
My underrated elemental affinity

Edward a 35 year old scientist died trying to save his family and Tokyo from a rocket falling on them. God rewards his deed and gave him a chance to reincarnate in a world of magic. Follow Edward as he awakens his affinity and adventure on a road filled with obstacles. ***************************** i hope you like this novel be sure to drop support and a nice review if you like the story ***************************** Cover photo is not mine, if you are the owner and wish to remove it contact me

BigElf · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

New spells

Dad looked at me and said:

"Today we're having combat training…" I was excited finally I am going to put my spells to the test.

"But, using any kind of spell is forbidden" What, how am I supposed to fight dad without using any kind of spell it would be a total beat down.

"Well, first we are going to train in hand to hand combat, then we would move on to weapons when I feel you are ready.

The reason you have been training your body is solely for this moment. No matter how much mana you have, if you can't keep up in a fight because of your body then it would be pointless." I agreed with him to an extent. Even back on earth, if you had the best kind of guns and weapons, if your body is weak and have a low endurance then you are in for big troubles. That is why armies train soldiers and improve their physique.

"First, let's see how strong your punch is. Come, hit me." I nodded and stepped forward towards dad. I form a fist and throw it at his chest. Just when I was close to making contact, I feel a hand grabbing my fist and in the next second, I can't feel the earth anymore. I landed on my back, a hand rested beneath my head but the rest of my body was slammed into the ground.

"Why did you throw me?" I was angry, my back was hurting. Dad looked at me and said:

"You don't seriously think that anyone would let you hit him willingly, do you?" I was still angry, but what he said was right. I can't expect him to let me just hit him that easily.

I got up from the ground and faced dad again.

"Come" I rushed towards him, and made a fist with my left hand again. I draw it as far as I can and when I neared dad, I threw it at him.

Dad looked at me and slightly smiled, but when my fist was halfway from making contact I pull it back and my right hand moved upwards towards his stomach.

I could feel my fist touching dad's stomach but unlike what, I expected my hand hurt. I felt like I just punched a rock instead.

Aside from the pain, I was happy I managed to trick him, making him think I would rush blindly like last time, I feinted him.

I look up and I see dad whistling:

"I didn't think you would be able to hit me like that. I thought you would just go and throw your fists everywhere. But you are still a hundred years away from being able to injure me." We kept training like that but I wasn't able to hit him again, dad keeps dodging me or throwing me in the air and slamming on the ground.

By the end of the day, I was beat up. My back was killing me. I lost count of how many times my dad parried my fist and find a way to hit me back. I tried feinting him many times by mixing kicks in my attacks and he would manage to parry them too. I guess the first hit was a surprise attack for him. Beginner's luck.

He even refused to take it easy on me; he said in the future I would be grateful for undergoing this kind of training.

I ate dinner and went straight to sleep. The bed that was usually my resting place, was reminding me of the hits I took as my bruises were in direct contact with the mattress. Next day, I barely managed to get up from the bed. I had breakfast.

I went outside to do my training routine, but this time it was very painful. I felt stinging pain all over my back, I felt like a thousand ants were biting my flesh.

But I had to endure. I completed my workout early, and decided to practice with my spells. I won't be able to get another chance because I my will be training with dad in the evening.

I chose to practice my two time spells. I want to know how much faster I can accelerate time. Last day, I was speeding time by a factor of two. Today, I wanted to know how far I can take that.

Well, if you want to do something, you have to know where your limit stands.

I casted time acceleration, and I sped time by a factor of 2. I could feel the change, but it's not time to wonder. I increased the speed to 3. I can feel a great difference. I didn't stop there.

Time acceleration ×4.

Time acceleration ×5.

Time acceleration ×6.

Time acceleration ×7.

Time acceleration ×8.

Time acceleration ×9.

Time acceleration ×10.

Time acceleration ×11.

Time acceleration ×12.

As I reached Time acceleration ×12, everything changed. I could see a fly flapping its wings; I could see each flap like I was watching it in slow motion.

It was surreal, I could view everything around me and it looked straight out of a dream.

I sat down and kept looking at the world around me and without knowing a whole hour passed. I didn't realize it until mom came out telling me that lunch is ready.

I stood up, but as I did, I could feel the pain on my back reducing greatly. I didn't realize it but the hour that I passed was actually was 12 for me. I was amazed and dumb at the same time. I didn't think about it before. But if I my body ages faster then it would also heal faster.

I was really excited; if I accelerate time by a great factor then my injuries would heal faster. I wouldn't have to envelop my entire body with time acceleration, I would just do like what I did to my eyes focus the spell on a certain body part.

And if that body part gets too old, I can still revitalize it using the restoration spell.

I decided to test that tonight before going to bed.

I headed inside the house and ate lunch, since I used time acceleration and experienced 12 hours, I was really hungry. I munched down on the food that I barely left anything on the table.

My mom was very happy; she must have thought that the food was really delicious today, well, she ain't wrong.

I got out to have combat with dad, and by the time dinner was ready, I got back in the house, carrying even more bruises than before.

I ate a hearty meal and went straight to bed. I sat on the bed and crossed my legs. I casted time acceleration on the injuries on my back only.

I started by Time acceleration ×6.

Time acceleration ×7.

Time acceleration ×8.

Time acceleration ×9.



Time acceleration ×12.

As I made it this far, I could feel that this was nowhere near my limit. And when I accelerate all my body it was still not, but close.

I decided to go even further.

Time acceleration ×13.




Time acceleration ×22.



Time acceleration ×28.



Time acceleration ×31.

Time acceleration ×32.

Time acceleration ×33.

As I made it this far, I could feel that i couldn't go further more than this, well, for the time being.

I decided to sleep while keeping the spell active, and I would see the results tomorrow morning.

Next day when I woke up, I cancelled the spell immediately, I felt really hungry, but still no way near when I cast the spell on my entire body.

I slept for 8 hours. That means my body has been healing for 11 days.

I touch my body and I can't feel the pain anymore. I was really glad I found a way to heal myself using a spell.

The mana consumption for keeping the spell active for a whole night was huge but, I still have a great amount of mana left that would naturally regenerate in a short time, after all I am a Rank 9 for mana density.

I went ahead and had breakfast and like lunch I devoured everything in front of me. Mom really liked seeing all the food she made being devoured.

I thanked her and left to train.

I did my morning workout quickly and was deciding between trying to make the shield spell I saw Chrestos casting or study the restoration spell more. I still felt like it had a great potential. But, I decided on mastering the shield spell instead, I was excited to cast it and I had a function in mind that I thought that it would really suit the spell.

The principle behind it is just like Solomon's seal, stop anything from passing within the sealed space.

I managed to cast it at the first time, and a circle 2 meters tall with a transparent whitish hue to it appeared in front of me.

Then, I tried to add the function to it, it was one that I was very familiar with.

I cast the spell again and it was successful again.

I get back a few steps. I stood behind the shield; it was placed between the tree in the backyard and me.

I cast Heaven's cannons and open a gate between the tree and the shield.

I threw a rock and it got out moving at a great speed towards the shield, and it made contact making a loud sound when it made contact. I cancel the gate.

But that was not all.

The rock that stopped moving upon contact left the shield and it blew, at the same speed it came with, towards the tree ahead of it the rock crashed into it and pierced it leaving a hole inside the trunk.

That was my new spell.

Azriel's Reflection.