
My twin's life

Hellow guys , am a new writer in webnovel i beg for your cooperation and your comments for betterment in exploring a reading world. Am sorry in advanve for any mistakes you will encounter , am not perfect but i promise to do it better. The involves two identical twins living in a different places not knowing each other but one has to live the life of her twin sister after a tragedy. A lot hunts her own life and more from her sisters she has to disclose the puzzle and win out. Will she be able to when love , hatred, hardship, diseases and failures awaits on her journey . Accompany me in this journey and find out how she will survive all.

Irene_Edom · Fantasy
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20 Chs

What's your job?.

" This is not what we agreed on , Chriss" Audrey shouted . " Keep it low bitch , that's all i got " Chriss said giving a puff of smoke into the air as he walked away. Audrey ran after him and kicked his back and he fell .

Now that was a hell mistake as ten men came from their hiding and started chasing her.

" Shit , it's a trap" Audrey picked up a briefcase and started running . All the things were taking place at johs street mostly known for it's illegal drug dealings. In Jamaica people are allowed to use drugs but not of all types due to their extreme effect on human body.

On her escaping , she was shot on her hand and fell down . Audrey growned in pain but got up and continued her race otherwise she was going to be dead. In one of streetcorner she heard a police cars alarming her ways.She chose a spot and hid herself well holding where she got shot.

" Let's go , before the police catch us " said Chriss but it was too late as they were surrounded and a voice was heard " Hands up , don't act smart otherwise we'll shoot " .It was James , the most likable police officer in the country as nothing gets away his sight without being punished if it's wrong.

" That slut trapped us , She'll pay for this" Chriss cursed as a cuff was placed in his hands and some of his mens.Some escaped the cascade and went back to their boss while chriss and his unlucky friends went to police.

After a half an hour , Audrey got up and opened a dustbin lid then got off it and started walking back home with a briefcase in her hand. On her way she started thinking what will she explain to her mother if she is awake. She couldn't go to Andrea's place cause she was on duty today on serving the big sharks of the city.

Energy drained out of her body as she walked toward her house , it was not so far from where she was and her throat screamed for some water. Sweat dripped on her face and blood thrilled down her hand.

" Hold on Audy, we're almost there" she encouraged herself as she pulled herself to the balcony of her house.

She slowly opened the door and found her mother sitting watching a TV .Her mother scanned her and smiled as she got up.

" You're back early , i was waiting for you " her mom said hugging her and Audy's face was screwed for a time as she held a pain . She did not want her mother to notice anything different

" I told you not to wait for me" She said giving a fake smile. Her mom pulled her the same hand and dragged her to dining hall and made her seat.

" I made your favourite food " Her mom spoke opening hotpots and foodcover to show her noodles , smashed potatoes and limonade , some roasted beef and bananas. Audrey looked at them and sighed difficulty.

" They are not anymore but i will have some" she replied taking a fork and pulled a plate of noodles. " You have changed a lot " the woman spoke in disappointment and Audrey tried hard not to shake her hand that she was shot and used it for eating at same time.

" I will take a bath first and finish this off " Audy said she stood up . Her mother nodded because she knew that her daughter ignored her because she was still mad at her. , In short she has always been angry with her mother because she demands a reason as to why she was jailed and abandoned her to her grandma when she was a child.

Rellie blacks that's her name and deep down she harbours a secret she can'7ut reveal to Audrey and any other person.

Rellie looked at her daughter leaving and tears welled up in her eyes. She ate her food and was taking her plate to the kitchen when she spotted a blood drop. That was where Audy sat few minutes ago and blood was never there before she thought hardly.

I think i saw Audy's hand shake a little bit and sweat bided on her forehead abnormally . She looked sobtired and pale. Something is wrong, Rellie placed a plate down and followed her upstair . She opened the door without knocking and gasped at the sight she saw.

Audrey was sitting down on the floor wearing only a bra and she was busy removing a bullet from her hand . Only groans werw heard as she limited her screams with a piece of cloth in her mouth.

" mmmmrgh" She groaned again. What happened to my baby princess . Relloe ran toward her amd knelt down immediately , " Audrey, what happened" .

Audrey did not reply instead moved backward a little bit and stayed away from her. She kept groaning as whe succeeded in taking out a bullet and Rellie kept crying suprised.

Suddenly a bang sound was heard from down stairs and people came rushing up. Audrey on hearing that she stood up and walked to her wardobe and toom out a gun . " Mom get under the bed and don't get out no matter what " she ordered.

" No Audy i can't leave you alone here " Rellie resisted and that bought time as the men were already on that floor .

" Put your gun down , Audy' one of the man said and Audy pulled her mother behind her.

" Never " she replied still holding a gun and the guy chose a fight and defeated her as she was injured . The other men searched the area and found the sitcase amd took it .

" See it wasn't that hard " the guy smiled and ran off with his group.

" Audy" Rellie called her daughter who laid helplessy.

Rollie pulled her daughter who was resistant and wanted to follow the mens. " Let me go , i can't let them have that case " she said

" What's your job , Audy " Rollie asked as lot of weird thoughts werw running on her mind and i wanted to clear it.

Audrey stood up with difficult and looked at her mother " None of your business" Audy replied .