
My Twin and I (WAR OF THE TWINS)

Angelic, social, lovely, adorable, sweet, young twins who make the third leg of every young man rise like a dragon head. They make the young maidens of their age gasp for air and jelousy, you can't possibly ask for more when you have this outstanding twins.Talk of beauty, talk of intelligence and all, but one flaw. Abel is a kindhearted young woman, full of love and ambition, but slightly stupid {Lol}. She went through a lot of life threatening issues both in love and agony. Abel became a Viper just within a night, because of the death sentence she received from her twin. She went through a lot of heart breaks from the one she love due to her twin. Ana has already been a devil right from time, she found out that her twin is the only obstacle for her star to shine to the world without any support or without anybody sharing part of her happiness, Abel is her obstacle, Abel is the only blockade... without Abel no one can stop her. Micheal is the sole Heir to the Luis international group of companies. He is a devil in disguise, the only man that can kill all the living things in the world in other to have the woman he desires, the only man that gets bloody to revenge the woman of his life... he went through so many temptations in the hands of Abel twin sister. Chan is the biological junior brother of Micheal, he could do anything to have his missing rib even if it meant eliminating his elder brother. He worked hand in hand with Ana most times just to have Abel for himself. Michelle is a Russian lady Abel's true confidante. Ben: Ana's driver. Mother Theresa Micheal and Chan's biological mother. Ronald: Ana's secret lover.

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Election Day {Chapter 10}.

Abel woke up next morning,

She picked up her phone and found Ana's missed call, she called her back

"Beautiful morning to my twin sister, your night was splendid I guess?"

"Yes Abel, I guess your night was wonderful too? Abel remembered her one night stand with Micheal, she couldn't help but buried her face down.

"Yes twin sister".

"Father called yesterday saying he wouldn't be able to make it today, he only wished us success".

"Alright twinee, success is yours".

"Same to you Abel, I will hang up now, see you at the company in few hours time".

"Yes love, bye".

Abel tried calling her father but his line wasn't going through, so she dropped him a message.

"Father, hope you great and calm, please take care of your health and pray for our success, I will check up on you soon, I know the spirit of our mother would always be with us. I love you".

She got up trembling on her own two feet, she felt so weak, she looked around the room and couldn't find the man she had sex with the previous night, ®Bastard, he left already, I should have known the sex was only to pay back the treatment I gave to him®…

She had her bath and found out that a cloth was neatly arranged on the bed for her with a pair of shoe. She scoffed Hun, He definitely knows how to take care of women, he is possibly a pervert. "Abel wore the armless skirt suit together with a silver overall gown. ®No bag®, Abel checked her drawer and found a matching bag with a flower background, silver linings, got her shoes on, She dashed out of the room, and went to the ground floor to grab something for break fast, on getting there she heard a man speaking on the phone but she couldn't figure out what the other party was saying at the other end.

"Hello, Did you trace Chan's movement during my attack? "Yes young master" Mr CHAN was in a meeting with the investors from Chicago he never had any suspicious call or act",

What's the highest possibilities of miss Abel's winning today, she saved my life I should help her in return.... get my back supporters, make the best deal out of her personality, No bribes, show them her past achievement, get my portfolio, signal it to them, tell them she has the support of Micheal Luis, No mistake, clean job do not let it leak to her about me being Micheal Luis, try making her stock increase in a couple of hours, she has No supporter her twin sister will try every means to block her from acceding the post.... "Yes young master".

He hanged up, and went back to what he was cooking. Abel's eyes filled with tears when she hard she has been living with the hidden son of the Luis household and not the son of a concubine as she was told... she laughed Ironically,

"Ha ha ha, Micheal turned back and saw her laughing, he was surprise.

Luis... No Mr Luis, o my God, my bad... I should have known all along, I am so stupid how could I have ever imagined a concubine would be present in the Luis household Hahaha...

Micheal was stunned, speechless he couldn't say a word, what could he say??? ®Abel please not today,.you need my support to aim high® he moved forward but she stepped back... "Mr Micheal I guess you are fully recovered now, we paid ourselves equally, there was No cheating, whatever happened between us yesterday night was just a one night stand pleasure, you enjoyed it so did I, she moved forward and whispered into his ear, 'You can't possibly tell me you inlove with Miss Abel hun Haha she laughed at him, she saw the pain he felt, the fustration he was having with her words but she acted like it was none of her business "What, Why aren't you saying anything? Why? so you his brother "Chan Luis and Micheal Luis the blood brothers Haha... (Abel wanted to cry, but it isn't this morning.)

Micheal's heart was shaken by her sudden sarcastic behavior, he couldn't help but hurt her, he never wished to lie to her face,

"Abel I love you I swear I do, I can't describe the love I have for you..."husssh Mr Luis I am Miss Abel, you the hidden son, the Heir.

Micheal tried to touch her but she sharply said "Mr Luis you don't dare randomly touch people you could be sued for that, I am sure you know the law"

No, he couldn't believe what she was gushing out" Micheal grabbed her two shoulders, "Aish, I hate your touches please, it bugs me" Micheal was too emotional now, He kissed her passionately, she tried resisting but she found herself wanting more of his kissing,

"Miss Abel you hate my touching? Hun, you hate my kisses too, you hate my feels, Han, he grabbed her two succulent breast and squeezed it hard, you hate this too?" 'Ahh Micheal I hate you, don't touch me, you a bastard, she pushed him hard to the sink stand and slapped him he bleed, she forgot his injury'. On seeing the incident all she could say is,

"Mr Luis I believe you have recovered greatly please go back to your apartment and withdraw any plan you have for me in becoming the next CEO of our organization, You can never force love, it's not a play thing, if you ever loved me you would never have lied to me thank you. She slammed the door behind her.

Micheal bleed, he felt like the world was turn into a chaos, he groaned in pains, Abel please not today, I am sorry... "Come Over to Abel's house we living for their company " "Yes young master".

Abel drove in silence, she decided not to think of Micheal until after the election, Abel got to the office 30minutes late to the meeting. "Madame you 30minutes late the board meeting have already started, everyone is present except you, they are all lamenting out of anger and frustration, Miss Ana is on sit too"

"It's Okay".

Abel's heart was beating faster than the usual heart beat, she could hear it herself. Her hands were trembling.

®How can she come late on a day like this? She is such an Over pampered young girl... snuff we can't stand to make her the CEO.... Yes!!!.Ana should take Over... No she might be delayed....® "Open". 'Yes madame'

Click, behold she stood before the board of directors who were lamenting few seconds ago.

"Ana twinee I miss you". She stood up and hugged her twin sister.

"Abel Why are you late, What's the scratch on your head for?".

"Nah, it's just a little scratch love, I am good muah".

Ana sat down,

"I am sorry for the waiting, please Pardon my rudeness". Abel could feel the ugly glare staring at her, but she shunned them off not minding them...

"Start the speech".

"Oh before we start I had like to thank everyone for the love and support they give to my sister and I, whoever is chosen today I hope you all could help and support us in the rightful way". Thanks. (Abel)

The manager started, "Before the agenda of today we have a project before hand". Let's check out the ratings of our company in the highest other, firmly we are still at the top with 5drops behind Luis, we have to have an outstanding strategy on how to beat them to it in other to be at the top in the market industry, we all have heard of the return of Micheal Luis of Luis international group of companies, we have heard he is a devil in disguise, he is no more than a human being like us, we can form our own strategy in our business world to counterbalance his own knowledge and Idea, he is someone none of us in this room have met either privately or on business, we don't know how he looks like, for sure we could say he is an underground devil attacking from the rear position we have to be alert not to drop our current status. Thank you....{Applause all around}.

Abel wasn't listening, but she heard when the manager said No one had ever met Micheal Luis.... ®I actually met him today you bastard®…

"Our next agenda is the election of our new CEO or CEO has decided to step down for one of his daughters, it's either Miss Ana or Miss Abel…let's take a look at the past achievement of this two young ladies in or organization... the portfolio that is given to everyone of you right now contains their past achievement till date, after reading it thoroughly please tick your required candidate name on the computer screen before you, we have 5minute to do all that....".

Abel and Ana smiled at each other... Abel's phone rang suddenly. She picked almost immediately as if waiting for the caller...

"Miss Abel you have a guest waiting for you at the junkyard, he promised to leave abruptly after delivering the message he had for you just within a couple of minute... "Excuse me I would be back in a giff". Abel went to the junkyard but found No one there, she called the previous caller severally but to No avail... she tried going out of the junkyard but she was shut inside....

It finally struck to Abel that she was being hunted, she already threw the GPS tracker Micheal gave her as a gift for saving his life while coming, she tried calling but all connections were lost, Her heart began to race like Usain Bolt, she could smell petrol everywhere fire could be seen surrounding her, her screams couldn't be heard, she is finally in her last moment.... Abel found a single tunnel, she passed through it for survival.. she already had scratches, she has inhaled couple of smokes, she got to a bush, couldn't find her way, she ran like a bear gasping for water, she is being hunted from behind, she can't die, ®I can't die, not yet, I am just shooting a movie the leading actress never dies, it's a suspense movie, I am a Super woman, mother where are you? (she sobs silently in pain), we live for survival, I am Abel I can't be defeated®. She hid behind a fat tree, while hiding she noticed something hissing, dear lord it's a snake...she screemed loud, got the attention of her hunters, she was on the run again, she got to a cliff panting not hoping to jump, Abel was in a delimer not wanting to jump and also wanting to jump, she hoped she could negotiate with them, Abel begged ("Please don't kill me, I will double the price No triple, who sent you? you know me I am rich") the men looked at her, one of them spoke,

"Miss, we are sorry to say, but either you believe it or not it's left to you, the person who sent us is your one and only twin sister Miss Ana David, so you can't double nor triple the price, we have been paid"... Abel couldn't believe, she wanted it to be all lies, ®NO No No no, not Ana, you lairs I would never forgive you demons...®

"Hahaha who do you think you have grudges with? who is your vital enemy, never trust anyone, not even yourself in your next world, good bye Miss Abel".

Three gun shots one leading to the heart the other led straight to her head the last was shot on her stomach which made her fall off the cliff, and then she died.

{A/N: Where is Miss Abel? Chapter 11}.