


"AHHHH!" Ann squealed with the person who is knocking her door earlier.

"Lina!!" "Ann!!" Ann pounced a hug to the girl who is a few years younger than her. The girl did the same as well. "Lina, when did you got back to the country? How is auntie and uncle? Are they all well?" Ann can't contain her happiness and asked a bunch of questions to the girl. The girl is in fact Lina, Ann's cousin. She is the closest to Ann than any of her siblings, she is also closely acquainted to Xia and her family.

"Everything's well big sister, I'm so excited to meet you and big sister Xia" Lina is younger than Ann by 3 years, it is why she tends to call Ann and Xia as big sisters. Hearing her excitement, Ann frowned. Lina gave her a confused look and asked "Is their something wrong?" Ann sighed, "Xia is out of the country as of now" Lina chuckled, "Then, we will hangout when she returns" Ann smiled bitterly but didn't utter a word, she stood up and went to the kitchen. "Go and unpack your stuff upstairs. I will be cooking for something to eat" "Hmhmm" Lina carried her luggage upstairs. Ann just shook her head *Xia, I hope that no trouble will come to you in your trip*.

In the plane Xia is checking out the files about the business trip. She glanced sideways and saw Xander sleeping peacefully. Xia put down the papers and looked out of the window. *Ann is acting strange lately while Xander is planning something. Am I missing some story here?* Xia beard these thoughts in her mind. She is growing suspicious about the both of them. *Should I ask him to look out for Ann? NO, I will wait for the time that they want to tell me* Xia smiled and started reading the files again.

The flight is long and tiring. After Xia and Xander went to the hotel, they quickly shut themselves inside their room and slept.

In the morning, Xander arranged breakfast at the restaurant of the hotel. The hotel is near the seaside, the table is then located outside. The scenery is nice, the sea breeze is cool and fresh. A perfect place to relax, get your head off from the bustling city.

Xia came out in a off-shoulder cropped top and a long flowing skirt with floral design. Her hair is let down, freely fluttering in the wind. Graceful, a beautiful scene.

"Ms. Vanderwood over here!" The director called out. Xia turned their way and approached them. "Good morning everyone" Xia greeted the people sitting at the table. Xander stood up and assisted her sister with her seat.

"Such a wonderful morning!... I could get used to this all day" The director exclaimed. Xander nodded while Xia smiled. None of them spoke a single word until the waiter served their breakfast, but only words of gratitude came out from their mouths. They sat there in silence.

The director is starting to feel uncomfortable. The two people just ate quietly, the atmosphere grew more akward as time passes. The director ate his meal quickly and excused himself from the two. Sighed of relief is what he gave off after getting out of the akwardness.

Xia looked at Xander who is eating quietly. "Why drag me along? You can handle the deal by yourself." Xia said as she looked out into the sea that stretched before her eyes. Xander paused for a moment. "You might also need additional connections. Going into these kinds of things can help you in that matter" Xander explained.

It's not wrong but not exactly the real reason why. Xander thought of ways to bring Xia abroad and hide her from him. But, bringing Xia out of the country without a valid reason to his father is completely nothing but a joke.

"Yes that's true, but I can do that anytime. Not in the way of my schoolwork"

"Are you being like this because of the play?" Xander asked her straight to the point.

Xia was stunned, glaring at Xander she said in an irritated tone "Since when do I even dream of stepping on stage! Xander, what has gotten into you?"

Xia closed her eyes and shut her mouth. Calming herself down, she sat down and looked at Xander.

"Listen, it's not like I don't want to be here... Its just, there are a lot of things going on in school and–"

"I'm sorry" Xia looked at Xander in shock. "I know that you are having a hard time managing your schedule and it's also unreasonable for me to just drag you so that I could make up to the time that I am not by your side...." Xander kept explaining himself. Listening to this, Xia was touch and was almost move to tears.

Xander just want to spend time with someone Xia. Xander lived in solitude abroad while she have Ann to accompany her. Xia hugged Xander's neck from behind, halting Xander from talking.

*Why not let this pass, I could use some time put as well* Xia hugged Xander tightly. "Tell you what. I'll stick with you for the day, make sure that we will have fun" Xia whispered to Xander's ear. "Okay" Xander agreed.

The day went by quick. Xander and Xia met the man whom they came for the business talk. After the stuff about work, they took walks at the beach to watch the beautiful sunset.

The sky is colored with bright orange with a shade of red and yellow, along with a tinge of pink. The sky is clear, there is not much clouds.

The siblings sat on a cliff near the seaside. Xia rested her head on Xanders shoulder and closed her eyes. "Xander, If it's not rude to ask. Are you running away from someone?" Xander didn't utter a word. "I'm sorry" Xia sighed.

*She knew! She already has her suspicions. The matter should not escalate further*

Meanwhile, back in the city with Ann. She and her cousin roamed around the city, visiting wonderful places and hanging out. While sitting on a bench eating ice cream, Ann narrowed her eyes *Someone is watching us* taking a breath, she grabbed Lina's arm and walked away. "Wait! Ann where are you taking me" Lina said as she refused to get dragged around by Ann. "We are going back" Ann said "What! Already" Lina tried to escape from her clutches but failed.

A man is carefully watching them from a far. 'How is it?' a voice echoed from the man's earpiece "She must have felt my presence, she decided to go back home" The man talked without any emotions as if like a machine.

'Alright, monitor their every move. Report everything to me down to the last detail' After finishing his sentence, the voice became silent.

"Ann, let go of me! I can walk on my own" Lina complained. She has been dragged from the park all the way back to Ann's place. "Fine" Ann let go of Lina's arm so sudden that she lost her balance and almost fell to the ground.

"Ann, what is all that?" Lina questioned her cousin. After hanging out and having fun all day, it then suddenly ended up rushing back home.

"You can't even tell that someone's watching you?" Ann sarcastically exclaimed

"Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't born with a sixth sense" Lina fought back.

The two fought for a while then Ann shook her head and went back to her apartment. After letting Lina in, Ann looked at the hallway making sure that no one is there then carefully locking the door.

Lina is puzzled by Ann's carefull movements. It's like, Ann is hiding from someone. "Ann is there someone after you?" Can't hide her curiosity Lina asked. Ann sighed "I am just avoiding someone from school, no need to worry" Ann went to the kitchen and start preparing dinner. Lina shrugged it off and pretend that nothing has happened.

*This is no good, they are watching my every move. He might want to know when Xia will come back* Ann kept thinking about her stalkers.

The game is getting intense. Ann has only one thing in mind. *Xia can't stay here*

Xia and Xander walked back to the hotel with their hands holding each other. Little did they know, a pair of eyes are watching them from a far.

Returning to their rooms, Xander received a call from Ann. "How are you two doing?" "We're okay, how about your situation?" Ann sighed.

"I'm being watched, they're everywhere." Ann didn't lie, she is currently in her room curled up tightly. "I'm scared, what if they target my cousin? I cannot just sit back and watch everything." Xander looked out of the window and sighed. The situation became more troublesome.

"Ann, don't go outside that much. Don't worry, we'll be back in two days" Ann calmed down after hearing his words. A few more days, just a few more. "Okay, I just don't want my cousin to get involved in this". Ann hung up and tucked herself to bed.

In a dark room, a man could be heard chuckling at his seat. "Xander, you can't conceal the truth forever" Dialing a number on his phone, he seemed to be enjoying some show unfolding before him.