
My twin's life

Hellow guys , am a new writer in webnovel i beg for your cooperation and your comments for betterment in exploring a reading world. Am sorry in advanve for any mistakes you will encounter , am not perfect but i promise to do it better. The involves two identical twins living in a different places not knowing each other but one has to live the life of her twin sister after a tragedy. A lot hunts her own life and more from her sisters she has to disclose the puzzle and win out. Will she be able to when love , hatred, hardship, diseases and failures awaits on her journey . Accompany me in this journey and find out how she will survive all.

Irene_Edom · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

My daughter.

Birds were chirping and the sound were ecstasy when Aryana woke up and gazed through the window only to be welcomed by beautiful sunrays , she always liked such a view .She slowly moved way from the bed and walked toward her handbag tgat shr threw yesterday lazily, then took out a small paper and smiled.

" Good morning Jamaica , hope i will see my mom in you with no obstacles" she then picked up her phone from the table and dialed someone.

" I' ll be waiting , don't be late i can't wait " she said smile not letting her lips free.


Rellie was busy watering her daughter's garden humming a song in her lips. The song made her forget about all that happened few days ago although she was deadly worried about her child. As she went on drowning on her thoughts she spotted two legs standing before her. On a hurry glance the shoes explained that the person was a woman.

And according to how they were it was well known to her that whom ever she is , she is not an ordinary poor woman who lives in that lowly place that they were. Her eyes slowly trailed upward on the short skirt that the woman was wearing and there again it hit and broke her senses that tge woman was a young girl , no older woman would wear such short skirt to disgrace herself.

When her eyes landed on the handbag she discovered that not only that the woman is not from nearby but also from a very higj and rich family not for the lastest brand and expensive handbag that she carried.

A gasp escaped her when her eyes landed on her face " What did this brat do , to gain such branded stuffs, wait... she is... " her mind wrecked and her thoughts stopped as she closed her mouth with both her hands and a can fell with a sound on the ground.

" My daughter" Rellie could not believe what she was seeing at the moment , the girl she thought she lost was standing before her fit and kicking.

A young girl before her smiled and her eyes welled up on seeing Rellie on her tears and how her hands trembled as she slowly raised them to touch her , she knew in an instant that she had lived a misery without her and one thing that kept her smile despite the tears rolling on her cheeks was tge fact that she missed her too just like how she misses her after knowing that she is her mother .

" My daughter " Rellie called as she broke down when pulled her into a tight hug. " Mom " the girl called as tears also strolling down her cheeks.


" This woman, is definitely up to something " Jake spoke as she went rumblings on her stuffs but found nothing.

" I really have to know about the other business that she is involved in..... if it's drug i will never let her do that , not after i have fallen in love with her" he kept speaking to himself as he tries to rearrange how things were before.

He then walked and picked up a bag from a droor that nobody knows of it qnd took out a phone and dialed someone.

" Ooh , i can see that Mr.Craig misses me" the voice from the other side was heard and it was a woman.

" Seems like your brain goes numb sometimes to forget about how many times i told you not to call me by my name, Maggie" Jake scolded her and she jolted despite of the distance and she instantly knew that he was in no mode of joking.

" Sorry, Conrad" there again she spilled what she was scolded not to do .

" Maggie" he shouted out his lungs and instantly heard footsteps , on looking who was it a sweat thrilled down his spine and disconnected the call.

" My love " he went hurriedly and hugged her

"Am glad you're home , honey" he added and places a kiss on her forehead.

" Why were you shouting " Audy asked looking at how sweaty he is becoming . Jake faked a smile and patted her hairs while gazing at her luscious lips , he could never get tired of them and in the two days his soul gained immerse peace as he devoured the woman he is madly in love with.

This woman before her , captured his feelings when he firstly saw her when he came for his underworld business , he could have left so far but holds himself back because of her .

" You really are a lust monster" she smirked as Jake took her lips and sucked them , as she gasped for air he deepened the kiss while pulling her thin waist making them close the distance between them completely.

" You're my desire , Audy" he whispered and nibbled her ear lobe and a moan eacaped her ..

" Where did you go , u escaped from me early " he spoke still gazing on her body lustily. Audy sighed and crossed her arm around his neck while flashing him a sexy smile.

" I went to plead with my job and i met Andrea too " she said trailing her fingers on his broad chest.

" What do you hide darling, i will soon find out about that" Jake thought without display his thoughts and smiled at her .

" So did that old man , pledged with you " he asked looking deeply onto her eyes maybe he will find what she is hiding .

" Yes he did , am the most hardworker and he needs me the most than i do need him " she joked and laughter filled the space .

Time flew , they cooked and ate as night approached.

" Jake , i need to tell you something" She said looking at him and he frowned knowing that he can't have her tonight.

" Can't you stay for the night , i will escort you i promise " .... " What do you plan " Audy snapped at him and he flinched on her gaze knowing that she might point out that all he wants is to devour her viscously tonight.

" Nothing , i just prefer spending more time with you .... you know i always don't get such a chance , it was for the better you fought with your mother "

" Are you serious?" she was a bit taken by his sentence and he realised that he spoke a lot lately. " Noo but don't you think it was for the good " he still stood on his world.

" Fuck , Jake you're becoming a pervert " she snapped moving away from him but he caught her hand .

" Yes sweetheart cause if you didn't quarrel with her , i could be able to speak my feelings and i couldn't have ....." he halted his words as his gaze fell on her boobs and his hand travveled fast on cupping them pulling himself down as he pulled up her brouse and took one of her breat , he gazed at her face as she was still looking at whatever he does and that was a yes when he sucked it hard to earn a loud moan.

" I kew you were a shameless man " she hissed and he flipped her down and got on top as he went on sucking and bitting her nipples as she moaned.