
My uncle is Filippo Inzaghi

this is fanfic is not mine i just translated it so i can atleast try to make it readable My uncle is Inzaghi 我的舅舅是因扎吉 Author: MrMu_Mu_Mu_A In 2012, Louis Dupont, a 17-year-old football prodigy at AC Milan's youth academy, faces a sudden and alarming growth spurt, causing him to lose his speed and agility. Amid fears of gigantism and the potential end of his career, Louis discovers a mysterious [Football Bond System] that enhances his abilities. With guidance from his uncle, renowned coach Filippo Inzaghi, and the support of his father, Jean, Louis embarks on a journey to adapt to his new body and transform into a goal-scoring forward, all while navigating the challenges of youth, health, and family legacy.

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63 Chs

A New Beginning

"Volley module?!"

Louis was a little surprised, then a little regretful.

A volley. It does sound impressive.

But even Van Persie didn't always rely on these spectacular goals.

If he could choose, Louis would have preferred Van Persie's exceptional shooting skills with his left foot.

As a forward, Van Persie's shooting ability was world-class. If Louis could acquire that skill, combined with Inzaghi's sense of positioning, he could be a top striker in the Premier League.

Louis examined the [Van Persie Volley Module] training plan closely.

"Maybe this will improve my shooting in general?" Louis wasn't entirely sure.

The system didn't provide any specific attributes, but he noticed that his left-footed skills improved when he trained the [Andrea's Dominant Foot Module] before.

What Louis was really looking forward to was the system's first upgrade after integrating the third module. What new features would the upgrade bring?

With anticipation, Louis walked out of the airport, where many reporters were waiting. This scene shocked both Louis and his manager Tulio.

"Is there any pressure on you to join Arsenal?"

"It's rumored that Mr. Wenger personally invited you, but you have no professional league experience?"

"Are you Italian or from China?"

"Can you solve Arsenal's current problems?"

"Hey! Louis! Do you think you can replace Van Persie?!"

Reporters flocked to Louis with microphones in hand.

"I'm not here to replace anyone!" Louis said to the last reporter as he walked forward.

The "Van Persie replacement" narrative was purely media hype, but it worked in Louis's favor. So, Louis didn't mind the attention.

"I hope they hype me up as Henry's successor," Louis thought to himself.

Surrounded by reporters, Louis finally managed to board the car sent by Arsenal to receive him.

"Louis, do you feel the difference between England and Italy?" asked Mr. Enna, the team's logistics director, sitting in the passenger seat.

"A little too enthusiastic," Louis replied.

"You have to get used to this, Louis. You must have heard that the media environment in England is not very friendly to players."

Louis nodded. Playing in England required adaptation to various aspects—the climate, diet, playing style, and especially the media environment.

The English climate is damp and cold, not appealing to most people. The food culture in England was also starkly different from Italy's rich culinary tradition. Coming from Italy and having experienced the diverse cuisine of China, Louis had been spoiled by great food.

But these were minor issues. The real challenge was adapting to the Premier League's playing style, known for its physicality and fast pace, unlike the more technical leagues in Italy and Spain.

And then there was the media.

"The media here is different from ours," Tulio said. "Their media is too developed."

"Also, their media doesn't have much... loyalty."

Tulio was being tactful. Louis understood what he meant.

In Italy, the media often had allegiances to certain clubs due to political ties. For instance, Berlusconi, AC Milan's former owner, was a prominent Italian politician. AC Milan had its own supportive media outlets.

But in the Premier League, the relationship between clubs and the media was more commercial. The English media valued one thing: traffic. They would praise you if you performed well and trample you if you didn't, all for the sake of attention and sales. They even spread rumors if it increased viewership.

"I like... I mean, I understand," Louis caught himself, almost speaking his mind.

London was indeed a bustling city.

"Louis, you'll stay at a hotel for a few days while we find a house for you. Since you're not yet 18, you'll live with one of our senior fans temporarily for easier care. Do you have any objections?" Mr. Enna asked.

"I have no objections, Mr. Enna," Louis replied.

This was a standard arrangement for young players.

"Mr. Wenger suggests you rest for two days. You can explore London if you like. There's Big Ben, the Thames, and more. But you'll have plenty of time to see them later," Enna said.

"I don't need rest, Mr. Enna. I hope to join training as soon as possible. I can't wait to get on the pitch," Louis said eagerly.

Enna was momentarily stunned, then laughed. "No problem. The Kearney training base is open to you at any time."

Arsenal arranged for Louis and Tulio to stay in a hotel near the Kearney base. Louis's arrival was already making waves in England.

"I'm not here to replace anyone!" This image appeared on almost every English sports channel.

"I have to say, the kid from Milan looks confident. But I don't think Wenger brought him to replace Van Persie. He's only 17 and part of Arsenal's talent pool," said Manchester United star Gary Neville on Sky Sports.

"I bet he won't get a start in the next half-season!" Neville added.

Arsenal's Martin Keown, also on the show, was immediately dissatisfied. "Linking Louis and Van Persie is irresponsible. He's just a child!"

"So you also think he won't get many opportunities this season?" Neville asked.

"It depends on his training performance. I hope he shows his talent well. After all, Mr. Wenger values him," Keown replied.

"Don't dodge the question. Do you bet he won't get a start this year?" Neville pressed.

"He may not start, but I think he'll have his chance," Keown said, rolling his eyes, unwilling to make a losing bet.

Neville laughed triumphantly.