
My Ultimate Dragon Ball What if's.

My Dragon Ball What if's. Read them and comment telling me more ideas for the next Dragon Ball What if's. There'll also be some reincarnation scenarios so don't think its just What if's.

DaoistRo15uY · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Chapter 2: Old Friends and Amends

Bulma begrudgingly followed Son Gohan who insisted they take a turtle they found back to its home. She didn't see the point in it. It was the turtle's own fault! Why should they care? But nooooo, Gohan being the good samaritan just had to help the turtle.

"I'll never get my wish before school break ends!" Now she was going to have to face yet another year of not having a boyfriend. Life was so cruel.

She watched as Gohan talked to the turtle as if they were an old friend of his. That man was friendly to everyone.

As they continued on their way, Bulma looked in fear when a scary bear figure jumped right in front of them. She and the Turtle shouted, but Gohan stared in annoyance.

Gohan reminded himself that teenagers were usually selfish. He himself had met plenty of self-centered people in his lifetime and he's sure Bulma wouldn't be the last. That being said, he still found himself slightly annoyed by her behavior.

But he wasn't going to let that get to him. He had better things to do such as getting Turtle back home. He just had to get rid of this pesky thug before he could do so.

"Hand that sea turtle over!" The bear man drooled as he looked at the turtle Gohan carried. The bear was large in size and held a sword larger than both Gohan and Bulma. They had quite large defined muscles, but the cocky way they act told Gohan that this wouldn't be a hard battle. "It's my favorite food, you know!!"

Those who are too cocky in their fighting skills typically haven't been taught the lesson that there is always someone stronger than you. Gohan supposed he might have to be the master in today's lesson.

"C-come on, Gohan!" Bulma shouted from behind him. "Give it to him!" The turtle yelped and shook in fear of being eaten.

"How foolish to think I'll simply hand the fellow over." This time Bulma yelped as she yelled at him to reconsider.

"You can't really think an old man like you can take on a monster like him, do you?"

"I actually think I can, Miss Bulma." The fighter's sword slashed at him, trying its best to get him. But it's all too slow to get Gohan, who simply jumped out of the way. Gently placing the turtle down, he got in position to fight. "I implore you to change your ways, sir."

The bear smirked, still not taking him seriously. "Not a chance, old man!" They charged at him once more trying to use their size and natural strength to get the better of him. Once again, it is of no use. Before Bulma can even attempt to run away leaving him with the beast, they're already taken out with a swift chop to the back of the neck.

Gohan shook his head in disappointment as the bear dropped to the ground unconscious and unmoving. So many fighters have turned to thuggery and senseless violence. What happened to the days when individuals learned in an attempt to better themselves and have self discipline?

Nonetheless, he's satisfied with getting rid of their path's obstacle and goes back to the turtle. Hoisting them back onto his back and motioning for Bulma to continue following him.

"To the sea!" He sang as he cheerfully made his way. Bulma followed, shocked by strength.

Honestly, did she really think he was lying about being a martial artist?

"I wonder what that turtle's going to bring back for us…" Bulma poked the sand by her feet. It's taken quite some time for them to come back. She thought they were supposed to be faster in water?

"I say he doesn't have to bring anything. You should never expect awards for helping others." Gohan lectured… Something Bulma was getting used to. "It should come from the kindness of your heart."

How noble of him.

Before she could say another thing, a figure in the distance became clearer. From what she can see that turtle didn't bring something back for them, but someone! What the hell can they do with a person? This was a waste of time.

But Gohan didn't think so. Instead, the biggest biggest grin she's ever seen in her life was spread right across his face as he waved fanatically!! It was as if he was a fan girl at a boy bands concert. Never had she seen –or wanted- to see an old man excitedly cheer and shout for someone riding a turtle.

"Gohan!" The turtle man shouted. "Is that you?"

Oh, they knew each other. Great.

"Yes, Master! It's Son Gohan!!"


Bulma saw in the man a look of nostalgia and as he watched his master make his way over to them his eyes lit up with hundreds of emotions. Her mind was naturally inquisitive and she wanted to pluck each and every part of his brain to see what he saw. She could ask, and she's sure he would answer, but a wave of hesitation overtook her. Bulma never was scared to dig into someone's personal life, but something stopped her.

The old man jumped from off of the turtle, with what looked like some difficulty. It must have been his age or even that turtle shell on his back that kept him from having balance as he wobbled a bit to keep his.

"Master Roshi," Son Gohan's politeness was always apparent, even when meeting with old friends. "It's been a long time, hasn't it?"

Roshi nodded nostalgically. "Sure has, last I saw you still had hair! How you been, Gohan?" For someone who was supposedly Gohan's master, his manners sure were crappy! Bulma has expected someone with a composure similarly to Son Gohans. Maybe even more noble.

A master should be someone who held their heads up high and imparted wisdom. This man had more hair than any of those traits. And he was bald!

Gohan hadn't taken any offense to the comment on his aging appearance. "I suppose I have gotten a little old. Not yet senile… I see you haven't changed."

The master chuckled. "Oh, you know me, just living the immortal life!" Immortal?! Bulma, who had been impatiently watching their reunion, immediately perked up. He wasn't being serious, was he?

Gohan, catching her new found attentiveness, seemed to realize she was still there and immediately began to introduce her. "Master, this is Miss Bulma. She and I are on a little adventure to collect the dragon balls."

"Dragon balls?"

"Yes, they're–"

"Ahem! Gohan, we don't have time for chatting!" She didn't care if they hadn't seen each other in who knows how many years! They had plenty of time to catch up after they got all of the dragon balls.

Roshi nudged Gohan. "Go yourself a feisty one, huh Gohan?" With that, Bulma's face became completely red.


"Pshh! I'm only joking." Roshi rolled his eyes at her reaction, only angering her even more. "Now, I heard you helped Turtle over here? I would commend you for your hard work, but I'm sure it was nothing for you, Son."

"Not at all!"

"Even so, Turtle promised I'd give you a reward–"

" – You don't ha—" Gohan interrupted, only to be interrupted himself.

" – Now, now, don't be too proud to allow your old master to give you a gift of appreciation. Especially after not seeing each other for a long time." Gohan was scolded. Roshi stroked his beard in thought, mumbling to himself about getting him the perfect gift.

Bulma rolled her eyes and looked the old guy over. With his Hawaiian shirt and khaki shorts it didn't look like he had much to give. Maybe his shell could be sold for a couple bucks, but there wasn't— Was that a dragon ball around his neck?!!

She quickly elbowed Gohan, pointing to the ball. "Gohan, look! It's the three star!" Bulma would have run and grabbed it if he hadn't held up his hand to stop her.

"If I might ask, Master Roshi, may I have that ball hanging around your neck?" Roshi glanced at the dragon ball, examining it.

"This old thing? I've had it for one-hundred years. I'd be sad to part with it…"

Gohan gave a look of confusion. "I've never seen you wear it before."

"Well," Roshi sweat dropped and rubbed the back of his head. A goofy smile nervously spread across his face. "I found it again after spring cleaning."

"So how can you say you'd be sad!!!" Bulma shrieked. "Just give us the damn thing!"

"Miss Bulma, please don't talk to the master like that!"

The eyebrows on Roshi's face furrowed and his face flushed. "Hey, don't shout at me! Haven't you been taught to be polite to your elders?!"

Bulma shouted back. "Not to greedy old men like you who won't give a ball they have no use for!"

Before Roshi could shout back, Gohan raced between them. An extremely apologetic look on his face. "Please, the child's a little temperamental, but she means no harm–"

"Hell yes I do—"

"If it really means a lot to you, I'll be sure to bring it back after we're done with it." Roshi's face softened with a gentle look being given to his old friend.

"Well, alright. Only if you also join me for some tea as well."

Gohan widely smiled, gratefully accepting the 3 star ball given to him. "I'll be sure to. Though next time I'll be bringing my grandson along as well."

Roshi's eyes widened. "Grandson?" For someone so close to Gohan, shouldn't he know about the boy? Even Bulma knew about him and she just met Gohan! Then Roshi's shock quickly dissipated. "Oh, right. The boy who came from…"

A look was given, and Roshi trailed off his sentence. Understanding that some things weren't to be said in front of her. Bulma wrote down a mental note to figure out what Roshi meant by that last sentence.

"...The boy you've found and raised. How is he? Still giving you trouble?"

Gohan sighed. "He actually ran off recently."

"He ran away?" The old master's eyebrows turned down with empathy along with a small frown replacing his friendly smile. He seemed to really feel for his friend. "I suppose you're going after him?"

"Bulma's helping me track him down with the dragon radar she made. As he took some of the dragon balls with him."

Roshi's eyebrows raised as he looked her over. It was as if he didn't quite believe that she would ever help somebody. Was that really unbelievable?

Bulma thought of herself as a nice girl. She could be helpful. It couldn't be all that surprising. Could it?

""Well, we best be going, Master." Finally. "It was wonderful seeing you again. I hope to see you in the near future."

"I better see you soon, Gohan! Or I'll go find you myself!"

Gohan laughed. "Goodbye!"

"Bye!" And with that, they continued their adventure.

"How horrible!" The surroundings around them were in ruins. Every house was completely demolished, with debris clouds swarming around. Gohan held in a cough, the dust kicking its way into his system. The poor people must have been dealing with the polluted air for quite some time.

Each home was now dilapidated shells, their roofs and walls completely collapsed by an unknown force. Remnants of personal belonging were scattered across the dirt paths, with many villagers sifting through them for valuables. This wasn't a robbery as nothing of monetary value was stolen.

No, this was out of malice. The people – or person– responsible got a sick satisfaction from the torment they enacted onto the innocent citizens.

Gohan had seen plenty destruction in his life, but this particular kind seemed familiar. Those who hurt others had a certain style in doing it. As much style as someone's way of fighting.

The one responsible for this left their mark and as he surveyed the town he could sense the slight desperateness in the destruction.

As if they had to destroy. That there was no other choice.

And then there was a chilling realization as he walked over to children drawing in the dust. Many were senseless scribbles, but when he glanced at the older kids he saw more legible illustrations of the event.

Drawings of people running, screaming, crying. Of the cracked and broken houses filled with those trapped under the rubble. The children drew themselves clinging onto their parents and others. The wrongdoer was in the middle of the first handed source, standing with a menacing face over an old man. The man, though, had calm features.

The depiction of the attack revealed many things. It showed their fear, sorrow and the hopelessness the town had all felt. But worse of all, was the illustration of the monster responsible;

His grandson.


There was no mistaking that it was him. Who else had spiked hair like his? Who else had a tail? What other child would cause such despair?

It was him. It was his little Goku.

The boy who he found abandoned as a baby. Who he tried so hard to raise into a good kid. Someone who would be able to protect those weaker than him, not hurt them. But the harder he tried, the more unruly and violent they became.

Goku hated him. He refused to accept the love given to him, pushing him away. As he got older, the more independent he became. Rarely ever wanting to rely on Gohan for anything.

But underneath Goku's tough exterior, Gohan had truly thought that there was some good. And perhaps there was, but unless he found him soon it might be buried away even deeper. Making it much more harder for him to get to him.


"What happened here?" Gohan walked over to where Bulma was. She was talking to a man, almost middle aged who was bald on top but had two sprouts of hair on the side with a thick moustache gracing his face. A little girl with a feather in her hair clung onto him. She must have been his daughter.

Her dirty face peaked up at him, he eyes quickly scanning over him as if trying to gauge if Bulma and him were a threat. His heart went out to the poor soul and guilt and anguish racked through him. If only he had tried harder to reign Goku in none of this would have happened.

The exhausted and mourning man motioned for his daughter to play with the other children. He didn't want her to relieve the horror of the tale. "A boy had entered our village not long ago. He looked normal enough, except for having a tail, and seeing as he wasn't from this town we tried to warn him of Oolong!"


The man gulped. "We thought he was the worse of our problems. He's a shape shifting monster who had been terrorizing us! Oolong kidnapped multiple of our girls to be his bride, even going after my daughter!"

Bulma gasped. "That's terrible." Gohan agreed.

"But then that boy showed up and started wrecking everything. Out of nowhere he attacked us, laughing when we tried to reason with him. He took Oolong with him, thankfully. And we're lucky he decided not to kill any of us, but he got real close to killing one of our towns elders!"

Gohans breath hitched. Almost killed someone? "Are they alright?"

"Yes. We don't know why he stopped before killing him, but we're grateful he did."

Grateful. They're grateful they hadn't been killed. How heartbreaking of a realilty this was. Their lives, already made difficult by that Oolong crook, made even worse by his own grandson.

Guilt wasn't a strong enough word.

"I'm so sorry," He bowed down to them, showing deep remorse.

"It's alright," They assured him. "You didn't do this."

"Yeah, Gohan. We didn't do this." Bulma tried to say, but Gohan stopped her.

"No," He shook his head. "I did. It was my grandson who was responsible!"

Gasps erupted and apologizing as well as taking responsibility would never be enough. These peoples lives had been uplifted and changed forever. Gaining trauma that would haunt and shape them for generations. Molding their future generations to forever hold some fear of this happening again.

But as he mourned their ruined community, he couldn't help but worry for his grandson. Were they hurt? The village must have tried to defend themselves. No one would have stayed passively by while their fellow neighbors were being attacked. Someone must have tried to stop him.

Try as he might, Gohan couldn't push those worries down. It was selfish of him to worry about his grandson at this time, but the grandfather part of him shone through brightly and wanted so badly to hold them in their arms again. To look down at them and see the innocence of when he was a baby, hoping that somewhere inside that troubled soul that child still existed.

With a heavy sigh, Gohan promised to come back and help them rebuild. Many villagers began to insist he really didn't have to, but Gohan was determined to help anyway he could. If not to only help them get back on their feet, but to atone for Goku's action.