normally reserved, beamed with a newfound confidence. She casually shrugged and said, "Guess I had it in me all along. Who knew?"

Her nonchalant demeanor only added to the mystique of her exceptional abilities.

Victor, the stern supervisor, acknowledged her results with a nod of approval. "Impressive," he muttered, his stoic expression momentarily betraying a hint of surprise and acknowledgement.

Klauss was surprised by Victor's reaction because he always carried a stern and unemotional expression which could never be moved.

"I guess that is also Maria's charm, works even on cordless bastards, tch.", he taught.

The room buzzed with a mix of amazement and curiosity. Sylvetta, seizing the moment, approached Maria with a gleam in her eyes.

"My dear, you've just demonstrated remarkable potential. I foresee great things for you on this journey. Embrace your power, and you'll go far."

As Maria basked in the unexpected spotlight, Klauss couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of determination.

The trials were far from over, but witnessing Maria's success fueled the fire within Klauss and he was looking forward to the next trial.

Our first trial was behind us, and the path to becoming hunters lay ahead. As we moved forward, Maria's extraordinary achievement served as a reminder that in a world undergoing profound change, unexpected strengths could emerge from the most unlikely places.

Little did we know, this was only the beginning of our extraordinary journey.

The next trial awaited, and it involved choosing our preferred weapons for battle. Following Victor's lead, we entered a room filled with an array of weapons, equipment, and gear.

Victor proudly declared, "This is where the association collects and keeps all weapons for rent, sale, or to give to fresh hunters. This is a sign of our first investment in you, so don't disappoint us."

We were granted a few minutes to make our selections before the third trial. Klauss, hands behind his back, strolled around the room, contemplating his choice.

Opting to observe first, he watched as his friends made their selections. Maria, destined to become a formidable mage, naturally gravitated toward a magic staff. Her potential hinted at mastery over all four elements: fire, water, wind, and earth.

Meanwhile, Roger chose a pair of gauntlets, stating with a hearty laugh, "I need to feel my punches connecting, haha." Klauss found Roger's choice practical; with his robust physique, he would undoubtedly make an excellent tank.

Klauss, from a lineage of traditional samurais and blade-wielding experts, knew his weapon of choice—a samurai blade.

Having honed his swordsmanship skills from a young age, Klauss waited for his comrades to make their decisions first, with a smile on his face. He was just that type of guy.

As he selected his blade, he fixed his gaze on Victor, ready to showcase the skills he believed would make his choice stand out more than the others.

Despite Klauss's confidence, Victor remained stoic, his expression revealing nothing. The anticipation in the room hung thick as each hunter prepared to embark on the next stage of their training.

In The Hunter Association building, nestled within the towering structure, a training room served as the crucible for hunters, a place where amateurs and seasoned experts alike honed their skills, tested new gear, and engaged in rigorous combat simulations.

The team of Klauss, Roger, Maria, and their supervisors approached this room with a blend of nerves, excitement, and anticipation.

Klauss, in particular, was brimming with enthusiasm. This was his moment to showcase his expertise with a weapon.

Confident in his skills, he understood that his experience might give him an edge, but he remained level-headed, knowing that facing a seasoned hunter like Victor would be a true test.

Upon entering, the team found a space roughly half the size of a football field, with metal doors adorning each corner.

Victor, exuding authority, declared, "Make way! This room will be officially used by me and the rookies. Stay if you want, but don't dare get in my way."

The room, constructed with mana stones from ceiling to walls and floor, ensured that damages would be inconsequential. Sylvetta provided a brief explanation of the training session.

"In this room, you three will spar against Victor. Even though he won't be fighting at full strength, I want you all to show what you can do. The rule for victory is simple—make Victor block your attacks. This room was constructed with mana stones, so don't worry about any damages. Good luck," she concluded, winking mischievously at Victor.

Roger, ever the confident powerhouse, volunteered to go first. "Muscle should always come first," he asserted.

As Roger stepped onto the sparring ground, he greeted his opponent and launched himself towards Victor like a speeding bullet.

Punches were thrown with vigor, a wide grin on Roger's face, but Victor effortlessly dodged every attack.

Calmly assessing Roger's skills, Victor provided constructive feedback. "Your punches carry a decent weight, but they are useless if you can't hit your target. Put in less power and more finesse, avoiding unnecessary movements."

The bystanders, including Klauss, were impressed by the display of strength and technique. Even Klauss, who thought he knew Roger's strength, found himself surprised.

"I guess I'm not the only one who has been preparing for this day." What caught Klauss off guard was Victor's unexpected role as a teacher. "He didn't look like a sensei in my eyes," Klauss mused.

"He could have advised us all this time but remained silent. What is wrong with him"? The unfolding spar became not just a test of physical prowess but a revelation of unexpected dynamics within the team and their seasoned supervisor.

The spar continued for a few more minutes, with Roger showcasing an impressive improvement. He released a spectacular combo of strikes that forced Victor to block with his right hand.

Victor, unfazed, calmly provided feedback, acknowledging Roger's raw power and predicting significant improvement with more training and experience. Roger thanked Victor, and with a grin, he vowed, "I'll force you to use both arms next time, haha."

Next in line was Klauss, his excitement palpable after witnessing the previous match. "Please take good care of me," he said with a grin, his eyes fixed on Victor.

Drawing his sword, he entered his fighting pose and took a deep breath before charging at his opponent with full force.

Klauss's strikes were precise, a testament to his refined technique as a swordsman. The crowd, drawn in by the earlier display of raw power, now witnessed a spar filled with finesse and skill, showcasing the diversity of the rookies' talents.

Victor, remaining composed, dodged Klauss's strikes with ease, noting the solid foundation in his technique. Consciously,

Victor remarked, "This kid isn't half bad; he knows what he's doing, and his swordsmanship is proof of his hard work.

However, the base is solid but lacks power and accuracy. He needs more experience sparring with other swordsmen to truly excel."

Turning to Klauss, Victor openly shared his insights, encouraging him to gain experience to sharpen his blade and enhance his speed and precision. Victor stopped the spar willingly, stating, "You could never force me to block, but you pass."

Klauss, looking a bit disappointed, protested, "That's all? We didn't spar for that long." Victor replied, "It was more than enough. Now move on."

Sulking, Klauss moved to the side and found his friends offering thumbs up in acknowledgment of his performance.

Sylvetta, with a mischievous whisper, remarked, "What a sight, my dear."

Klauss, though irked by the comment, couldn't help but smile, responding proudly, "That statement irked me a bit, but I'm still happy I got to showcase my talent."

The trials had proven challenging, but the camaraderie and acknowledgment of his skills fueled Klauss's determination to continue growing as a hunter.

Syvetta then suddenly declared "Maria is exempted from the spar as she is a mage who exceeded the average, she would need more time to learn her powers and how to use them.

Ultimately, she will still go through the final trial before completing her registration. Now shall depart for the last trial".

The three friends were all shocked that Maria didn't get to face Victor and she calmly said sarcastically " Well that was anticlimactic, I was hoping to sweat a bit he he he".

Klauss and Roger looked at her dumbfounded and shook their heads as the team headed to their next and final destination: Goblins Den. 

The journey to Goblins Den was filled with a mix of tension and excitement. The final trial was rumored to be the most challenging, a test of the hunters' adaptability, teamwork, and strategic prowess.

As they approached the entrance of Goblins Den, a vast underground cavern notorious for its treacherous terrain and cunning goblin inhabitants, Sylvetta addressed the team.

"Listen up, this is the final trial. Your goal is simple: navigate through Goblins Den, face the challenges within, and retrieve the Hunter's Mark at the heart of the cavern. This mark symbolizes your success and completion of the initiation. Be cautious, work together, and most importantly, stay alive. Goblins Den is unpredictable, and the creatures within are cunning. May luck be on your side."

With those words, the team entered the dimly lit cavern, the air thick with an eerie stillness. The path ahead was uncertain, fraught with twists and turns.

Klauss, Roger, and Maria exchanged determined glances, knowing that the true test awaited them in the depths of Goblins Den.