
My Ultimate Dragon Ball What if's.

My Dragon Ball What if's. Read them and comment telling me more ideas for the next Dragon Ball What if's. There'll also be some reincarnation scenarios so don't think its just What if's.

DaoistRo15uY · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs


The Menagerie was traveling towards Yardrat at maximum speed, when the message came through that an emergency situation emerged on Earth. The Promethean Emperor was slightly annoyed, learning to teleport would have to be put on hold. He decided to check in on Nappa's training of Bardock's friends. He pushed the job of training over to Nappa because he was too focused on other business.

If Nappa did a good enough job Raditz was willing to pass his father's training over to the bald Saiyan. Unless, Kakarot was planning on training their father.

Currently, do to the training they have received Bardock's strength was now inferior to his squad members. He was going to need to play catch up after he was finished with his vacation on Earth.

When he entered the training room, he saw that the gravity was set to twenty times Earth gravity.

Through the glass he could see the group of Saiyans sparring. Even though it was three against one, Nappa still held the upper hand. The three members of Bardock's squad were covered in cuts and bruises, and breathing heavily. The group ended their training when their emperor casually entered the room. Out of all of them Celipa's eyes had a look that said they still wanted to challenge the emperor to a fight. Toma and Panbukin's eyes carried nothing but admiration for their new boss.

"How have they progressed, Nappa?" Raditz asked.

"Amazing! If it were the old days this squad would've been low ranked, but now their stronger than elites of that time!" Nappa was still impressed by how strong Saiyans could become with the right knowledge. "Those techniques of control Ki from Earth are something incredible!"

"Speaking of Earth an emergency came up, and we are headed to there now." the Emperor informed them, "You three will be able to reunite with your former squad leader, sooner than you thought."

The Menagerie arrived at Earth two days later. The shuttle transporting Raditz and Bardock's friends landed in the forest near Kakarot's home. He was curious to find out what the emergency was that required him to come to Earth.

When he entered the house he greeted all of his family members. He was shocked to see his wife was there too. He was sure she was going to spend most of her time at Capsule Corp., or helping the Earth System Governor with new projects. Bardock's friends seemed to be amazed by the design of Kakarot's home. Before the Gete construction of better housing and buildings most Saiyan constructions were made of clay.

"So, what's this all about?" Raditz looked around the room.

"This girl needs to explain it to you herself." Kakarot motioned to the blonde Saiyan girl in the room.

Her eyes were glued to Raditz and she seemed to be in a daze. After noticing everyone was silently watching her the girl quickly stood and bowed.

"Emperor Raditz, your Majesty, it's an honor to meet you. My name is Eschalot and I'm from twenty years in the future." she explained. "I'm here to warn you that in three years on May 12 at 10 A.M. two cybernetic lifeforms appear and destroy South City. It was later discovered that the cyborgs were from the defunct Red Ribbon Army."

Raditz swiftly looked over at his brother, "I thought you destroyed the Red Ribbon Army years ago. It should have been easy for you."

"I thought I did. If I remember right all they had was tanks and stuff. Oh, and some bio-robots." Kakarot said, "We took out all their bases for the King of Earth. It was a well paying job."

Raditz knew if some form "Future Trunks" scenario was still destined to play out he should ask the most important question, "Were these cyborgs powerful enough to kill us?"

"When you were called to Earth Kakarot already died do to a heart virus." Eschalot said.

"What about Panacea beans they should cure disease?" Raditz questioned.

"When he tried to use a bean the virus mutated. It became twice as deadly to Saiyans as humans. Even you ultimately succumbed to the virus."

Raditz didn't like the idea of being taken out by a virus, especially since Big Gete should've been able to produce a cure.

"Did Big Gete create a cure?" he asked what he was thinking.

"After awhile it did, but it took longer than it should because the AI was fighting off hacking attempts by the cyborg forces." she passed Raditz a small box. "Inside the box is data on the cure

and several Dyno-caps containing the actual cure."

"Thank you Eschalot." Raditz opened the box and removed the data stick. After looking at it he passed it over to Bulma to study.

"There is one more thing." she asked, "Could I speak to you outside for a moment. Emperor Raditz?"

Raditz followed the youth outside of his brother's house and into the forest. They arrived at a white painted steel vehicle. It resembled a convertible hover car except it had a homemade look. The rivets and welds were clearly visible where the steel squares connected.

"This is my time-machine. My mother built it after she finished Dr. Omori's time drive." Eschalot had a look of pride.

"So just to be sure your mother is Tights, correct?" Raditz asked.

"Yes." she answered, "Master Gohan was able to get Grandpa Vegeta and mother off the planet after things became really bad. We worked in the empire under Emperor Reiss, until he contracted the virus while fighting against the cyborgs, otherwise he probably would have won."

"By the time Master Gohan tried to take over everyone had lost faith the cyborgs were converting planet after planet. Mother was eventually able to isolate the Big Gete core from the hacking attempts allowing it to cure the disease. Aunt Bulma contracted the virus while she was trying to find a way to cure you, otherwise she probably could have fix Big Gete faster."

"After it was saved it then helped her complete the time drive. However, it predicts a fifty percent chance this won't affect my timeline and will instead create a new one. I'm hoping for the former."

After she finished her tale the youth loaded into her time-machine and vanished in a storm of blue and white energy. Raditz was left to consider the new information he was given by the time traveler.

If things go like the original story the people that show up in three years will be different from the ones Eschalot warned against. Raditz traveled back to his brother's home and informed everyone that they will need to go into intense training for the next three years.

Bulma was put in charge of keeping everything in the empire together while Raditz and Reiss were training. She had gotten used to her husband dumping the reigns of the empire he wanted in her lap. Sometimes she thought Raditz just wanted an empire to say he had one. Although it felt good to be trusted as much as she was.

Kakarot gathered his friends at the Kame Dojo to explain the situation regarding the cyborgs to them. Kakarot made it a point to invite Vegeta to the meeting because he figured his strength might be needed. Vegeta chose to show up because he thought he could get the opportunity to fight against Kakarot. If he could overcome Kakarot he knew he would be one step closer to Raditz's power. None of them could believe their ears when they were told about the warning from the future.

"What is your brother going to be doing?" Vegeta asked. He knew the galactic emperor wouldn't just be idle if a crisis was coming. He never struck Vegeta as being someone without a plan. He saw first hand the level of planning Raditz used in the defeat of Frieza.

"He took his son to go train." Kakarot answered.

"Who's the guy that looks like you?" Krillin asked. He, clearly, remembered the last Saiyan that looked like his friend, Turles.

"I'm Bardock, Kakarot's father." the Saiyan gruffly answered.

"He is going to be training with me and Gohan." Kakarot added. "If you guys are willing to help we can meet up in three years near South City."

"I'm definitely in." Tien said. "But Chiaotzu is longer a warrior. He teaches here at the Kame Dojo. He went to Kame island along with Roshi and your Grandpa Gohan to train give some students extra training for the World Tournament."

Kakarot realized for the first time that he didn't introduce his parents to his adopted grandfather. He would need to remember to do that if they managed to save the world.

"I'm going too." Krillin stated. "We've been fighting together and train since we were kids. How could I not go, you're my best friend Kakarot."

"I didn't train with King Kai for nothing." Yamcha was full of confidence. "I missed out on Frieza, but I can make it up now!"

"I'll do it." Piccolo said and walked out of the dojo.

"I'm more interested with defeating you and the your brother, but I guess this cyborgs will be a good warm-up." Vegeta smirked and followed Piccolo out.

"Alright then guys. I guess we'll see you in three years." Kakarot waved goodbye to his friends.

Bardock placed his hand on his son's shoulder and Gohan pressed his hand against his father's back. Kakarot focused on the source of Ki that was located at his target destination. When he found it he locked on and tapped his index and middle fingers against his forehead and the trio teleported away. Their destination was the Earth Kami's Lookout. They appeared next to Kami while he was watching Mr. Popo water the plants on the Lookout.

"I thought we'd start our training here." Kakarot declared.

"It is good to see you again, Kakarot." Kami greeted the Saiyan.

"Hey, Kami." Kakarot replied.

"What brings you here?" Kami asked.

"This is my dad and son." the Saiyan introduced his companions, "We came here to train for a while. I thought you and Mr. Popo could give my dad some pointers on Ki control and sensing."

Kakarot then went into the explanation of the battle predicted to arrive in three years time. Kami calmly listened to the the story all the way through. He knew Kakarot was not one to exaggerate or make-up fictional threats. As Kami he had to take this warning seriously, and decided to let the group train on the Lookout.

Vegeta was pleased by the news he received from Dr. Omori when he returned to the island. The gravity chamber Tights suggested he use was finally completed. She heard about the chambers from Bulma when she was on the Menagerie. The building of the chamber was difficult for Omori, but after some convincing he called Dr. Briefs for some assistance.

On New Gren'dir Raditz and his son flew over the jungle towards their training location. Reiss had trained with his father many times in the past, but they never trained in the jungle of New Gren' dir. His father spent much of his time practicing there. He knew a special training facility was constructed, but he never saw it.

Their flight brought them to a raised bunker hidden deep within the dense New Gren'dir jungle. From the outside it didn't look like it could hold a training facility at all.

"Well this is my specially constructed Big Gete original, Hell Room." Raditz said leading the way into the bunker. Once inside, Raditz pressed a combination into a keypad on the wall and the floor descended into the ground. When the lift stopped the pair arrived at a massive facility filled with various obstacles.

"Why do you call it a Hell Room?" Reiss asked.

"Because once the command is given the many traps and weapons in the room activate making survival hell." Raditz answered.

Reiss didn't like the sound of the answer he received.