
Caught In A Mess {Chapter 24}.

Ana stood from afar and watched the scene, the elegant lady at the front was just her replica, except the face, ™how did this happen? That's not me™ she shooked Bernard.

"Bernard please say something."

"Ana I have told you to calm down we can't afford to get embarrassed in front of all this guest."

"What no way, this is my hall my show and my party, Dave can't steal my spot light he was able to get me arrested earlier this week because he caught me off guard but now I won't take it anymore." Ana pulled her hand off Bernard in haste and walked fast to the stage.. "What the hell is this Ana fuck, you would only be disgraced."

Ana got to the stage and turned Dave around to face her, she gave him a hot slap, everyone turned around to look at the scene...

™Omo, isn't that Ana™..™oh Yes she is but who is the lady putting on the same dress with her?™ ™Oh she slapped him™...everyone kept arguing, Ana turned a deaf ear to them.

"Mr Dave it's such a long time, but it feels like my palm had some itches upon seeing you today at my birthday party without invitation."

"Wow, you more bold than ever before, your party? Nah you guessed wrong Ma'am"

"What??? I was taught by you."

"Would you like to know??? Okay Let's see."


"Urmmmh sorry everyone it's just some uninvited guest that keeps lurking around, she wishes to know the occasion today Mr please whose birthday party is this?"

"Miss Angel Milton, Mr Dave's girlfriend."

"What???...Ana laughed so hard..Really, you wanna play games with me Hun"...Dave whispered into her ear.

®It's best for you to walk out before being disgraced®.

"What??? you mad man, why are you always standing in my way???haannn... why why why? hey you would you dare pull off the mask on you and Let's see your face if you so bold to steal my spot light you could show me your face too."

"Aish my Angel doesn't open her face in the public." Dave replied.

"Why? are you hidding something, you stealing my show so I could at least know your face right everybody???"

"Yes!!!!" Everyone shouted.

"Miss Ana don't you feel you will get disgraced?"

"No let see who will win today, you won the last time now it could be even."

"Dave laughed, hahaha Okay...." he looked at Angel who was starring at Ana in disgust, Ana couldn't see her reaction..

"Baby our heiress wants to see your face, we could pleas her in a bit please my love"...the guest were still watching the scene.

Angel looked at Ana, Dave whispered to her... ®It's Okay baby, you good, don't be weary of her she is no match for you Angel, just see her as a stepping stool baby®.

Angel pulled off her mask Ana was shocked

"What? why you like this?..your face looks all rough, I thought you were a damsel as he claims all the time, hahaha, I see he picked you up from street, brushed you, polished you and thought you how to attend high society parties."

"How dare you!!" she yelled...the voice was so alike just like Abel's voice..."

"Pardon??...then why is she putting on my dress."

"What you crazy woman, you putting on my cloth you stole my design bitch."

"What you are the bitch you and your filthy lover are crazy, you both are the craziest, you bunch of idiots!!! it's my birthday, I paid for this hall I designed my outfit privately."

"What? who told you it's a private design? everyone we have another surprise for you, Visit Alexandria store and you know who stole whose design motherfucker"...everyone googled and saw the head lines on Alexandria website.

*"Alexandria's new outfit dinner gown sold to Jessica Wears on demand".*

Ana looked for answers in disbelief..."What??"

Dave face boomed with mischievous smile, he looked up and saw Micheal who was watching the scenario... Chan was enjoying the displeasure look on Ana's face..

"Waow, brother don't you think Dave and Ana fits so well, he can handle her, he is a perfect planner, such a clean job, Dave is indeed a real investor."

"Chan!!! don't you have some shame??"


"Did you see, you dugged a hole now you the one thrown inside it... Ana, I will let you off today because I don't want my Angel to be tagged along in your mess... I won't disregard her feelings for me."

"You.." Dave whispered into her ear.

™Miss you won't want to go back to the resting place I made for you anymore would you?™.

Ana cried and wailed in tears, "I hate you Dave I hate you, Ana fainted shortly after."

Angel's spirit boiled up, everyone looked blur in her eyes, she held her forehead, "My love" that was the last thing she said... She fainted.

"Angel Angel baby.... ambulance Xavier!!! please call the ambulance, Angel no no noooo!! baby please wake up we didn't plan this, tears were rolling down Dave's cheek, he was pulled out of Angel's grip, no don't take her she isn't dead... Angel Angel!!!!" Xavier knocked him out. Angel and Ana were giving first aid before taken to the hospital...the hall was in disarray, both celebrants lost their breath.


Dave woke up, "Angel!!!"

"Hun....I am here." Dave sat up and held her hand.

"Baby..." he hugged her..in tears "I thought you decided to leave me."

"Why would I?" I haven't made you dinner yet...Dave smiled.

"You promised never to leave me."

"Yes I did."

"Thank you baby, thanks Angel"...He released her and kissed her.

Micheal and Chan came visiting... "Dave, Angel"

"Micheal" Angel stood up and looked at the two...

"Baby meet Micheal's Junior brother 'Chan Luis."

"Why do you look so familiar???"


"Even your voice sounds alike."

"Aissh Chan you probably hearing and seeing things."

"You a liar ain't seeing things she looks familiar like I have felt her closeness before..." he moved closer to her, Angel held Dave's hand and faced him.

"Urrrmmm guys please my baby doesn't like noise, Chan please withdraw she is my girlfriend you can't have a doubting mind. You can view her properly once her face gets cleared."

"Okay", still starring at her back.

"Dave we came to check up on you, but seems you are okay after seeing her."

"Yes, Thanks guys."

"See you later."

Chan and Micheal left the room, Micheal already knew the true Identity of Angel but he kept silent.

"Big Brother"


"Don't you feel there is something strange about Angel?"


"You don't feel her scent? she looks familiar, she looks so much like Ana."

"Everyone looks alike Chan."

"What? Don't tell me you still don't remember Abel?"

"I don't", frankly speaking Micheal doesn't know why he couldn't recollect his memories with Abel.

"Brother later, I need to check on something.


Chan drove off and went straight home.

"Get me every data about this person Angel Milton and get me every data about Abel David."

"Yes sir."


{A/N: 5 years ago, Chapter 25}.

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