
My twin's life

Hellow guys , am a new writer in webnovel i beg for your cooperation and your comments for betterment in exploring a reading world. Am sorry in advanve for any mistakes you will encounter , am not perfect but i promise to do it better. The involves two identical twins living in a different places not knowing each other but one has to live the life of her twin sister after a tragedy. A lot hunts her own life and more from her sisters she has to disclose the puzzle and win out. Will she be able to when love , hatred, hardship, diseases and failures awaits on her journey . Accompany me in this journey and find out how she will survive all.

Irene_Edom · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


A woman walked hastily toward the office despite being told that her husband is in the meeting. Nobody had the power to stop her but only pleaded with her because their boss will surely not be happy to be disturbed while being in the meeting.

She pushed the door open and not caring how many people were inside and how important the meeting was but walked toward her husband.

"Miller " she called hugging him after he stood up and by his gaze tge meeting was called off.

All the people walked out leaving the couple behind although some were left with what's wrong with her attitude she rarely comes to the Miller finance company.

" What's bothering you my love " Miller patted her , worry covered his face.

" I fell asleep in tge office and dreamt about her again , Miller " she exclaimed crying.

" Was it worse, this time Cassie " he asked about the nightmare because that was tge only thing that makes his wife unhappy for more than 20 years now , there is no peace in his house despite being rich.

" She died again in my dreams, Miller , she keeps dying again and again am scared " Cassie cried hard and Miller just patted her because he has promised her so many time and nothing good came out of it and he better promise it in his heart.


A door knob was twisted and kyle walked in only to find a displeased environment , he closed the door and waited for the what was happening in the office that was filled with moans and groans as two bodies pleasured themselves, it was their usual .

After a while a woman came out and a sex smell lingered with her , she glared at kyle and smirked . " Consider a knock other time , slave" she added walking out in all the grace she carried.

Kyle bursted inside to find Jonathan pulling his trouser and belt well , He gave hima a hard glare as he seated tiredly.

" What is it ?" Jonathan broke the cold atmosphere that was built a while ago and Kyle smirked.

" Do you know why you will lose her everytime" as soon as those words Jonathan turned and his killing aura came alive , his veins surfaced and his face darkened.

" I was carried away" he replied and a laugh was heard and Jonathan was suprised for the first time Kyle acted like that , something was definitely wrong .

" Dianne was the reason you two broke up and here you were fucking her while she woke up from her misery , you lost again" he said leaving him alone .

" She is awake " something striked his face as confusion crossed his face , god damn it he messed again. He ruffled his hairs standing pacing back and forth , " i should go to her , yes i should" he took his steps hastily but was stopped by kyle on the door .

" You smell sex , that is not a pleasant smell she would like, anyway she won't remember you" kyle pushed him and dropped the files on tge table .

" What do you mean " his words came as a whisper cause his world crambled Instantly , he moved and grabbed his hand forcing him to look at him while his eyez darkened.

" Stop making a fuss , sit and sign these documents it's not like you care anyway " kyle shouted .

" I love her " Jonathan shouted back and kyle creased his eyebrows.

" Then you could have moulded better than fucking every woman you see " kyle spoke piercing him with a butter truth.

" That's none of your business kyle" Jonathan snapped.

" She has lost her memories, and don't bring your hopes high , she can't remember even Dan " that was enough to break all his hope, because he knew nobody came before her brother when it comes to her undivided love.

" Get back your senses , pull your ass down and sign these because we won't lose this deal" kyle insisted .

" Don't boss me Kyle , am the boss " Jonathan snapped at him .Kyle zipped hus mouth and walked out leaving his friend in a devastated condition.

" I really messed up, i should go" Jonathan left too.


" Princess , don't you really remember anything " Mr.Sparkle asked disappointment was displayed clearly on his face , fear , guilty, pain was all plastered on his face .

Ariana glanced at the people inside , nobody was in a good state after the news especially Mr.Sparkle and Danford but she noticed a sly smile on one man whom the other family addressed as Carlos and a woman whom she was told that she is her mother Laura , she gave no facial expression and that confussed her .

She glanced at Dan who looked a mess from rumbling his hair several time and tiredness was vivid on his eyes , disappointment and pain were all accompanied too.

"Dan see me in my office " kenny ordered as he walked out of the ward , Dan stood up and walked hastily as his mind was all about how to cure his beloved sister , Mr.Sparkle followed too leaving Ariana with Carlos and Laura.

As soon as they walked out Carlos took his steps closer to the bed and asked her with a smirk.

" Were alone now , drop the act " , Ariana was confused and tried to read expression from her so called mom but nothing was presentable.

" Don't worry about her , she is a good secret keeper" he winked and gave her a sly smile.

" Carlos " she called and he grinned meekly lifting his shoulders down. " There we are baby girl " he said smiling but his happiness ended before it started.

" I heard them calling you so , are you also my brother " Carlos gritted his teeth knowing that she was playing them a fool and she easily get away with it , he wondered how come Mr.Sparkle the most fearable man in city together with his Great son fall into her trap.

Laura glared hard as if she was looking into her soul and find whatever she was hidding at the moment.

She walked and patted her son's shoulder before she left and Carlos looked at her keenly , he bent to be closer and smirked " I will expose you and make sure you are no longer a sparkle again" he moved away from her and her confused expression blessed his day , he laughed and winked before he left.

There are lot that were left on Ariana's mind and it was all a mystery to unfind was a new challenge she has to encounter in her life. What was going on , what happened.