
My Undeath

Gerard lived a peaceful life. He worked hard until retirement age and watched as his children and their children lived their own lives. One night, he woke to find himself in the presence of a divine entity who explained that he had died in a terrible accident. After being offered several choices, Gerard asked to die peacefully. Respecting his wishes in an unexpected fashion, they allowed him to become a skeleton in a world of sword and sorcery, becoming dead in every sense of the word. An undead creature... Thus begins the tale of Gerard's undeath. ------------------------------------------------ Note From Author: My Undeath is currently on hiatus until the 15th of December, 2023, as the author works like a madman for 50 hours a week while studying for their Bachelor's degree. ------------------------------------------------ Power Goals: 300 Powerstones = 1 Extra Chapter 500 Powerstones = 2 Extra Chapters 750 Powerstones = 3 Extra Chapters 1,000 Powerstones = 5 Extra Chapters Golden Goals: 100 Golden Tickets = 1 Extra Chapter 500 Golden Tickets = 5 Extra Chapters 1,000 Golden Tickets = 10 Extra Chapters ------------------------------------------------ Schedule: 4-14 chapters per week Chapter Length: 900 - 3,500 words (currently averaging 1,660 words per chapter) Disclaimers: 1: This novel may not suit your tastes. The main character is an elderly man trapped inside the body of a skeleton, persecuted and hunted by the living. He must sometimes turn to the darkness within him to survive his tribulations. There will be a few dark times, indeed. But fret not, as there may be an end to some of the darkness eventually. 2: There is no planned romance, and Gerard definitely will not have a harem. No planned romance doesn't mean there won't be any, but it will be kept light and not detract from the overall story. 3: There will not be fast-paced, fist-clenching action in almost every chapter. Sometimes there will be a bit of conversation between the characters, but I try not to let these moments drag on longer than they should. 4: The main character spends a lot of time levelling up in the beginning, as he's cautious about the powers of the world and wants to protect himself. This leads to a little less story in the beginning and more action/adventure, but as time passes, the story becomes a bigger focal point. 5. One of the main character's goals is to regain his humanity. So, be prepared for this story to eventually change dynamics. ------------------------------------------------- Discord Server: https://discord.gg/B8z9yX3QwQ Please feel free to join the Discord. You can discuss my novel, see announcements about additional or postponed releases, new books in the works, personal issues, and events. You'll get some fun icons and roles, use dozens of custom emojis, be privy to beta reading, and get insider information into the worlds within my novels. There's also a Gerard bot! ------------------------------------------------- Themes: fantasy, video-game-like system, evolutions, magic, adventure, dark, survival, reincarnation ------------------------------------------------- Inspiration: I gained inspiration from plenty of video games and fantasy novels, and this story is directly inspired by the Manga and Anime: Berserk. I think the relationship built between Sprite and Gerard is similar to Puck and Guts, giving a way for Gerard to voice/think about his opinions. Sprite/Puck are characters who hear those opinions and help the main characters reflect.

Jhaydun · Fantasy
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156 Chs

A New Home

Emerging from the dense forest, Gerard discovered a meandering dirt path that diverged from the direction of Solares. With cautious steps, he followed the path, eventually coming across a scattered cluster of modest houses, too sparse to be considered a proper village. The absence of fortifications or sentries struck him as peculiar, unlike the civilized enclaves he had encountered before.

As he neared the settlement, a man in tattered attire strutted down the wide dirt path, eyeing Gerard with suspicion. The man's voice carried a mixture of curiosity and wariness.

"Hey! You! What are you doing here?"

"I just made it through the nearby forest and I was looking for a place to rest. Is everything okay?"

"Nearby forest? You don't mean the goblin's forest, do you?"

"I did encounter goblins on my way here, yes."

"An adventurer, then? No, those robes... Are you from the Institute? Way out here? Why?"

"You have quite an inquisitive nature. Yes, I am affiliated with the Institute. I am conducting research on the behaviour of goblins in their natural habitats, and I required respite, which led me to this village. But it seems you are in dire straits yourself," Gerard responded, his gaze shifting to the worn-out state of the man.

"I see... Well, you came to Kilreath at a bad time. Bandits raided us a few days ago, taking our women, plundering supplies, and killing some of our guards. And just last night, goblins further ravaged our already suffering village. If you're looking for somewhere to sleep, we can offer that, but we cannot feed you or provide anything else. Our hunters are about to go into the woods to look for game as we speak, but we cannot even offer any of their bounty."

Gerard contemplated the situation for a moment before proposing an idea.

"Would it be possible for me to accompany your hunters? I could assist in the hunt and, in return, perhaps be granted a portion of the spoils?"

"No. We can't have you burning our forest or the animals we hunt."

"It's okay; I can use ranged weapons. I'm not bad with throwing knives."

"A throwing knife, to hunt game?"

Gerard gestured to a knife on the guard's belt, and he offered it reluctantly. Gerard aimed for a building four doors down and threw it. It rotated several times before hitting a bird perched on the roof.

The assisted strength and dexterity from his higher level and advanced evolution help polish some of his old skills.

The guard's mouth dropped in shock.

"Wait, that bird wasn't some protected animal or someone's pet or anything, was it?" Gerard asked.

"No, just a bird, but your aim..."

"Good enough?"

"Of course, it's more than good enough. Follow me, and I'll get you acquainted with the other hunters. We need all the help we can get."

The guard led him down the dirt path through the village. It became apparent that the villagers were in desperate need of help. Large piles of charcoal sat where several houses once stood, many houses no longer had doors, and Gerard spied a blood-soaked floor in one of the houses.

"These are harrowing times, I know. We are almost there," the guard said, his voice tinged with sorrow.

At the edge of the village, several villagers in pale green and brown cloth rummaged around in sacks at their feet. A couple of them sported some leather protection, but a man with the most leather armour spotted Gerard on his approach.

"Who's this then, Willam?"

"This is a researcher who wants to join in the hunt. He killed a bird at twenty meters with just a knife." The guard introduced Gerard as though the mentioned skill was somehow his own achievement.

"The name's Gerard." Gerard gave an affirming nod.

"You can call me Fletch. I craft all of the arrows for the village and the name just sort of stuck with me."

The other hunters inspected their quivers, loosening their bowstrings and firing a few test shots to ensure their aim remained true. Gerard could sense the urgency in the air.

"Pleased to meet you, Fletch," Gerard said, extending a grateful smile.

"Likewise, Gerard. We require every capable hand we can muster. If you manage to bring down a worthy catch, I will personally buy you an ale at our inn."

"I appreciate that, but I'm not doing this out of the goodness of my heart; I want food, so I'm working for it."

"Straightforward and hard working. I like your spirit. You'll fit in well with us," Fletch remarked warmly, motioning toward one of the hunters.

"Fetch this man some knives. Let us test just how skilled his aim truly is in the heart of the forest."

Eager to prove his worth, Gerard watched as the hunter scurried off and swiftly returned with a sack akin to the others, brimming with blades. Though slightly worn and chipped, the daggers boasted satisfactory quality.

"Thanks." Gerard smiled warmly.

"Alright, let's go!"

The hunters strapped their packs to their backs and lined up behind Fletch. Gerard attached a couple of the better-quality knives to his belt and swung his sack over his back. Fletch led the hunters towards the hills in the distance.