
Chapter 01: こ




The irritating sound of an alarm clock awoke my sleepy self. Letting out a low groan, I flipped over onto my sides before giving the snooze button a good, hearty whack.

But alas, I was unable to fall back into the vivid, lucid dream I was having just a few minutes ago. Disappointed yet expectant of this outcome, I contented myself with idly staring at the ceiling.




With quite a bit of force, I whacked the clock and watched as it soared across the room into the wall.

"Oh, no... my alarm clock!"

With unparalleled motivation, I dashed out of my bed and rushed over to where the corpse of my clock lay. Upon witnessing the shattered glass and twisted frame, I could only watch in dismay while chiding myself for the recent act of idiocy.

~Tsk, I'll have to buy a new one later today. Alarm clocks have been becoming more and more expensive nowadays. The last time I checked, they were twenty whole dollars. Ah well, rip twenty potential instant noodles.~

I sighed once again, before rising and whisking open my closet door.

Inside lay a surplus of school uniforms. I picked out a collared shirt, a black uniform top and pants before gently closing the closet door.

Stripping myself of my pajamas, I dressed in my usual manner and finished with the adjustment of my collar.

As my narcissistic self, I flashed a pose before checking myself out.

My uniform consisted of a pitch black color, with white embroidery lining the cuffs and collar. The pants were of similar build, but only had a singular stripe stretching from top to bottom on both sides.

In all honesty, my school's uniform was not bad in terms of appearance. In a sense, it was quite well designed, especially the female counterpart.

Completing all my boorish morning routines such as brushing my teeth, fixing my bed hair, and washing my face, I flicked open my door.

I was greeted by a beautiful sunrise, whereas the sky was a streak of rosy pink.

~Ahhhh... what a beautiful way to start the day. Nothing better then a beautiful sight first thing in the morning.~

Looking downwards, I checked the time.


~Still some time to grab breakfast, since class is starting in an hour.~

I grinned before heading towards a nearby cafe, as I had not eaten breakfast for the past week due to how late I usually wake up.

In happy moods, I arrived at the cafe entrance. I envisioned all the delicious donuts and boba tea I would be able to indulge myself on.

However, what I discovered was something that changed my mood instantly.

The cafe entrance held a sign that printed out in bold letters, "C L O S E D, O P E N A T 8."

I stood there for a solid five minutes, staring deeply into the sign, before giving the cafe an irritated glance and heading towards Chizuru subway station.

~Ugh, what an idiot I am. How could I not know such common sense.~

Clearing my thoughts, I began walking towards the Chizuru subway station.