
My twin's life

Hellow guys , am a new writer in webnovel i beg for your cooperation and your comments for betterment in exploring a reading world. Am sorry in advanve for any mistakes you will encounter , am not perfect but i promise to do it better. The involves two identical twins living in a different places not knowing each other but one has to live the life of her twin sister after a tragedy. A lot hunts her own life and more from her sisters she has to disclose the puzzle and win out. Will she be able to when love , hatred, hardship, diseases and failures awaits on her journey . Accompany me in this journey and find out how she will survive all.

Irene_Edom · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

You're still my child .

Ariana walked toward the special her father always like to stay and spend sometime. She knocked twice and was welcomed by a deep voice " Come in " . Ariana twisted the door knoband entered smiling .

" My daughter" Mr.Sparkle spoke reciprocating the smile she gave. Ariana walked and hugged him so tightly. Sparkle patted her for some minutes and let go , she pulled a chair and sat .

" Before anything Ariana , just know you have always been my beautiful daughter , and you're still one and that won't change even in the future" Mr.Sparkle spoke holding her hands.

" That's not what's been bothering me , i know you will never abandon me and am always your beloved daughter" she said looking at his eyes and giving him my smile.

" I came to tell you that i will be going to Jamaica , i want to find my biological mother " .

Mr Sparkle was not really pleased about the report but he gave a befitting smile.

" Dad , is it alright?" she asked noticing the frown in his face .

" No , but recently Jamaica is not in peace and i don't want you to be in any trouble" he said leaving her hands and sighed heavily. " We can send my mens to go and fetch her for you " he added .

" No dady , i want to go and fetch her myself and explore my mom's homeplace" Ariana insisted again.

" You know princess i really have a bad feeling about this , let me help you out with this and lessen my guilty " Mr.Sparkle said pulling his seat near her.

" Dad you don't have to feel guilty.Am not blaming you for any of what happened , inshort am glad that mom told me the truth" she said.

" Are you not mad at me princess ?" he asked looking at her face and honesty displayed in his..

" I was mad and you owe me dad , but am not into blaming you for all my life" she said smiling.

" Okay then , but be extremely careful" . Mr.sparkle agreed but something was missing in whatever he was feeling . He had a feeling like something bad is going to happen but could nit perceive what was it all along.

" And i will be leaving tonight dad" she added while standing up.

" Why not waiting till tomorrow, and did you talk to Danford , he loves you so much more than all of us maybe" He said approaching her .

" Well he was the first before you , i guess " she giggled . " I knew it and am dissapointed , how about carlos" he said .

Ariana was quite for sometime and hee father smiled . " And i also knew that rascal knows nothing of it" he then laughed because he always knew the hostility between his son and daughter.

" That was not a good joke , dad " she said pouting and made a baby face. Mr.sparkle hugged her tightly and caressed her back smoothly .


" Audrey you have to explain everything to me" Rellie said anger radiating from her face.

" Why should i ?" she replied fiercely.

" Am your mother , for god's sake and what happened to you yesterday was terrifying and here you are asking me why should you explain it" Now she looked really angry and Audrey showed no sign of care in her eyes.

" What is it your dealing with because that was not only about coffee serving job " she added .Audrey stood up and looked at her fiercely , she was alredy annoyed.

" I work for drugs supplying organization...satsified?" she asked with sarcasm in he voice. Rellie could not believe that her innocent looking child was involves with such dangerous missions and it knocked her senses well that the drug she supplies is illegal and probably bunned from use and that is extremely dangerous.

" What, are you hearing yourself right now . Speaking aloud with confidence , is that something to be proud of .Police will eventually dig into this and you won't be saved, ooh my god....did i really give birth to this brat ?" shw was now confussed while whatever ahe said angered more Audy.

" And look who is talking , a woman whom was jailed for baby kidnap and murder , and you're trying to ask god why you gave birth to me while you're a Murder yourself" she blanted it off her face and scoffed.

" Ain't what you think miss Rellie , am a psycho and lunatic , trust me you haven't seen that version yet but am not any close to what you are. So think before you blabber out on me next time , i won't really take the caution of you being my mother... because i really don't care about the woman who abandoned me for her greedness".

Rellie was left stunned as tears rolled down her cheeks and Audrey picked up her bag and walked to the door.

" You don't know where i was since two days ago , that will be the best excuse to buy sometime from the police when they come looking for me. I'll be back in few days" . And by that Audrey left and miss Rellie fell down to the floor crying.