
My twin's life

Hellow guys , am a new writer in webnovel i beg for your cooperation and your comments for betterment in exploring a reading world. Am sorry in advanve for any mistakes you will encounter , am not perfect but i promise to do it better. The involves two identical twins living in a different places not knowing each other but one has to live the life of her twin sister after a tragedy. A lot hunts her own life and more from her sisters she has to disclose the puzzle and win out. Will she be able to when love , hatred, hardship, diseases and failures awaits on her journey . Accompany me in this journey and find out how she will survive all.

Irene_Edom · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

The truth.

" Nothing may hurt you but also save as the truth"

For the past twenty four my life have been so much easier for i had a spoon life fed, little did i know that am not among of their family . Ariana Sparkle that's my name and i came from a powerful and richest family in Calfornia , it is mostly known by it's famous businesses and companies without forgetting a support it gives to the government.

Am highly respected in the country being the only daughter of Mr Spike Sparkle , my two brothers Carlos Sparkle and Danford Sparkle. These two have different characters , one being wise and intelligent while the other exercised foolishness and jealousy.

I and Carlos don't really get along , but with Danford am always enjoying.

" Well , well" Carlos spoke looking at Ariana coming from upstairs. Ariana ignored his brother as she kissed him on his cheek.

" So when are you , leaving " Carlos added and i ignored him as well.

I took my seat and started eating as some of food were served by Danford. After a meal i drove off with Danford.

" Keep ignoring me as you can , i will make sure you leave this house" Carlos gritted his teeth as he spoke.


" Come here , my daughter" a woman said as she smiles. A young girl walked still not believing that her mother was out of prison. A tear ran down her cheek and a sob followed.It has been so long and it took them 20 years to miss each other.

" Am glad , u're out mom" the girl cried as her mother patted her back accompanying her in sorrows.

They headed home after short embracing moment , their house was normal and only by an eye you would tell that they are poor family.

" Who's that boy , princess" the woman asked as she took a bite on beef that was well cooked and not to denie a fact it looked amaizing and delicious.

" He is my friend, Jake " the girl replied and focused on her food . " Delicious " the woman said to ease the tension.

" You will always be selfish " Jake spoke as he entered the dining room after finishing arranging some parcels. The girl gazed at him as he pouted and she ignored him completely and the woman could not miss the scene.

It was finally night and the house had a tense atmosphere , Jake walked to the woman and smiled " I have to go , maam it's already late " .

The woman smiled back and as her eyes pierced through his soul , she predicted him to be humble and kind . He is a good man , she completed her thoughts as she replied Jake, " Ofcourse my son , it's dangerous out there you should go home" .

Jake smiled once again and held her hand kissed it and bowed it on his forehead then slowly walked out to the balcony where the young girl sat.

" Everything alright? " He asked tapping her shoulders , she glared at him and stood up after heaving a breath. " Let me see you out , it's late.

They slowly started to walk away . " You're not okay , what's bothering you? " Jake asked and the girl sighed . She took her time of quiteness before she answered " I guess am still in shock, it's so long and am not believing that this long hell misery just ended ".

" Well u' ve got to believe , everything is real" Jake said as he stopped his steps , the girl did the same and he looked at her eyes . " I know you're stressed out but please don't let this add up , you will freak " he insisted and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

" Thanks , i will work on that " she smiled and Jake scoffed. " Why are you scoffing" she asked her face looking pale.

" Nothing , am just suprised that everytime i kiss you , your face gets redden " he spoke with sexy voice. Thr girl hit his arm hard and spoke angrly " Today am in no mood for your teasing" she said moving a step back from him and he did not give a reply but left smiling.

The girl went back home and found her mother on the balcony. " Why are not asleep " she asked standing beside her. " Am not believing that i will now sleep peaceful after so long "The woman replied looking to the skies.

" Well wake up from your nightmares, and get back to sleep " she said looking at her intensely.

" You're still angry with me ? " the woman spoke still looking at the skies but the girl kept quite . " That seems to be nice and no doubt he loves you , try to give him a chance" the woman added now her gaze ahifted to her daughter.

" It's too late , am going to bed am tired " the girl spoke and headed inside while her mother glared at her until she disappeared before her sight.

" She will never understand me until i tell her all about it " the woman sighed and got inside too .

Back to sparkles....

" Were not your parents, you were adopted " Mrs .Sparkle said looking at her intensely and her world shattered right there. " Am sorry , i took so long but i should have said it soon or later" she added but Ariana was not in her right mind state.

" We really don't know about your father but your mother's name is Rellie and she left you with a paper that had your name and address befor the orphanage and we thinks it's hers " Mrs.Sparkle said her eyes welled up in tears while Ariana's shed some in meanwhile.

That was all she recalled when She touched her forehead and sighed heavily . " It can't be true , am not buying this trick that mom is trying to pull" . Ariana them sat and pulled a drawer close to her bed and took out a small paper that Mrs. Sparkle gave her yesterday, she glared at it and nothing made sense , she was adopted and her biological mother abandoned her outside the orphanage.


"My child" a woman screamed and sat on her bed , sweating and the man beside couldn't ignore her . He also sat and hugged her " It's the dame dream again honey?" he asked as he caressed and comforted her.

"I miss her Miller , she keeps calling me in my dreams and i don't know what to do " she now sobbed her and the man patted her.