
My Twin and I (WAR OF THE TWINS)

Angelic, social, lovely, adorable, sweet, young twins who make the third leg of every young man rise like a dragon head. They make the young maidens of their age gasp for air and jelousy, you can't possibly ask for more when you have this outstanding twins.Talk of beauty, talk of intelligence and all, but one flaw. Abel is a kindhearted young woman, full of love and ambition, but slightly stupid {Lol}. She went through a lot of life threatening issues both in love and agony. Abel became a Viper just within a night, because of the death sentence she received from her twin. She went through a lot of heart breaks from the one she love due to her twin. Ana has already been a devil right from time, she found out that her twin is the only obstacle for her star to shine to the world without any support or without anybody sharing part of her happiness, Abel is her obstacle, Abel is the only blockade... without Abel no one can stop her. Micheal is the sole Heir to the Luis international group of companies. He is a devil in disguise, the only man that can kill all the living things in the world in other to have the woman he desires, the only man that gets bloody to revenge the woman of his life... he went through so many temptations in the hands of Abel twin sister. Chan is the biological junior brother of Micheal, he could do anything to have his missing rib even if it meant eliminating his elder brother. He worked hand in hand with Ana most times just to have Abel for himself. Michelle is a Russian lady Abel's true confidante. Ben: Ana's driver. Mother Theresa Micheal and Chan's biological mother. Ronald: Ana's secret lover.

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Ana {Chapter 15}

Angel signaled to a server, while waiting for the server she checked through their menu and told the two men she is gonna have two portion of rice and chicken with Pepsi. Dave love eating the things his girlfriend eats so they ordered the same meal for the three of them. Within some couple of minutes their orders were served to them.

"Oh lord bless our meal in a righteous way (Amen)" said everyone. After a mouth full the two friends started there conversation.

"Dave my birthday comes up in a months time I hope you can attend it" The spoon in the hand of Dave dropped into the plate almost immediately he heard the words of Micheal.

"Are you finally gonna become a public figure on that day?"


"What are you out of your mind or is has your food been poisoned?

"Man understand me life has been difficult for me to live and survive, every night I dream of being chased by those bad guys". Dave looked at Angels face when Micheal uttered those words, but she looked like she wasn't paying attention to their conversation.

"But friend it's risky"

"I have been living all my life in hiding, I work at father's company under the name of Charles Luis the adopted son of father, but life hasn't been fair to me, I get my pictures taken without my consent, I get beaten up without knowing my rivals, being known to the public is better than hiding, I just wanna be free for ones in my life.

"Have you thought about what strategy would be used in other to get rid of you on that day?"

"Dave I have an assurance that everything will go on well, I don't care if my brother thinks of me as a bad guy or not, I want to free myself from those attackers, I want to know those who wants me dead in reality"

"Hmmm brother"


"I want you to know I have always got your back, you have decided and so be it".

"Thanks bro, so make sure you bring my in-law along".

"Yeah, we will see to that".


"umnmmm" she responded while sipping her drink.

"If your man doesn't want to come, if he says he is gonna be with you in the bush on that day just leave him behind and come over Okay? I don't know Why he has decided to live in the bush, I don't even know his hou"... Dave stepped on him deliberately not to finish his sentence... "I mean I didn't even know he has court a beauty queen. You so lucky to have him because he is the kindest person in the world he can die for another, he is my life saver too, and I am sure he is very lucky to have you too".

"Sure don't worry he is save with me, care to have my cell number?

"Yes please" Angel called out her cell number and he flashed her instantly.

"Thanks love, I have to get back to work soon, bestfriend I gat to go now".

"Yes, babe I will be back in a giff", he patted her shoulder and went with his friend.

Micheal and Dave got to the down floor and Dave spoke,

"Does she look familiar to you Micheal?

"No, I just found interest in her, she is lovely, you made the right choice, I hope to see more of you two in the nearest future".

"Nah Micheal never says more than two sentences unlike now he says fifth sentences or more at a time Lol...hahahaha" they both laughed.

"Why you keeping her in a secluded place?".

"Sometimes ago few years back she got into an accident, all her family members left her to be by herself I was the only one by her side... I decided to keep her there to avoid any harm".

"Oh I see, but you can't turn her into a full house wife, you should establish some business or an organization in her own name".

"Yes you are right, I will think if what to do, Thanks man you the best, I love you bro".

"I heart you big too, I gat to be on my way now".

"OK cheers" they hugged each other dearly and patted ways.

Chan waited to see Micheal left successfully before heading back into the restaurant.

"Love let's get going, wanna pay the bills now..Chan saw the dejected face of his girlfriend and knelt before her...

"Girlfriend Why have you spoilt your face you aren't pretty anymore, you are now ugly".

"Huh, Oh No, boyfriend girlfriend is sorry but she doesn't seems like going back to the bush that's Why her she became ugly".

"As from this moment onward boyfriend will be bringing girlfriend Over to the city".

"Really?" Angel couldn't help but kiss her man passionately. "Girlfriend loves you wholeheartedly".

"Same here love"

"Besides who is Abel David? And Ana David?"

Dave gasp for breath suddenly "Wha What's girlfriend tal talking ab about?".

"You have a dinner scheduled for seven pm with Miss Ana David tomorrow, but really her name rings in my head, like it's a familiar name to me, boyfriend do you think I know this woman?". Dave became confused Angel noticed the changes in his behaviour, but never suspected her man in anyway.

"Arrmmm baby let's go now, we talk about that later love, Hun boyfriend miss your scent already".

™Is Ana coming back into your life same as Abel? No way I can't let those two people have any space in your heart anymore, you can't dine or dwell with them, you can't leave me, never, I would rather die than have you connected to them again, you are mine now Angel you are mine, No one could take you away from me, No one™... He held her hands and spoke to her...

"I love you Angel deep love, you know I will die without seeing you for a day, I can forgo all my wealth just to be with you, you are an Angel sent to watch Over me always....please don't ever leave me Angel, please, I want you only you, Angel I can't live without you, I won't let anyone steal you away from me, you can't leave me No matter what". Angel could see the sudden tears in Dave's eye lid, she kissed both his eyes, she never knew why her man never brought her to the city for over five years.. but she knew it was for her own sake.

"Angel loves you too, who says I was gonna leave you? your love is more than enough for me boyfriend, if you keep on being emotional Angel will start crying too, and girlfriend knows you wouldn't want that right love?" She smiled, Dave nodded in tears and kissed her. "I love you Angel, I really do".

{A/N: Don't pass your boundary, Chapter 16}.