


I stretch my hand forward to get a much better view at the two of them.

Since he's changed his position, I can see part of his face now and he looks so handsome. Of course, he'd attract other girls but it scares me to death that Madison's making her move and might actually get him before I do.

Adrian nods his head, "Okay."

I can't see his facial expression properly so I bend a little more, closer to the ground.

"You said there's something you needed to do, is this it?" Adrian asks and Madison walks closer to him and into my view.

"Well, no." She pauses for a moment and the both of them just stare at themselves. At this rate, I think Adrian might have some feelings for Madison. "I've always wanted to know what your lips tasted like."

I gasp with my eyes wide in shock.

I watch as Adrian's eyes droop lower unto Madison's lips as she moves closer.