
My twin's life

Hellow guys , am a new writer in webnovel i beg for your cooperation and your comments for betterment in exploring a reading world. Am sorry in advanve for any mistakes you will encounter , am not perfect but i promise to do it better. The involves two identical twins living in a different places not knowing each other but one has to live the life of her twin sister after a tragedy. A lot hunts her own life and more from her sisters she has to disclose the puzzle and win out. Will she be able to when love , hatred, hardship, diseases and failures awaits on her journey . Accompany me in this journey and find out how she will survive all.

Irene_Edom · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Am your boyfriend.

A door was opened slowly and that gave Audrey a chilling feelong down her spine as she gazed on the black shoes and started trailing her eyes to the man's face.

Thr man was gorgeous , neat , handsome and his brown eyes were so alluring, his hairs , his physique was so amaizing to her eyes that she was lost in his word for a while.

The man smiled and closed the door , walked to her as she stood near the window fidgeting her fingers, his eye contact with her amused his soul , how he longed to see her again on her feets.

" Who are you " was the first question Audy threw to the man and he stooped on his tracks , gulped down some saliva and nervousness crept on his face. Pain , worry and fear crossed together but masked his expression as fast as he could and smiled again as he did when he came inside.

" I asked you who are you ?" Audy repeated her question again , still gathering some courage to face him no matter whom he is , she reminded herself to be alert cause it's the first time she sees him , who was he , who was he to Ariana or whatever , those thoughts run inside her mind.

"Am your boyfriend" the man replied and she gulped down still not breaking eye contact with him at all , she tried to read his expression but a lovely smile hid it all .

This was crazy but not a total insanity , so Ariana had such handsome boyfriend despite being so dumb. Anyway he was not anynear to her man Jake despite of being poor.

" I don't know you , Mr so if you would excuse me please " Audy said moving past him and walked to her bed when her hand was pulled forcing her to turn and in milliseconds she was in his embrace, he was warm and his heartbeat fast too.

A certain unknown feeling filled her heart and she couldn't understand what was happening, this man was soft , seems good and he was so alluring to her but she couldn't give like that , if he truly was her twin's boyfriend then he was hers and not her man , she should stay away from him.

Audrey pushed him and looked at him trying hard to control her breath that accelerated due to the gorgeousness of this man ,. The man frowned a bit until he regained his compulsion once again.

" I said , i don't know you , so don't...... " her words were cut off when he suddenly cupped her face and slammed his lips onto her . They were soft , warm and smelled nice , they sent a thrilling feeling down her spine and her palms got wet Instantly , nervousness took over her but a warm and sweet feeling filled her heart for a moment .

She tried to grasp some air when a man slide down his tounge that was so hot and rolled it in her mouth meeting her tounge , while his lips sucked in her lower lip immensely. For such a loving feeling , Audy completely forgot and kissed him back.

On seeing so the man intensified his kiss, sucking her like a hungry beast and his hands unconsciously pulled her waist closer and closed the remained space between them , while his tounge went on doing some magic to her.

Time went like minutes , still in a kiss when a reality shoke her senses and she pushed him away , feeling so disgusted with what happened. The man was surprised and frowned as a kid denied of his favourate candy , he tried to approach her again when she blocked him with her hands.

" Stop , don't move and please go away , i really don't know you at all " she said heaving heavily.

" Honey , i understand your condition and am sorry for that but please trust me , my love "

" Just get away from me , I don't know you " she pleaded again.

" Am Jonathan , your boyfriend just trust me Ariana" the man said while closing the gap and grabbed her hands again pulling her close to him, when suddenly a door flung open and Dan went in .

On seeing Jona's hand on her waist while other holding ger hand , on impulse he dropped his parcel and rushed toward him , pull him off her and hit his face with a fist hard. Jona fell and Dan did not stop as he went on him , hitting him constantly on his face .

" Stop it , i said stop it Dan " Audy shouted pushing him off Jona . On hearing her voice , Dan stood up and faced the window rubbing his forehead hastily as sweat run down his face.

Audy knelt beside Jona and held his hand , making him seat as she grabbed her handkerchief and rubbed the blood on his mouth and nose. She couldn't get it in her mind why did Dan act so impulsive today.

" Am okay , sweetie "Jona said gaining empathy towards Audy and Dan smirked seeing his actiong skills were that amaizing.

" Am so sorry , Jona" she said helping him to stand and made him sit on her hospital bed. " What the fuck are you doing " Dan shouted seeing how his sister was acting so lovingly toward the man who cheated on her, but he was so surprised about what happened next.

"Stop it " Audy shouted and both men flinched on seeing she was angry already . " We're not in a bar for god's sake , we are in a hospital and am trying to fix the mess you just did Dan " she shouted and both men gulped , suprise lingered on their face , Ariana was never like this before.

" Dan , get out " she added and a frown could not be missed on his face, how comes she askes him to leave , Jona was the one supposed to leave .

"Get out " she repeated raising her voice on seeing him still on his stand looking at them. Jona smirked and gave Dan a sly smile raising his eyebrow and gestured him to leave through looking at the door and back to him .

"Princess , are you okay" Dan sounded so low as he tried to get hold of her hands but she slapped his hand away and crossed hers on her breasts , widening her eyes.What was wrong with this guy , he was a monster just a while ago and now a lamb , this is going to be another task.

"Am fine , now get out" she insisted once again and Jona was trying so hard to held his mocking laugh as he watched Dan leaving the room in a haste but he also noted his dark gaze and it only meant one thing , he was going to make him pay somehow , but that was not bothersome now as his sweetheart favoured him.

He looked at her beautiful face and acted to be in pain as she started giving him a first aid. To him was a joy more than a pain.

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