
My Ultimate Dragon Ball What if's.

My Dragon Ball What if's. Read them and comment telling me more ideas for the next Dragon Ball What if's. There'll also be some reincarnation scenarios so don't think its just What if's.

DaoistRo15uY · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Saga's end

Back on Earth, Kakarot was thinking about sending a message to Raditz. He had not seen his brother in years. Bulma would talk to her father and give him updates. The last time he had spoken to Raditz he had learned of his ambition to to be a galactic emperor.

When Kakarot told his wife about it she became very interested in him getting hired by Raditz. Earth had been peaceful in recent years. The last major event was Piccolo Jr. attacking the last World Martial Arts Tournament. Krillin and Tien tagged along because they were curious about what new inventions Capsule Corp. might be working on.

"Kakarot, its good you're here." Dr. Briefs said running out to meet his visitors. The four men were gathered in the Capsule Corp gardens.

"Why is that?" Kakarot asked.

"Our satellites have detected two space pods on the way to Earth. They'll be here any minute." Dr. Briefs answered.

"Do you know where they'll land?" Tien asked.

Dr. Briefs shook his head silently indicating he didn't know. Kakarot was curious as to who or what was coming. He knew if it were Raditz he would have notified Dr. Briefs, at least.

"I hope these guys are friendly." Krillin stated standing in the shade of a Palm tree.

"Once they land I'll be able to give you a location." Dr. Briefs informed them. Before head back into his lab. The group followed behind waiting to hear where the pods would touch down.

On a farm in the outskirts of North City, the two Saiyan Pods crashed down. When the doors fell open two alien humanoids emerged. One of the aliens was a tall muscular orange skinned man with a crossed shaped scar on his chin and a brown ponytail. He wore Saiyan armor with spiked shoulder pads and black gauntlets. The other man was completely human in appearance. He had black haired that was shaved on the sides and a long bushy ponytail. Like the first alien, he also wore Saiyan armor.

"How long you think its going to take us to find Kakarot, Amond?" the human alien asked.

Amond pressed the button on the side of his scouter. He saw various numbers appear on the small screen. A strong signal was approaching the pair at high speeds.

"Not too long I'd imagine, Daiz." Amond grinned. "I think he's on his way to us, now."

"Even though Boss Turles wants him brought back. We are allowed to kill him if he makes it difficult. Judge by how this planet is still intact, he is probably not gonna cooperate." Daiz explained.

The person who arrived was not who the pair was expecting. Piccolo had arrived on the scene to investigate the powers he felt. Before he had gotten too close, he chose to preemptively remove his weighted turban and cape.

"What's a Namekian doin on this planet?" Amond asked the green skinned intruder.

"A what?" Piccolo was confused.

"What you are," Amond laughed, "Rumored to make wish granting orbs. Ring any bells?"

"How do you know about the Dragon Balls?" Piccolo asked.

"You hear a lot of stories when you're locked up." Amond answered.

Moments later Kakarot, Tien, and Krillin arrived at the farm. The pair of aliens stared at Kakarot for a moment. He had an uncanny resemblance to their boss Turles. If he was as strong as their boss, then they would feel the need to back down.

To be certain, Daiz checked the scouter readings of the gathered opponents.


"Four thousand, two hundred. Not too bad for living on a low-level planet." Daiz scanned Kakarot.

The rest of Kakarot's allies were scanned in turn. Daiz and Amond were yet again surprised that none of them had powers less than a thousand. In fact the weakest was the Namekian with a power of two thousand, one hundred and ten.

Even though the aliens were discovered, immediately, upon landing they were still confident. All of the gathered fighters were less than half of the pairs strength.

"Listen Kakarot, we've come to this planet for you. Its time you come join up with Turles and Prince Vegeta. They are Saiyans like you. Including Nappa you are the last four Saiyans in the universe." Daiz explained.

"If you come along, we can help you destroy this planet real quick. That way the others won't know you failed in your mission to conquer the planet." Amond added.

"I'm not interested in joining you." Kakarot said.

Amond and Daiz looked at each other and grinned before dropping into their fighting stances.

"Hard way it is." Amond said charging at Tien. Daiz attacked Kakarot forcing him into the ground with a chain of repeated gut punches. Blood flew from the Earth raised Saiyan's mouth. Daiz's jackhammer like arms caused a crater to form from the strikes. Both fighters reappeared at the sides of the craters. Kakarot wiped the blood from the side of his mouth.

When Amond blew away Tien and Krillin with a Ki blast, Piccolo used the opportunity to dash in. While the humans kept Amond busy, Piccolo had used the time to charge up to full power. The pair disappeared leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Kakarot had to resist the urge to observe the battle that was occurring between Amond and Piccolo.

He could tell that although Piccolo was going all out, Amond wasn't taking him seriously. These guys were the strongest people he'd ever faced. They put King Piccolo and the Red Ribbon Army's Bio-androids to shame.


Rocks began to float near Kakarot as he charged his Ki. If he was going to defeat these guys, it was going to be all or nothing.

"Krillin! Use the move from that time! Tien, a flare!" Kakarot shouted.

Krillin pushed his Ki to the limit as his long time friend Kakarot disappeared, diving into combat with his opponent. Tien took to the air to prepare to use the Solar Flare technique. He was worried that if the plan was what he thought, they might not all survive.


Tien fired two Ki blasts near the combat zone causing the alien pair to look up at him. The aliens looked at each other and smirked. They began to charge a Ki blast of their own preparing to fire at the person interfering with their battles.

"Solar Flare!" Tien screamed.

A blinding light filled the area. The blinding effect of the flare caused the aliens' Ki blasts to fly off wildly. Kakarot had prepared for this moment and charged at Daiz. The Saiyan managed to lock Daiz in a standing chokehold.

Piccolo noticed his old rival, Kakarot, not looking up at Tien. He took his cue from Kakarot and avoided being blinded.

He raced behind Amond with blurring speed. The Namekian used his arms to stretch and extend around his enemy's neck, arms, and legs.

The aliens struggled and threatened to get free, but couldn't.

Kakarot looked over to see his friend Krillin holding twin Destructo-Discs with tears streaming down his face. The Saiyan gave his friend and teammate a nod before stilling himself for death.

The circular saw like attack sawed through both Daiz and Kakarot. Piccolo managed to escape death by sacrificing his arms leaving Amond to die alone.

"Fools..." Amond coughed out blood, "In about a year... the Saiyans will be coming. They are far more powerful than us... Turles won' ... let you get..." The alien died before he could finish his threat.

A jet-car landed on the scene of the battle. It was Chi-chi, Kakarot's wife, and their son Gohan. She had come along with Master Roshi to bring Senzu beans, if they were needed.

When she discovered what happened, she became hysterical with grief. Once the possibility of using the Dragon Balls was brought up, she composed herself. Her hope restored, she turned to Gohan.

"Okay, when we get back you are going to double your training." she commanded, "Saving the planet will look good on resumes, and of course, when you are older you can go to a proper fighting academy."

Because of the increase in popularity of the world tournaments, private schools devoted to training martial artists began cropping up.

"Sorry, but if those guys are right about the strength of the people coming, your training will not help the boy." Piccolo said regrowing his arms. "I'm Kakarot's rival, and neither of us stood a chance."

"And are you saying you could do a better job!?" Chi-chi questioned with an accusatory tone, "You tried to kill Kakarot at the last tournament."

"That's not what's important right now. We are going to need all the help we can get. It seems you did a good job with his martial foundations. The boy may be stronger than all of us after a year of my training." Piccolo persuaded.

"Are you really going to consider this, Chi-chi?" Krillin asked.

"Well he does have a point. We all are going to be busy with our own training." Tien added.

"I'm not afraid. I'll do it." Gohan said. Everyone admired the confident look on the small boy's face.

"Good, then we have no time to lose." Piccolo said snatching Gohan off the ground. Everyone could only gasp as their one time enemy flew off with the son of their closest friend.

Shortly after Piccolo departed, Kami appeared to inform the group that he arranged for Kakarot to train in the afterlife. He told them that they needed to wait almost a year before wishing him back. In the meantime, he offered to train them at the Lookout to prepare for the coming threat.

"Somebody should try to contact Raditz." Chi-chi said.

They agreed with her and Krillin stopped by Capsule Corp. to send the message to Raditz that his brother was killed. If the message was received in time, having another strong person around could only help matters. Krillin doubted that Raditz would have neglected his training in all these years.

Dr. Briefs was happy to help Krillin out by sending the message to his daughter. He had not seen her in person over the years, besides video calls. They would frequently send diagrams and information back and forth. Capsule Corp. quadrupled its profits in the last several years owing to the information Bulma provided. He felt it was a shame his other daughter made no attempts to stay in contact even though she went to space, too.

"So much for your Crusher Corps." a short Saiyan with tall spiky hair laughed. "They lost to a low-level Saiyan and some weak humans."

"They don't matter Prince Vegeta, but they did find out about wish orbs being on Earth." Turles said through clenched teeth. He had wanted to use the Cursher Corps. to break away from Frieza's army, but now those plans needed to be revised.

"Yes, I think they called them Dragon Balls." Vegeta nodded before looking over at another Saiyan. "Nappa prep the ships. We are going to Earth."

The bald hulking Saiyan flew off to do as he was told. Since they had been together, Nappa's strength had risen only negligible amounts. Turles had surpassed him a few years ago, causing Vegeta's treatment of them to reverse. In turn, the arrogant Saiyan prince pushed himself harder on missions to ensure he didn't lose out to a low-level warrior.

The short-statured prince had even previously managed to kill an old foe by the name of Cui. Vegeta paid Cui a visit while he was wrapping up the destruction of a planet. The Saiyan enjoyed the look on Cui's face, staring up from the ruined planet, realizing that he'd been killed by Vegeta. The Saiyans were the least respected members of the Frieza Force.

Everyone knew the open secret that Frieza had really destroyed the Saiyan home world, instead of the meteor story they had been fed. Just like what had transpired with Cui, Vegeta planned to make everyone who looked down on Saiyans pay.

When Nappa returned, the trio departed the planet headed for their new target Earth. They wanted to use the Dragon Balls to wish for immortality, which would allow them to get revenge on Frieza.

The problem was the fact that their goals only aligned temporarily. Nappa wanted to prove himself to Vegeta, who only cared about his own benefits, and Turles wanted to kill Vegeta and use the Dragon Balls to wish for his own immortality.

He was fine with serving under Vegeta for the past several years, but he wasn't going to be under an immortal Vegeta for eternity. "It was too bad there wasn't any fighters on Earth strong enough for Vegeta to have an accident," Turles mused to himself in his pod.