
My Unforeseen Regression

Klauss had always harbored the dream of becoming a hunter, and his aspirations materialized when he awakened alongside his best friend, Roger, and his girlfriend, Maria. Together, they rose to prominence as hunters in a new era marked by gates, monsters, hunters and skilled individuals. However, Klauss's journey took a tragic turn when he met his demise at the hands of his friends. Now, given a second chance at life, Klauss is determined to seek revenge and assert his dominance in a world full of surprises and mysteries. A world that has be reshaped due to his regression.

Its_Kobla · Fantasy
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57 Chs

All eyes on him

Despite the setback, Klauss remained undeterred.

As Brutus slowly and gradually regained his footing, a swift breeze heralded a new approach at Brutus. Klauss, having covered his fist in mana, unleashed his Dancing Sword Art, First Form – Fast Slash.

However, in a surprising twist, he adapted the technique into a swift punch, catching Brutus off guard and stunned at the quickness of that punch.

The arena reverberated with the impact as Brutus, still reeling from the prior exchange, bore the brunt force of Klauss's modified attack.

The mana-infused punch struck with force, sending a palpable jolt through Brutus's robust frame. Staggering backward, the burly hunter couldn't evade the relentless assault.

Finally, Brutus succumbed, sinking to one knee. The once-pristine magic bracelet now emitted smoke, a testament to its excessive usage in countering Klauss's relentless maneuver and final attack.

As the arena hushed in response to this unforeseen turn, Klauss closed the distance, smoothly leveling a piece of his shattered sword at Brutus's exposed neck.

With a blend of fatigue and cold determination, Klauss spoke, his tone cutting through the air. "How does it feel to receive a jolting punch, you arrogant bastard?"

The words hung in the arena, carrying the weight of Klauss's triumph and the unexpected reversal of fortunes. Brutus, humbled and defeated, could only glare in response, the once-confident smirk wiped clean from his face.

In that moment, the arena bore witness to the unraveling of a carefully crafted facade, as the seasoned B-rank hunter now knelt before a D-rank adversary who had skillfully outmaneuvered him. All while being limited.

For a suspended moment, the arena was silent. Then scattered applause broke out, mainly from the rear seats. But muttered skepticism carried from Hunters near the front.

Klauss stepped back warily as Brutus yanked off the bracelet, smoldering and cracked. So that bracelet had been the mechanism for artificially elevating his opponent's base skills.

A muscle in Klauss's jaw twitched. It seemed this exhibition had been rigged against him from the start. But he had managed to eke out a technical victory at least, even confined by self-imposed restraints.

His cold gaze lifted to Gabriella and Stefan. Both senior members wore identically stony expressions, although Stefan's left eye ticked subtly. President Joshua regarded Klauss pensively before calling an end to the duel.

As Sylvetta escorted a silently seething Klauss from the arena, she squeezed his arm.

"That bracelet business reeks of serious foul play. But given the limitations and the cards you were handed to, you did pretty well for yourself. Exceeded once again my expectations. You adapted very well."

Glancing around cautiously, she added under her breath, "Although you won this challenge, they won't stop coming after you. They will be more motivated now. They will definitely continue to use cunning and more cowardly means from now on, by any means necessary."

Klauss's stormy eyes flashed. "Oh yes they will. One thing I can say for sure now, I should listen to you more. I'm also convinced that those snakes will employ whatever dirty tricks they can devise to bring me down. But they won't find me such an easy target next time. I will always get my revenge !"

His hands tightened to white knuckled fists. For the conspirators had succeeded at one thing - awakening a dangerous adversary whose capabilities they had only glimpsed the barest edges of thus far. Klauss would be sure to repay their schemes in kind soon enough.

Sylvetta swallowed hard. She didn't doubt Klauss spoke the truth. Fresh tension knotted her shoulders, dreading the impending fallout yet to come between the proudly ruthless Klauss and the Hunter Association's serpentine power players.

Sylvetta wasn't the sole individual left dumbfounded by the outcome and the unconventional manner in which Klauss emerged victorious; a ripple of astonishment coursed through the diverse audience present at the secret organized duel.

Among the attendees were numerous executives and major hunters, each with their own motivations for being there. Some, following the directive of Gabriella and Stefan, came to witness Klauss's anticipated disgrace and downfall.

Other executives attended the event out of necessity, fulfilling their obligations to be present at such noteworthy occasions. The crowd also comprised hunters who, having heard about the peculiar duel, couldn't resist the temptation to see what the commotion was all about.

Among them were eminent figures in the hunter community, including representatives from top-ranked guilds and even the guildmaster of the second strongest guild in the country. The guildmaster's close affiliation with Gabriella piqued his interest in the spectacle and in Klauss.

As events unfolded in a manner contrary to their expectations, a collective sense of amusement and surprise swept through the assembly. The abrupt turn of events left many impressed by the young rookie, despite the initial skepticism that surrounded him. Who wasn't! 

The atmosphere crackled with whispers and exchanged glances, with the unexpected twist in the duel not only subverting Gabriella's plans but also establishing Klauss as an intriguing figure within the hunter community. 

The duel's unexpected turn left Gabriella and Stefan reeling in their private booth. The air grew thick with tension as Gabriella shot Stefan a cold, stern look, her eyes flashing with a mix of anger and disappointment.

The subdued lighting in the private booth accentuated the intensity of the moment.

Gabriella's voice, usually composed, commanding but very direct, now dripped with frustration as she addressed Stefan. "You fool Stefan, why in the hell did you choose such an arrogant fool for this duel? Was this some perverse attempt at humor, or do you enjoy seeing our plans unravel?"

Stefan, usually confident and composed, found himself on the defensive. He sighed, realizing the gravity of his miscalculation. "Gabriella, I underestimated him, I admit that. But in my defense, who would have thought a D-rank could possess such skills? It's not solely my fault."

Gabriella's sharp gaze didn't waver. "Your incompetence reflects poorly on both of us. This was a crucial event, Stefan, and your lack of foresight jeopardized our standing. Do you not realize the people present today are very influential and important people !"

Stefan attempted to salvage the situation and his reputation. "Look, we can still recover from this setback. We'll find another way to deal with Klauss. He may have won the battle, but the war is far from over."

Gabriella's irritation intensified. "I don't want excuses, Stefan. I want results. We cannot afford any more missteps. Klauss is proving to be an unexpected variable, and I won't tolerate any more surprises. He has undoubtedly attracted the attention of many after this failed duel!"

Stefan, sensing the gravity of the situation, nodded solemnly. "I'll rectify this, Gabriella. We'll adapt our strategy, and Klauss won't see it coming. Trust me."

Gabriella's gaze remained steely, her displeasure evident. "Trust is earned, Stefan. Don't make me regret putting my faith in you."

As the argument simmered in their private booth, the shadows seemed to elongate, casting an ominous atmosphere over their clandestine discussions.

The unexpected twist in the duel had not only disrupted their plans but also strained the partnership between Gabriella and Stefan, setting the stage for a recalibration of their approach to the enigmatic rookie, Klauss.

Unknown to Gabriella and Stefan, an enigmatic figure lurked in the shadows, observing the events unfold in the private arena.

Shade, an affiliate of the secret organization Daedra, a mysterious and elusive presence, had managed to infiltrate the secluded space, blending seamlessly with the darkness that clung to him like a second skin.

A pervert for shadows. He was initially drawn to Klauss's potential, and the unexpected display during the duel only fueled his intrigue.

As Klauss exited the stage, Shade's sly smirk betrayed a sense of satisfaction. In a hushed whisper that seemed to emanate from the very shadows themselves, he uttered, "Impressive once again."

Startled, Klauss turned his head in the direction of Shade's unseen presence, a perplexed frown creasing his brow. Though he saw nothing, he couldn't dismiss the echo of Shade's words lingering in the air.

The mysterious figure had delivered his cryptic praise before melding back into the shadows, leaving Klauss to ponder the identity of the enigmatic messenger and the intentions behind such sweet-sounding words.

Amid the sea of prying eyes in the arena, the President of the Hunters Association, Joshua, maintained his stoic demeanor, a facade of impartiality that was customary for someone in his position.

The duel between Klauss and Brutus had unfolded like an intricate and unexpected dance, and despite the President's commitment to neutrality, a subtle twinge of admiration escaped in the form of a relieved sigh. 

His watchful eyes followed Klauss's maneuvers in the complex situation, and beneath the pose of impartiality, a subtle satisfaction lingered.

Despite his role demanding impartiality and fairness, the President couldn't help but acknowledge the skillful handling of a potentially disastrous situation orchestrated by individuals with devilish schemes and agendas.

As the echoes of the duel reverberated through the arena, signaling its conclusion, the President subtly raised his hand, bringing an end to the show.

In the aftermath, as the crowd absorbed the unexpected turn of events, a messenger or vigilant bodyguard swiftly approached Gabriella and Stefan who were in a heated argument. 

The President's command, delivered through this intermediary, carried a weighty tone, commanding the duo to make an immediate appearance in his office.

They immediately knew what was waiting for them, which annoyed Gabriella as she continued to bombard Stefan with all sorts of insults.

The air in the arena, still charged with the lingering excitement of the duel, now held an undercurrent of anticipation. The President's summons hinted at the need for explanations and accountability.

Even in the midst of the crowd's murmurs and whispers, the President's neutral expression retained its inscrutable quality, concealing any personal sentiments he might harbor. 

The invitation to the office was an unspoken acknowledgment of the need to address the unforeseen outcome and its potential ramifications within the Association's hierarchy.