
My twin's life

Hellow guys , am a new writer in webnovel i beg for your cooperation and your comments for betterment in exploring a reading world. Am sorry in advanve for any mistakes you will encounter , am not perfect but i promise to do it better. The involves two identical twins living in a different places not knowing each other but one has to live the life of her twin sister after a tragedy. A lot hunts her own life and more from her sisters she has to disclose the puzzle and win out. Will she be able to when love , hatred, hardship, diseases and failures awaits on her journey . Accompany me in this journey and find out how she will survive all.

Irene_Edom · Fantasy
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20 Chs


Audrey's POV

Jake is a nice man , i knew since the first time we met he loved me but i was with that jerk sam .These three days have been great and came to know his monstrous side , he is wild on bed, i remember once we had a one night stand after gotten so much wasted though since that day we pushed aside the fact and acted as friends , thanks god sam never knew.

Looking onto his beautiful handsome face , my heart felt peace. Jake is one attractive guy and any woman's dream , his facial features are more like feminine , i bet he inherited his mother's genes mostly.

I lowered my face and pecked his lips , they are pinkish a bit and watery , i got carried on when a hand gripped her hourglass waist and pulled her closer.

" Can't get enough of me" he spoke hoursely with a smirk. I always like his Morning voice it's so alluring.

" I just thought that i would get some water from you" i said and that was a blant excuse as he held my hand and slowly made me touch down there ..... ooh god i forgot it's morning and it's his erecting time.

" Let me give you then , since it's Early my tap will surely give you some hot water" he spoke as he flipped me down and his lips on mine .....Breakfast in the morning.

After the lovey dovey , i grabbed my bag and headed back home along with Jake and he dropped there and left to work. This was the best morning ever , i thought to myself as i walk inside the house only to find my mom speaking very lovely to the girl whom i couldn't see her face but her long black hair just like mine gave me the curiosity.

" Audrey " my mom called and just smiled but what freaked me was when the girl turned . Did i just see my copy, fuck me i think am still on sex dreams yet , Jake fucks hard though. a crept smile crossed my face on that thoughts.

" Is she my sister twin , mom " the girl spoke.

Now this silver plate kiddo is joking , i think she is just my illusion . How can i be this rich and be in front of the poor me.

I walked past them and headed to my room to get some sleep , i really need to wake up from my sex dreams. I can hear my mom still calling my name while following me behind.

" Mom , am okay i just need some sleep " i said opening to my room and my mom spoke the unbearable.

" She is Ariana , your twin sister" , Mom looked so happy and yet sad cause my face frowned.On looking behind her i saw That yoing woman that my mom claims to be my twin , we do look the same everything maybe character and life float because she looks rich and spoilt.

" So whose child did you kill , i thought you killed your own" i scoffed anger flowing in my nerves like never.My mom eyes welled up as she tried to gather up her courage to face me , there always one question that was still unanswered throughout my life and i really wished that this woman before me could be honest with me in one million a time.

" I did not kill anyone , Audrey" she replied holding her head high while rubbing away her tears.

"So what were you doing in jail all this time, were you lowly employee or what ?" sarcasm was not missed in my voice.

"Stop talking to her like that, if it's your pleasure pass through me first" Ariana snapped angrily

whooh , i never saw that coming , i glared at her and took my steps when my mother tried to block her from me , but this rich kid seems to have some nerves .

" look who is speaking now , where were you all these years when she was jailed , huh?" i shouted.

" I just knew that she is my mother but i can't stand your rude attitude despite being my twin sister" Ariana said .

" Sisters ?" i questioned while scoffing . " Well Miss Rellie keep whatever you keep as a secret , atleast she is dumb i won't have a problem , and make sure to have a mother - daughter duo party " i said looking at my mother and i looked at my so called sister , and i can't really denie i almost confused myself with her as my illusion.

" And you , sister you shall pay fot the party and meal ... i would like some chickens , i missed the taste and better be so dumb as you are cause it would take years for you to really understand why i questioned her about the jail cases" i said leaving both of them in my room.

When i was far away from home , Andy called

" Yes bessie , thanks you called .... let's meet at kariokee restaurant"

The kariokee restaurant was quitey favourite, it was a quite place and tge food were really nice although the price was something else to be gossipped.

The curiosity really kills me , i want to know what really happened ti my mother until she was jailed , the love that i always see in her eyes for me and especially what i saw today gave me a perfect hunch that she is not someone to take a life while she gave two.

Something is missing in this part here and she spent twenty years in jail. I raised my head to see Andy walking inside the restaurant swaying her hips side to side making the men inside shift their gave to her and some were beaten secretly by their ladies, my bessie was a heavenly gorgeous.

" So what is it ?" she said taking her seat and snapping me out of my own thoughts and i looked at her smiling .

" Is your pocket full , today?" she asked again and i knew why , it was because of kariokee status despite that i rarely come here.

" Only for two orenge juice glass" i said , well that costs less than everything it is almost like the free thing around here.Andy gave me an angry look and i understood it was all because of my restaurant choice.

" We just need to talk " i added as she rolled her eyes and i began to spit out everything that happened and a loud laugh was a deadly reply as people turned to us and some gave us a nasty glare .

"Sorry ladies please low your voices" one of tge pass by waitress reminded ys of where we were.But i did not make that ruckus laugh and i furiously looked at Andy who still held her mouth as a defence from bursting out again.

"I have got to see her , and i could believe you then" she said as i dragged her out of there because she would definitely laugh again loyder than before. It was a loss that i had to pay even when she did not touch her glass of juicy , this rotten brat.