
My twin's life

Hellow guys , am a new writer in webnovel i beg for your cooperation and your comments for betterment in exploring a reading world. Am sorry in advanve for any mistakes you will encounter , am not perfect but i promise to do it better. The involves two identical twins living in a different places not knowing each other but one has to live the life of her twin sister after a tragedy. A lot hunts her own life and more from her sisters she has to disclose the puzzle and win out. Will she be able to when love , hatred, hardship, diseases and failures awaits on her journey . Accompany me in this journey and find out how she will survive all.

Irene_Edom · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

She doesn't remember.

" How is she " Dan asked kenny who was busy sipping his coffee. Lately Audrey was freaking out everytime and the only possible solution was to put her to sleep.

" Still the same , she is freaking out " kenny said and looked at Dan , he had lost some weight in three years and he was not himself at all .Kenny pitted him but this guy was stubborn too , he couldn't just rest until she is doing fine.

" She'll be okay , once she accepts the truth, it's only the matter of time buddy" kenny insisteded and Dan sighed gazing to the floor.


" Did you go yesterday " kyle asked as he pulled a seat infront of Jonathan's table placing some of the files .

Jonathan shaked his head indicating that he went. " So how is she ?" Kyle asked him and only a sigh proved that nothing was well anynear.

" Dan was there i couldn't meet her" Kyle smirked knowing that they both don't get along .How would they when his friend broke th heart of Sparkle princess , no brother would like the man who hurts his sister at all.

" It was a way better " he said as he opened one of the file and get occupied with it while Jonathan gave a killer gaze.

" Eagle's company finally agreed to close a deal with you , you better please them Jona" Kyle added ignoring his anger , he was speaking the truth.

" Make an appointment , soon " Jona spoke picking the file from his hand .

"I tried and they said , it's their call we should wait , i heard their CEO is just like an eagle " kyle praised as he stood up only to see a frown in Jona's face , oooh how could he forget that his friend was all egoistic .

" Am going home " Kyle bidded as he walked out leaving Jona on his own thoughts about the mysterious man he is going to deal with , how hard was he and he seemed to be arrogant just by deny him a call for a meeting.


A man in his black tuxedo suit woke up from his sleep and looked beside him only to find the other person snoring , how far was this journey he thought . His eyes were filled with darkness and his aura spoke of death , his blue eyes spoke a lot as much as it hides everything his soul keeps.

He was bored already of the long journey and how the other man snores was not helping at all . Suddenly his phone buzzed making a sound and he looked at his pocket to find a notification of a message.

" she doesn't remember , not even her family sir "the message stated and the man creased his eyebrows , he took some time before he texted back and placed his phone back .

He then picked a phone beside his seat and asked the pilot " How long does this journey take " he shouted this time sending chills down the spine of the man who answered " Within thirty minutes sir" .

The man sighed and placed his knuckles on his face to adjust his pose.This man was death himself.

After a while the plane landed and the majestic king got off together with the other man who seemed to be confused by his sudden change , if he remembers well he was just fine before boarding the plane, something was not right here , what happened , he questioned himself.

They silently walked to the car and drove back home , and as soon as he arrived the man's leg carried him upstairs . He walked hastily until he arrived , as he stood outside the door he stabilized his breath and opened the door only to find a woman sitting in a wheel chair , her back facing him.

Her dark long hair site made him smile a bit as he walked toward her and back hugged her while still in a seat.

" I missed you , so much" he said as he moved to the front " Didn't you miss me " he added cupping her face kissed her forehead.

" I have a good news today , but i hope i will prove it good " the man said but the woman stayed still on her chair not moving even a muscle.

" I have not seen her yet but her pictures tells me she is the one , i just need to get bottom of it although , she doesn't remember anything" sadness could be noticed , he was breaking inside and it was killing him. He rwalky needed to find the girl.

The other man peeked through the door and noticed how happy he was with the woman. For all these years , she was the only one whom atlesat made him smile despite his monstrous aura.

This mysterious girl was driving him crazy.


At the hospital , Audrey stood near the window doing better as days went by although her mind was not her own , she was so confused.

" I have to get out of here as soon as possible and these people won't let me go, what should i do , how do i convice them that am alright?. Should I tell them am not Ariana , how can I trust them they might be cobra's people too but how can they be so kind to me especially Dan , what is he hiding. I have to be extra careful i know that silly oldman is watching me , or maybe chriss , he betrayed me afterall, i won't let him be either if i get a chance .

I really have to get some updates about Ariana and Andrea , they can't be dead am sure am mistaken with my sister , she is probably with Mom now and stuck in Jamaica .It's not safe there too she has to know , how do i contact her, god help me out. Should i explain it to Dan , he will understand i can see how he loves Ariana , he might help but he is seeing me as lunatic , i have to act normal first to convice him.

Should i really act as Ariana , for god sake i don't know a thing about that dummy , how can i act like her now , am not dumb. How was she dealing with her family .I must be normal for them to believe , i have to blend with them to escape from here cause am very sure this is not Jamaica , there are lot of clean plenty air here , i can't smell even a smoke , seems like no body smokes here .

Once i walk way from this country , the first thing i would want is to torture and give a painful death to Sam. I must find him.

Audrey finished her plans in mind while gritting her death on mentioning her ex's name , it sounded bitter as hatred filled her heart and she was on taking her revenge on who caused her pain.