
My Ultimate Dragon Ball What if's.

My Dragon Ball What if's. Read them and comment telling me more ideas for the next Dragon Ball What if's. There'll also be some reincarnation scenarios so don't think its just What if's.

DaoistRo15uY · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs


The tournament audience was in an panicked uproar over seeing Reiss get stabbed by Spopovich in a sneak attack. The charismatic shaded announcertried his best to keep the crowd calm while the situation was being investigated. The ring was crowded with the other fighters as they quickly discussed the disappearance of Yamu and Spopovich.

"I'm sorry, I don't have time to explain, but if you follow me I will fill you in on the way." the fighter known as Shin said. "I need to track the attackers. If they get too far I will lose them."

The hurried Shin floated off the ground to pursue his targets. He was ready to end the threat Babidi posed to the universe if he succeed in reviving Majin Buu.

"You're a Kai." Piccolo stated. He was sure from his experience as Kami that his senses were right about the purple skinned, pointy eared, Shin.

"I'm the Supreme Kai." Shin corrected. "As I said, time is of the essence."

The Supreme Kai and Kibito surrounded themselves in their aura and blasted away from the arena. Piccolo was rocked by the news that Shin was actually the Supreme Kai. He was aware of the godly ranks from obtaining Kami's memories, but he never interacted with anything above Galactic Area Kai's.

"I think we should help him." the Namekian suggested.

"Why?" Reiss asked. "Those guys used me as bait! They didn't even ask, they just set me up and they paralyzed me to prevent me from stopping those guys."

"You might not be aware, but the Supreme Kai governs the universe. I think they are just used to doing things in their own way." Piccolo explained.

Moved by Kami's instinct to assist the Supreme Kai, Piccolo raised his Ki and shot through the air in the direction the Kais headed. The remaining fighters were surprised by the Namekian's willingness to go help an unknown person.

"We're also going Reiss." Raditz stated. He wasn't going to let Babidi get away with thinking he could do whatever he wanted with no consequences.

The blue haired teen nodded in acknowledgment of his father's orders. Besides, if there was chance he could get payback for getting paralyzed, he would take it.

"What about the tournament?" Kakarot asked, "If we leave now, we won't get a chance to fight."

"As much as I hate to admit it. I agree with Kakarot." Vegeta said, "That Kai didn't seem too strong, he might've over exaggerated the danger."

"You guys can wait here. I highly doubt everyone will be needed." Raditz said. "If a big group went most of the people would just be relegated to cheer squad anyways."

The Supreme Kai and Kibito rushed through the blue Earth sky after Babidi's minions. The Supreme Kai's white Mohawk was getting whipped around from the force of the wind. They couldn't see Spopovich and Yamu from the distance they were at, but they could still sense the fleeing humans. When they located Babidi's base of operations they could put a stop to the threat the wizard posed, once and for all.

As they flew in pursuit of their targets they could sense the Namekian they met earlier behind them. From his speed they could tell he was catching up to them at a rapid pace. The Kais, secretly, were hoping more of the fighters from the tournament would choose to help them in the battle. When Piccolo finally caught up to the Kais, they enthusiastically greeted him.

"It was good you chose to join us! The entire universe is at stake!" the Supreme Kai shouted over the rush of the wind.

"What exactly is going on?" the Namekian asked. "What did those guys do to Reiss?"

"The wizard Babidi is preparing to unleash a great destructive force on this planet." Kibito explained.

"A terrible being known as Majin Buu was sealed on this planet long ago. Babidi is using his forces to gather enough energy to reawaken it."

"What is this Majin Buu?" Piccolo asked.

The Supreme Kai told the Namekian of the story of Babidi's father, Bibidi, who once used Buu to threaten the universe. Piccolo listened as the Supreme Kai explained how Bibidi used Buu to kill the other Supreme Kai's, nearly dominating the universe leaving Shin, the East Supreme Kai, as the last. Bibidi almost won in the end, but fortunately he sealed Buu to transport it to Earth, giving Shin the chance he needed to kill the wizard. Little did the Supreme Kai know, but the wizard Bibidi had used his magic to create a duplicate "son" for himself in the event he died.

Piccolo could tell the Supreme Kai was still troubled after all this time by the thought of the wizard's victory. Over the long years, the Kai's were working to to find Babidi to make sure he couldn't complete his father's work. The trio decided to pick their up their pace, and close some of the distance to the fleeing Yamu and Spopovich.

The sudden appearance of Raditz and Reiss in their path cause the trio to come to an abrupt halt to avoid a collision. The two Saiyans used the Instant Transmission technique to catch up with Piccolo and the Kais. The Supreme Kai and his wizened attendant, Kibito, were surprised to see the long haired Saiyans appear. They already wrote everyone else off as lost causes, unconcerned with their own self-preservation.

"We're here to handle this problem." Raditz confidently stated.

"This issue is worse than you know." Piccolo said.

As the group continued on the trail of their quarry the Namekian filled the newly arrived pair in on the story the Supreme Kai related to him earlier. Reiss listened intently as Piccolo talked, but his father seemed to not care. What Reiss didn't know was his father already had an understanding of what they were headed towards.

"Now do you see why it is important we stop them?" Piccolo asked after finishing his recap of the situation.

"I agree that stopping Babidi is necessary, but we don't need the Kais" Raditz said, "If they really thought Babidi was a problem, they should have gotten stronger over the years so they could stop Babidi, Buu, or whoever else becomes a threat. Instead, they let the universe dwindle around them with nothing to show for it."

Raditz didn't hide his disapproval of the Supreme Kai's job of managing the universe. Even if he was the only Supreme Kai left, that should've meant he needed to take on more responsibility. Instead, he abandoned all of it.

"This mortal is clearly overestimating himself and underestimating our enemies." Kibito frowned. He was still under the impression that mortals would be unable to overcome higher beings.

"We'll see when we arrive who is underestimating whom." Raditz replied.

"Don't forget, I'm still going to punch you in the face." Reiss added, "I don't like being set up."

"I assure you, we had no intention of harming you." the Supreme Kai explained, "If there were time, we would have asked first."

If the Kais had realized the true strength of the teen and his family they would definitely have discussed teaming up first. Even though the Kais lived for a very long time, they lacked foresight when it came to stopping Buu from being released.

"I don't care if you intended harm or not." Reiss replied coldly.

"Haha," Raditz was amused by Reiss's attitude. "It looks like you aren't getting off the hook that easily. Besides you can just think of the punch as the cost of doing business."

"As long as Babidi is stopped, I don't care." the Supreme Kai answered.

The group flew over an assortment of islands and land masses tracking their targets. They had flown a great distance away from the tournament island and were closing in on the Southwestern Wastelands. Judging by the rate Yamu and Spopovich slowed down, the group could tell they were close to the wizard's hideout.

"I should've just had my men search all of the Earth wastelands." Raditz thought to himself. It seemed the enemies targeting Earth always set their bases up in wastelands. Contrary to what Raditz thought, the base was actually past the wastelands in the Southwest Forest.

"Babidi's magical barrier prevented us from being able to find the base's location." Kibito explained, "Now that we are close I know where it is."

"We should come up with a plan. Babidi doesn't employ weak soldiers." the Supreme Kai warned. "His other fighters are far superior to Spopovich and Yamu."

"We should stop wasting time and just go." Raditz said. "We are going to have to fight them all anyways."

"Raditz, I know you are powerful, but we should hear what the Supreme Kai has to say." Piccolo tried to convince the emperor to wait. The galactic emperor dashed off in the direction of Babidi's base, leaving the others behind.

"I agree with my father." Reiss said following after Raditz.

From a rocky plateau, Raditz and his son could see Spopovich and Yamu approaching a white stubby tower surrounded by overturned soil. The Saiyans could feel Piccolo and the Kais closing in on their location.

"It's a buried spaceship." the Supreme Kai explained. He was annoyed the Saiyans left without waiting for any of his advice.

As Yamu and Spopovich approached the ship, the front door opened revealing a tall muscular man with red skin and a black goatee. The Supreme Kai's eyes widened with horror from the revelation of the man.

"Who is that?" Piccolo caught the look of surprise from the Kai.

"It's demon king, Dabura!" the Supreme Kai fearfully explained, "He rules over the Demon Realm. I can't believe Babidi managed to control him. This is bad."

"Can you do anything other than panic?" Raditz asked, "If you can't, just sit back and watch."

The emperor wasn't going to sit back and allow Yamu to hand over the energy he collected from Reiss. In a swift series of movements, Raditz appeared below the plateau between Dabura and Yamu. Everyone was stunned by the sudden appearance of an intruder. The white energy drain device Yamu was holding exploded in his hand.

"Who are you?" Dabura asked, narrowing his eyes.

"I'm Emperor Raditz, and you are trespassing on one of my planets." Raditz walked closer to the Demon King. Behind Raditz, Spopovich and Yamu looked to be in serious distress as their bodies twisted and contorted.

The screams from his allies caused Dabura to glance behind Raditz to see them explode into red mist. Even though it was used on his allies, Dabura found Raditz to have an impressive killing method. Unfortunately, he destroyed the energy that was gathered to help his master resurrect Majin Buu. Otherwise, he would have been tempted to ask the newcomer to join them. Another powerful warrior added to their team would only be a benefit.

"Yes master." Dabura seemed to be talking to himself. Raditz raised an eyebrow, wondering what the demon king was talking about.

"If you want to stop us, then you'll have to come get me." Dabura said quickly retreating into the open door of the ship.