
My Uncle, My First Love

#R18 “I told you, Abri.” He didn’t dare to look up to meet the eyes of the girl in his lap, afraid he will give in to what she wanted. “But intimation is part of a relationship as well. It has been three months since we started dating, I am just afraid you are treating me well because—” Abri’s voice was getting smaller after each word due to the fear that her words may contain some truth. “Because I love you as an uncle, not as a man? Abrielle, I am 32 not 22. I am a man who knows exactly what and who I want.” No man can resist the request of the woman he loves for intimacy. But for Leo, it isn’t the right time. She is just 18! How can he have the heart to ravage a girl who is 14 years younger than him? “Then why?” Living with her uncle for ten years led her to know him like the back of her hand but since their relationship started, she started to feel unsure and lost. “Because…” breathing deeply, Leo responded while looking straight into her pupils, “I like it raw and rough. And you are too young for that, Abri.” Her breathing stopped, and so did her heartbeat. Her eyes widened, and she was left speechless for the next three minutes before she smirked. She ran to the room and she said, “Not because your bones are old that you can no longer do it?” He gave her this ‘Really?’ look before he ran towards her like a leopard. After he caught her, his fingers that were on her waist tickled her and he questioned, “How dare you, little pie? Do you already regret what you said?!” Abri was laughing hard because of the tickles that she can’t seem to finish a single sentence, “P-please, I-I am s-sorry—“ “Too late!” Hearing the laughter of the girl he loves, he can’t help but smile while his heart melted at her adorable look. She is just perfect, perfect for him. ********* ***The cover isn’t mine, credit goes to whoever owns it. Comment if you don’t want me to use it, thank you.***

bag_softies · Urban
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12 Chs

Galaxy University

"So this is it..." Abri looked at the huge building in front of her and was amazed by its design. Starting last year, Abri learned her interest in architecture isn't just because her parents were architects but also because it is something she was genuinely curious about. So she came to Galaxy University to major in architecture...actually, that is the second reason. The first reason is because she wanted to go out of her uncle's house, their last argument which is also their first was so intense that she can't handle it.

She knew her uncle didn't come home in the last three weeks because he wanted to avoid her but he doesn't know how much it breaks her heart to be avoided by the person she loves. She looked forward to his visit and texted him to ask when he is coming but he just said that he is busy. Lie. No matter how busy he was, he always made time for her but this time...

"Hey, are you also new? I am Kira." A cheerful girl probably around Abri's age introduced herself with an expectant handshake. Abri smiled, seems like she is about to have a second friend, "Hi, yes, I am new and I am Abrielle."

"Nice to meet you, Abrielle, you are so pretty, just like the princess in the dramas I watched. Anyways, it is great that you are new, who knows we may be roommates like in the dramas I watched...." Kira was a talkative girl just like Sofia, Abri's best friend. And Abri was happy that at least they weren't awkwardly quiet because Abri was never good with specializing maybe due to how she was seldom out of the house.

They arrived at the girls' dorms with the help of a senior in the guide club and unlike what Kira guessed or the dramas she watched, they weren't roommates, but they were only two floors away from each other. They exchanged their numbers and Abri was happy for gaining another friend.

"Hello, I am Abrielle." Abri introduced herself to her other three roommates. She observed the room. It was neat and spacious but the atmosphere in the room wasn't so great.

"Hi, I am Victoria. This is Tina and this is Ruth." Abri nodded to Victoria's introduction while Tina humped and Ruth glared at her.

"You girls, stop this childish fight of yours. Forget them, they just had a little disagreement, they will quit their battle in a couple of hours." Victoria seems like a leader of the room as she was most initiative and Abri was grateful for it. She is going to live here for who knows how long, so she wants to have a good relationship with them.

"Welcome, what major are you in? How come you attended late?" Most freshmen come in the summer while a few like her and Kira come in the fall due to their reasons. Abri who never socialized with people her age often didn't realize that Tina was a weirdly curious person so she responded to her questions one by one.

"Architecture. Due to personal reasons."

"I major in Management same as Vic." Abri nodded and noted that Vic is Victoria in short.

"And Ruth majors in Psychology." Victoria commented which got her a smile with a nod from Abri and Ruth, "Do you need help with unpacking?"

"No, thanks, I am good." Abri pushed her luggage and started unpacking. Ruth seemed busy so she went to her table and got herself busy with her computer and Vic together with Tina started showing Abri her bed, and the bathroom and told her about the group laundry downstairs.

"The only rule we come up with is no loud noise during sleep hours. We create new rules by voting, meaning if you want to make a rule, you got to win the majority vote." The democratic system wasn't something Abri disagreed with so she nodded.

"Are you free tonight? How about I treat you all?" Tina asked eagerly.

"Sure." The girls agreed and everyone went on with their work while Abri went on with unpacking. Abri observed the girls before a small smile lingered on her face. She is glad that they were welcoming. From her observation, Tina is probably a girl from a rich family how she acted spoiled and childish when Victoria was introducing her, and how she took the initiative to treat them. As for Vic, she is more mature and composed as if she is born to be a leader. As for Vic's background, Abri assumed she is from a well-off family by the brands of her purses that were hung next to their wardrobe. Ruth, Abri doesn't know much about her except that she majors in Psychology, well, she didn't even say a single word to her so she can't guess.

After like an hour, Abri finished putting her clothes in a nice order in the wardrobe and she looked at her back with a satisfied smile to see Tina and Ruth smiling at each other. Vic who was on her left noticed her and gave her a knowing smile. These girls looked like enemies an hour ago and now they are like best sisters.

The two beds of Victoria and Abri were positioned on the right side of the room with Abri on the top, and on the left side, Tina had an upper bed with Ruth below her. The girls went out for dinner after a couple of hours. During those hours, Abri texted Sofia and Uncle Franklin to let them know that she settled in safely. Sofia went abroad last year to be a doctor and that was one of the hardest times for Abri. But despite the best friends being so busy, they still contact each other every day.

"Abri, is your hair natural?" Tina asked. Abri told them to call her so after Victoria asked her to call her Vic. "Yes." Abri nodded. She has brunette hair and she tied it in a ponytail which showed the flawless skin of her neck.

"Brunette hair, blue eyes, pretty face, nice body...Abri, have you ever considered being a model or influencer? I can assure you, you make lots of money." During their chat on the way here, Abri learned that Tina's hobby is being an influencer. She had a social media account with over 1.5 million followers. Although being an influencer is her dream, her parents want her to inherit their company so they forced her to take management as a major.

"Trust me, you don't want to," Ruth commented. Tina is straightforward and immature, she always speaks what's in her head without thinking twice which is the opposite of Ruth.

Ruth is from a poor family and got into this luxury school due to her good grades and the full scholarship offer while Tina is the opposite. So whenever Tina sees Ruth struggle financially, she gives her money or suggests that she start being an influencer which not only hurt Ruth's pride but also made her feel like being looked down upon.

"Tsk, she doesn't know anything. Listen to me, if you want, I can tell my fans to support you." Abri shook her head with a smile. She never lacked money or a method to get money. She didn't spend ten years of homeschooling to just get a high school education. She has her masters in finance and computer science. Although she doesn't like coding or finance, she is good at them due to her photographic memory.

Her uncle was the one who suggested that she studies them because no matter what she does in the future, he said, they are knowledge that will be helpful in her future. Remembering her uncle, her motivator, Abri suddenly felt down.

She came to forget him but it seems like it's impossible.

Abri had an Italian cousin at the restaurant with the girls before they left quickly. Because the next day, they all have classes to attend.

What do you think happened between her uncle and her??^~^

I will post another chap later today, pls support my work if you like it!

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