
My true passions

I made a story with an A.I. about an alternate universe of Passiontale. So prepare for drama. Prepare for action. Prepare for enough cheese to kill a elephant!

Woufgirl · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter 18

Dream stared at his phone, his heart sinking as the minutes ticked by without a response. Was it a false alarm? Did he misinterpret the message? Doubt began to creep in, but he pushed it away. He couldn't afford to second guess himself now.

His mind turned to Ava. Where did she get the music disk? It wasn't like Piko to leave something so important in the hands of someone else. Unless... she didn't have a choice.

A new sense of urgency filled him. He needed answers. And the first step was to find Ava.

He quickly found her still at the party, chatting with some friends. He approached her, pulling her aside.

"Ava," he said, trying to keep his voice steady. "Where did you get that music disk?"

"Well... I had a dream. Piko told me to go into the basement and open the unused safe we had. And when I did, I should show you the inside." Ava said. "And in the safe was the disk. It was labeled 'DETERMINATION emergencies only.' So... tonight I played it." She said.

Dream felt a shiver run down his spine as Ava relayed her dream about Piko. The fact that the disk had been in an unused safe in their basement and labeled 'DETERMINATION emergencies only' only added to the growing mystery. It was clear now that Piko had left the disk for a reason, and it wasn't a false alarm.

"Determination..." Dream murmured, mulling over the word. It was a term Piko used often, a mantra of sorts that she lived by. And now it seemed to be a key to deciphering her message.

"Determination emergencies only..." Dream repeated, his mind racing. He wondered if there was more to the message in the song, something he had missed.

Thank you, Ava," Dream said, giving her a small smile. "You did the right thing by playing it."

His mind was filled with questions, but one thing was clear - he needed to figure out what Piko's message meant and how to help her. And he was determined to do just that, no matter what.

"Funny thing was, I had the dream the night I got that necklace for you." Ava said. "You know, the matching one I gave you this morning, with a golden note on it. Hey, didn't you and Piko call it YOUR note? Like both of your guy's note?"

Dream's heart skipped a beat at Ava's words. The necklace – the one with the golden note pendant she had given him that morning. It hadn't just been a simple gift; it was another piece of the puzzle.

Piko and he had often referred to the golden note as 'their' note, a symbol of their shared love for music and their deep bond. Now, it seemed, it was serving another purpose.

"Wait," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. He reached into his pocket, pulling out the necklace Ava had given him. The golden note gleamed under the light.

"That's it," Dream murmured, realization dawning on him. "The note... it's not just a note. It's a symbol. It's... it's a key!"

His mind raced as he pieced everything together. The golden note, the song, the message… It all pointed to one thing. Piko was trying to communicate with him, but it was a coded message. And now, he had the key to decipher it.

With a renewed sense of hope, Dream felt a smile tug at his lips. He was one step closer to figuring out Piko's message. And he wouldn't stop until he did.

"I'll get the seance stuff" Ava said.

Dream blinked in surprise as Ava suddenly declared she would get the seance stuff. He didn't even know they had seance stuff.

"Wait, what?" he stuttered, taken aback. Seances were a whole new level of complexity. They weren't just dealing with hidden messages and cryptic songs anymore. They were stepping into the realm of the supernatural.

Ava, however, seemed unfazed as she scurried off to gather the necessary items. While Dream had his fair share of experiences with uncanny phenomena, he had never participated in a seance before.

With a deep breath, Dream decided to trust Ava. After all, Piko had chosen her to deliver the disk, and it seemed like Ava had a better understanding of the situation than he initially thought.

As Ava returned with candles, a crystal ball, and other mystical looking items, Dream felt a strange mix of fear and excitement. He didn't know what to expect, but if this was going to bring him closer to Piko, he was ready for anything.

"So are we trying to talk to her, or are we trying to make a deal with the devil?" Ava asked, totally chill with seance things.

Dream blinked at Ava, taken aback by her casual question. Ava seemed completely at ease with the idea of a seance, while Dream was still grappling with the concept.

"I... uh... I think we're trying to communicate with Piko, not making deals with any devils," Dream answered, trying to keep the nervousness out of his voice. "Let's just see if we can make contact. Maybe she can give us more information."

Ava nodded, unfazed, and began setting up for the seance. Dream watched, a knot of anticipation in his stomach. He had no idea what to expect, but he knew one thing for certain - he would do whatever it took to help Piko.

When she was done, Ava showed her soul, and held up a needle. She stuck it in her soul and retracted a large amount of DETERMINATION.

Dream watched in awe as Ava revealed her soul, a tangible, radiant entity that pulsed with her life force. He had never seen anything like it. Then, she took a needle and extracted a large amount of DETERMINATION. The substance glowed brightly, reflecting Ava's willpower and resolve.

Seeing Ava's display of courage and determination strengthened Dream's own resolve. He had been anxious, unsure, but Ava's actions reminded him why they were doing this: to help Piko.

"We're ready," Ava announced, her voice firm. She looked at Dream, her eyes filled with determination. "Let's do this."

With a nod, Dream took a deep breath, bracing himself for what was to come. He closed his eyes, focusing all his thoughts on Piko, sending silent pleas into the unknown.

When Dream opened his eyes, he saw Piko. She was standing, in a dark void. the top of the void was slightly pink. Piko hand pink chains on her wrists.

Dream's breath hitched in his throat as he saw Piko standing in the dark void. She looked different, ethereal, with pink chains around her wrists. The sight was chilling, but he also felt a rush of relief. Piko was alive.

"Piko!" Dream called out, his voice echoing in the void. "Are you okay? We're here to help you."

"We need to break those chains," Dream murmured, more to himself than to anyone else. He could feel a deep, instinctive understanding that those chains were the source of Piko's distress, her inability to communicate.

But how? How could they break chains in a place that wasn't even real? Dream looked at Ava, hoping she would have some answers.

Dream's heart clenched at the sight of Piko. The vibrant, determined spirit that he had always admired seemed to have dimmed. The Piko he knew would never submit, would never let herself be chained. But the Piko standing before him seemed to have succumbed to some unseen force.

This wasn't right. This wasn't the Piko he knew. Dream felt a surge of anger and determination. He wouldn't let Piko stay like this. He wouldn't let her lose the fiery spirit that made her who she is.

"Piko," Dream said, his voice echoing in the void. "You are not weak. You are not submissive. You are strong, and you are determined. You can break these chains. We're here for you."

As he spoke, Dream felt an intense surge of energy. He could see the chains around Piko's wrists pulse with light, reacting to his words.

"We're here, Piko," he reiterated. "And we won't leave until you're free."

As Piko started to sing, Dream felt a shiver run down his spine. Her voice echoed in the void, filling the space with a melancholic melody. The lyrics were sorrowful, speaking of withering, decaying, breaking chains, and setting the spirit free. The song was heartbreaking, a reflection of Piko's current state.

"Piko..." Dream murmured, his voice choked with emotion. He could see the pain and desperation in her eyes, hear it in her voice. He wished he could reach out and comfort her, reassure her that she wasn't alone.

But he could do more than just offer words of comfort. He could act. He had the power to change things, to help Piko.

With renewed determination, Dream turned to Ava. "We need to set her spirit free," he said, echoing the lyrics of Piko's song. "We need to break the chains. Ava, how do we do it?"

Panic surged through Dream as he realized Ava was nowhere to be seen and darkness began to creep onto Piko's body. Her song growing more desperate, the despair in her voice tangible. He felt a knot in his stomach, a sense of helplessness washing over him. She was slipping away and he didn't know how to stop it.

But he wouldn't give up. He couldn't. Not when Piko needed him.

"Piko!" Dream shouted into the void, his voice echoing. "You're not alone! You're stronger than this! You have to fight!"

But his words seemed to fade into the void, swallowed by the darkness that was consuming Piko. She was still singing, her voice now a haunting echo in the dark.

Dream's heart pounded in his chest. He felt the weight of his necklace in his pocket, the golden note Ava had given him. Remembering Ava's words, Dream pulled it out, holding it tightly in his hand.

"Piko," he said, his voice filled with determination. "This is our note. Our symbol. We're in this together."

With that, Dream plunged his hand, holding the golden note, into the darkness. He didn't know what would happen. But he knew he had to try. For Piko. For them.

Dream watched as the darkness enveloped Piko completely, a helpless feeling washing over him. But then, he noticed something. There was one spot on Piko's shirt that the darkness couldn't touch. It was like a beacon, burning brightly amidst the consuming darkness.

He watched as the darkness recoiled from the spot, as if it was burning it. It was a small victory, but it was a victory nonetheless. It gave him hope.

Dream felt a surge of determination. This was it; this was their chance. The darkness couldn't take Piko completely, couldn't extinguish her light entirely. There was still hope.

"Piko!" Dream called out, his voice echoing in the void. "You're still there! You're still fighting! I'm here with you!"

He held the golden note out, pointing it towards the spot on Piko's shirt. He didn't know what would happen, but he knew he had to try. He had to help Piko fight the darkness.

"Piko, remember our note!" he shouted. "Remember our bond! You can fight this!"

Dream's heart pounded in his chest as he realized the darkness was obscuring Piko's necklace, hiding her golden note from her sight. It was the symbol of their bond, their shared love for music, and it was being swallowed by the darkness.

"No..." Dream breathed, desperation creeping into his voice. He couldn't let this happen. He couldn't let Piko lose sight of their bond, of the strength it gave her.

With a surge of determination, Dream reached out towards the darkness that was engulfing Piko. He didn't know if he could touch it, if he could do anything to it, but he had to try.

"Piko!" Dream shouted, his voice echoing in the void. "Your note! It's still there!"

With all his might, he thrust the golden note in his hand towards the darkness, towards Piko's necklace. He willed the note to shine brightly, to break through the darkness, to remind Piko of their bond.

"Piko, remember our note!" he shouted again. "Remember our bond! You can fight this!"

Dream felt a surge of hope as he saw the golden note on Piko's necklace emerge from its hiding place, burning away the darkness that threatened to consume her. He realized then that the key to saving Piko wasn't just in his hands, but in hers too. He just needed to make her see it.

"Piko!" Dream called out, his voice resonating in the void. "Look at your necklace! Look at your note!"

He held up his own golden note, making it shine as brightly as he could. He hoped that it would serve as a beacon, guiding Piko's gaze to her own necklace.

"Your note, Piko!" He shouted again, louder this time. "Look at it! Remember our bond! You can fight this!"

He could only hope that his words would reach her, that she would see her note and remember their bond, their shared love for music, their shared determination. He hoped that it would be enough to help her fight the darkness.

Dream watched in awe as a tear fell from Piko's face, cutting a clear path through the darkness that enveloped her. It was a powerful moment, testament to the strength of her emotions, her determination to fight.

The darkness recoiled from the tear's path, revealing more of Piko's face. Her expression was pained, but there was a glimmer of something else in her eyes. Hope? Determination? Dream couldn't tell, but it gave him strength.

"Piko," Dream called out, his voice echoing in the void. "You're doing it! You're fighting back! Look at your note, remember our bond!"

He held up his own golden note, making it shine even brighter. He willed it to guide Piko, to remind her of their shared strength, their shared determination.

"You can do this, Piko!" Dream shouted, his voice filled with conviction. "You can fight this darkness! You are not alone!"

The darkness around Piko seemed to tremble, as if it recognized the threat of Piko's newfound resolve. And Dream stood by, ready to support Piko in her fight, ready to help her reclaim her light.

Dream watched in amazement as more tears fell from Piko's eyes, each one burning away more of the darkness that had consumed her. As the darkness receded, an outline of a soul appeared, a vibrant, purple-ish red entity that seemed to pulse with life.

The soul started to fill, growing brighter and stronger with each passing moment. As it did, more and more of the darkness was burned away, unable to withstand the light of Piko's soul.

Dream felt a lump in his throat, overcome with emotion. Piko was fighting back, reclaiming her light, her soul. He couldn't help but feel proud of her, of the strength she was displaying.

"Piko," he called out, his voice choked with emotion. "You're doing it! You're winning!"

He held up his own golden note, its light mingling with the light of Piko's soul. The note seemed to vibrate, as if resonating with Piko's soul, their bond strengthening in the face of adversity.

"Piko, remember our bond!" Dream shouted, his voice echoing in the void. "You're not alone! You can do this!"

And he believed it. He believed in Piko, in their bond, in the strength they shared. As he watched Piko fight back against the darkness, he knew they could overcome anything, together.

Dream's breath hitched as Piko opened her eyes, a smile spreading across her face despite the tears streaming down her cheeks. It was a sight he'd been longing to see - Piko, alive and fighting, her spirit unbroken despite the darkness that had tried to consume her.

"Piko," Dream breathed out, relief washing over him. His own eyes stung with tears, but he didn't care. Piko was back, she was okay.

He returned her smile, a mixture of relief, joy, and admiration. "You did it, Piko," he said, his voice echoing in the void. "You fought back. I knew you could do it."

His golden note glowed brightly in his hand, reflecting the light of Piko's soul. It was a symbol of their bond, their shared strength and determination. And it had helped guide Piko back from the darkness.

"You're not alone, Piko," Dream added, his voice filled with warmth and affection. "We're in this together. Always."

And as he spoke, he knew that no matter what they faced, they could overcome it. Together. They were stronger than any darkness, any adversity. Because they had each other, and their shared love for music, their shared bond.

And that was something no darkness could ever extinguish.

The roar from the void was sudden and deafening, causing a shiver of dread to run down Dream's spine. But before fear could completely take hold, Piko was there, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug. The warmth of her embrace helped to calm his racing heart, providing a much-needed sense of comfort in the midst of the unknown.

And then, just as he was being pulled away, he heard her whisper. The three words, so soft yet so powerful, echoed in his mind even as he was pulled back to reality.

"I love you, Dream."

Those words, that confession, filled him with a myriad of emotions. Surprise, joy, but most of all, a profound sense of love. He didn't get the chance to say it back, to tell her that he felt the same way. But he was determined to do so once he made it back.

Piko loved him. And he loved her. And together, they were strong enough to face anything. Even the darkness of the void.

Dream woke up, and saw he was back in the underground. "You okay? Was she okay? Better question, is she okay now?" Ava asked him.

Dream blinked, his eyes adjusting to the familiar surroundings of the underground. He was back. He was safe. But more importantly, so was Piko.

"I... I think so," he responded, his voice still shaky from the ordeal. "She fought back. She was stronger than the darkness."

He thought about Piko's smile, her tears, the warmth of her hug. And then he remembered her whisper, the three words that now echoed in his mind.

"She said... she said she loves me, Ava." He said, his voice barely above a whisper. He didn't know why he felt compelled to share that with Ava, but it felt right. Like saying it out loud would make it more real.

Ava's eyes widened in surprise, but then she smiled. "Well, that's something, isn't it?" She said, her smile warm and understanding. "You two have a strong bond, Dream. Nothing can break that. Not even the darkness."

Dream nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. He was back. Piko was safe. And they loved each other. They had faced the darkness and come out stronger.

And he knew, no matter what they faced in the future, they would face it together. They were stronger together, and their love was stronger than any darkness.

"And come on, you two have been gushing over each other since she broke the barrier." Ava said. "That, and you've been asleep for an entire day."

Dream blinked in surprise, a blush creeping up his cheeks. "Really? A whole day?" He asked, rubbing his eyes. It was hard to believe, but then again, time seemed to work differently in the void.

As for Ava's first comment, he couldn't help but grin sheepishly. "Yeah, I suppose we have been pretty obvious, haven't we?" He said, his mind drifting back to all the moments he and Piko had shared. The music, the laughter, the shared looks. It was all so clear now.

"But I wouldn't have it any other way," he added, his voice soft. "Piko is... she's special to me. And knowing that she feels the same way... it means everything."

Ava chuckled, patting his shoulder. "Well, I'm happy for you two," she said. "Now get some rest. You've had a long day."

Dream nodded, his heart feeling lighter than it had in a long time. He was back. Piko was safe. And they loved each other.

Everything else could wait. For now, he was content with that.

With a determined stride and a hard-set expression, Dream stormed into the throne room. Undyne and Alphys were deep in conversation, but he didn't care about interrupting. He felt a surge of anger and frustration, and he'd be damned if he'd let it go unnoticed.

"Undyne," he called out, his voice echoing in the large room. Both Undyne and Alphys turned to look at him, surprise evident on their faces. He didn't give them a chance to speak.

"I need to get out. I need to help Piko," he declared, his voice firm. Undyne opened her mouth, likely to argue, but Dream cut her off. "I can't just sit here and do nothing while Piko is out there, fighting for all of us. I need to be there. I need to help."

His words hung in the air, a challenge and a plea all in one. He stood his ground, meeting Undyne's gaze without flinching. He was ready to fight for this, ready to fight for Piko. He only hoped Undyne would understand.

"Dream, I feel the Energy. But it's way too dangerous. I got to listen to the people's needs too. The moment I let down that trap, monsters go extinct." Undyne said.

Dream felt his heart sink at her words, but he couldn't let it deter him. He understood Undyne's concerns, her duty to protect their people. But he also knew that Piko was out there, alone, fighting for them. He had to do something.

"I get it, Undyne," he said, his voice strained. "I know you're just trying to protect everyone. But Piko is out there, alone. She's fighting for all of us. And I... I can't just sit here and do nothing."

He took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "I'm not asking you to let down the barrier for everyone. Just for me. I need to go out there, to help Piko. If I can make a difference, if I can help her... then it's worth the risk."

Undyne was silent for a moment, her gaze thoughtful. "Dream..." she started, but he cut her off.

"Please, Undyne. I need to do this. For Piko. For all of us." His plea was desperate, genuine. He could only hope that Undyne would understand.

"Dream. I can't allow you to do that." Undyne said.

Dream felt his heart sink, his hopes dashed. He looked at Undyne, his gaze pleading, but she was resolute. Her duty as a leader was to protect their people, and he understood that. But it didn't make the disappointment any less painful.

"I... I understand, Undyne," Dream said, his voice barely above a whisper. But as he turned to leave, a surge of determination filled him, stronger than before.

He stopped, turning back to face Undyne. "I respect your decision, Undyne. But I can't just sit here and do nothing. I won't. I'll find a way to help Piko, one way or another."

And with that, he left the throne room, his resolve stronger than ever. He would find a way to help Piko, even if it meant going against Undyne's orders. Because he knew that if the roles were reversed, Piko would do the same for him.

"Dream!" He shouted, his voice echoing through the vast throne room. He whirled around, his eyes blazing with determination. "I am Dream! And I will not bow down any longer!"

He stared at Undyne, his gaze unwavering. "All my life, I've let others control me, tell me what I can and can't do. But no more. I will not sit idly by while Piko fights alone. I will not let her bear the weight of the world on her shoulders."

His voice was filled with conviction, a raw determination that surprised even him. "I will fight, Undyne. Just like Piko. And if you won't let me through, then I'll find another way. But I will not be stopped."

The silence that followed was deafening. But Dream didn't back down. He held Undyne's gaze, a silent challenge. He would fight. For Piko, for their people, for himself. He would not be stopped any longer.

Dream couldn't help the small smile that tugged at his lips, even amidst the tension. Standing up for himself like this, it felt... liberating. Empowering, even. All his life, he'd been the one to take a step back, to allow others to dictate his actions. But now, he'd found his voice. He'd found his fight.

Undyne continued to stare at him, clearly taken aback. But Dream didn't flinch under her gaze. He held himself tall, his shoulders squared and his gaze steady. He was standing up for what he believed in, for what he knew was right. And it felt good.

The silence stretched on, but Dream didn't break it. He'd said his piece. Now, it was up to Undyne to respond. But regardless of what she said, he knew one thing for sure. He wouldn't back down. Not this time.