
My twin's life

Hellow guys , am a new writer in webnovel i beg for your cooperation and your comments for betterment in exploring a reading world. Am sorry in advanve for any mistakes you will encounter , am not perfect but i promise to do it better. The involves two identical twins living in a different places not knowing each other but one has to live the life of her twin sister after a tragedy. A lot hunts her own life and more from her sisters she has to disclose the puzzle and win out. Will she be able to when love , hatred, hardship, diseases and failures awaits on her journey . Accompany me in this journey and find out how she will survive all.

Irene_Edom · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Three years.

Ariana's POV.

Mom was all i called before everything went blank and was the same word i called first, how i missed her despite all the fights i once had with her. This was the only moment i have to spend with her , i have been hearing voices so many times but one of it was all over my head as it seems he visited me often.

On opening my eyes i heard the same voice , it was a man and i received so many kisses from him like a candy loved by a kid. A doctor was present too but gave the man space , i bet these two understand each other very much.

But i don't know the man , nothing in my memory tells me that i have ever met this man as i scanned the room to know it's hospital , afterall this is where i would be after such a tragedy.

I triend to cope with the flow but i had to know who was this man before me , how comes he visits me everytime, and so i asked who was he .I could see confusion on his face and pain too , was he so close to me , i may have hurt him so much if he was my boyfriend.

I took my time in interpreting every question they asked me until a doctor called me Ariana , and that's when i remembered her , my twin sister we were both in accident , i hope she is alright.

I gave them a confusion as it was well plastered on their face until the man in white coat asked what was my name, and i replied " Ariana Sparkle" because they just called me Miss.Sparkle and Ariana sometimes.

The other man , i coukd see how he tried to restrain himself until that patience broke and held my hand tightly saying he was my brother and his name was Dan.

My senses then clicked so damn hard , these were people related to my sister Ariana and they confuse us cause we are so similar in all aspect, i couldn't blame them if they can't differentiate us at all.

Anyway where was she , was she alright how about my friend Andrea , i really wanted to know everything and what confused me most was my mom , where was she .

All the people introduced before me were my sister's family and they still can't figure out that am not their rich spoiled daughter.

The old man named Mr.Sparkle was so kind and patted me like a little baby , how loving he was together with Dan but i couldn't miss the snake eyes within the other man whom happened to be my sister's brother and a woman whom was her mother, did she live a cruel life too.

When the doctor ordered Dan and Mr.Sparkle to follow him , i knew i wilk be announced wuth a memory loss and i really want to tell them that am Audrey and not Ariana but i simply can't trust these people here , it was the same trust that caused my misery today.

The arrogant man walked to me and asked me to cut off the act, atleast he had a keen eye to see that but i was not pretending either , i really don't know them at all . I simply asked if he was Carlos as they introduced earlier and the grinning on his face stopped , he thought he got me but i got him.

Laura , this woman was an expert in masking her expression , i couldn't perceive what she was feeling at the moment but probably not hurt , that am sure of it . She patted his son's shoulder and they both left after he promised to expose me and make sure am not Sparkles anymore , like i was this man is going to be a hindrace but i this will end as soon i tell them am not Ariana.

I was lost in my own world of thoughts when a knob was twisted and Dan came in, i could read direct through his eyes , he was a good man and so in love with Ariana i doubt if it was only brother - sister relationship.

He walked toward tge bed i lied for quite sometime now still feeling weak but thank god my mind is doing fine. He held my hand and placed a kiss on it , he was so gentle i could see it as he caressed my hand smoothly while looking at my face.

Quiteness filled tha space and the atmosphere became heavy , his hand moved to my face and he pulled backward my hair strand that was lingering on my pale .

" You look so pale but beautiful as always , princess " he spoke after a long time and his voice was so intimidating, i smiled fakely because i really didn't like this closeness , i don't deserve all of this.

I stared at him for a while while he went on caressing my hand while my head was filled with so much thoughts . " How long have i been here " i decided to ask .

I saw him gulping down and i payed attention hoping he would be honest , " Three years" he said and my eyes widened, how come , how was this happening. I have been in this bed for three years now , i only thought it was yesterday when an accident took place .

Panic and confusion crossed my face and i could see Dan getting worried , he cupped my face and soothed it with his hands " Calm down , princess" .

I was lying in this bed for three years , was in coma , did i really not woke up in three years , so what really happened in between , what about Ariana , mom and Andrea ... what the hell happened.

Tears fell down my cheek as pain stroke between my chest and i gripped hard my hospital cloth on my chest , fear crawled down my spine , what the hell happened , did they die , i felt my body going numb as Dan screamed " Kenny " and he bursted out shouting while panic took over me and i started wandering on my bed , i wanted to get up and i fell as soon my feets touched the floor , " Nooo " was all i could say , pain still running in my veins.

Dan rushed back only to find me down , he hugged me tightly" Calm down , Ariana" he begged , fear on his voice could not be missed .The doctors came in rushing and Dan gave them a space as tgey carried me back to bed and injected me with some medicine.

"They can't be dead , can they " my mind was all a fuzz when a blur vison took space and like that day i saw blank again , it was dark again.

Please my lovely readers do comment please , i beg for your support . I really want to know if am doing something good honestly........

Love you all

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